Buying a Mac for the first time


May 5, 2005
My friend planning on buying a Mac for his first computer, he has $2000 that he would like to spend (can spend up to $2500). He's never bought a computer and I'm the resident computer geek, but i don't know enough about Mac's to be of help. He's used macs for a lot of his life and his father has lots of mac software that he's bought over the years.
My friend is looking for a laptop and he wants to use it to video editing (and all it's sub catagories). He also wants to play some of the games that everyone else around him plays (but most are PC platform based)

Any input would be greatly appriciated.
15" or 12" (his preference) powerbook g4 1.5ghz, bump the ram to 1gb and AppleCare might be a smart way to go. he won't be disappointed, my 15.1" 867mhz powerbook g4 with 1gb of ram is treating me oh so fine.
I would definitely go with the 15" for video editing. The 12" is nice for class, writing, some coding, etc.
laptop for video editing? ya right! powerbooks are slow as dogs.

if you want to edit video then you need a G5.
It depends I do some light to medium Final Cut Xpress and iMovie edits and dvd makes on my 15" 1.25ghz 1gb ram powerbook and it works pretty damn good, some slow downs but nothing major.
Keep in mind that the powerbooks aren't capable of dealing with high definition video.