Buying an i5 some questions!


Mar 19, 2004
I need help..STAT!

I'm snagging a new i5 today and I got some questions. Remember that I am in Canada so when I toss a price it's going to be a tad different

1 - Does the DDR3 ram speed make much of a difference, and if so what speed ram and how much is recommended? And does the i5 make use of Tri-channel?

I can snag GSkill Ripjaws brand for pretty cheap, but I don't want to run out and purchase something that has useless additions that cost that much more.

2 - I've been looking at i5 motherboards. If I just plan on gaming a bit and maybe doing an OC but don't need all the wizgidgits like SLI. What one would you recommend? Just the basic i5 cheapo?

3 - I already got my XFX GeForce GTX280 vid card, does this fit in all the standard i5 motherboards out there?

Thanks all. Can't wait to go shopping for my new PC :D
1 - Does the DDR3 ram speed make much of a difference, and if so what speed ram and how much is recommended? And does the i5 make use of Tri-channel?
There's a slight difference but nothing too overwhelming. Nothing that you'd notice during your everyday usage, so there's nothing to worry about. The best price/performance memory right now runs at 1600mhz. The amount of memory you have would be more beneficial as opposed to it's speed.

2 - I've been looking at i5 motherboards. If I just plan on gaming a bit and maybe doing an OC but don't need all the wizgidgits like SLI. What one would you recommend? Just the basic i5 cheapo?
MSI P55-GD65 is the best bang for the buck.

3 - I already got my XFX GeForce GTX280 vid card, does this fit in all the standard i5 motherboards out there?
The motherboard size wouldn't matter when it comes to the videocard card. In terms of fitting a large card you just need to make sure that the chassis you have is large enough for it. All PCI Express x16 slots are one standard size.
Most P55 mobos only have 4 slots so I'd go for 4GB for now (2x2GB)

4GB sticks are stupidly expensive for their capacity at the moment.

BTW it's dual channel, not duel. :)
Yeah I always screw that up lmao...I blame it on teh intarwebz maekin my spellung gud.

So my systems wouldn't really benefit from 6gb over 4gb at this current time?
I5 uses Dual channel so 4gb or 8gb, you can use 6gb , but it'll be in single channel
1600 is a good speed to get
You might also weigh if you want hyperthreading or not on the processor, then see what the prices are when your there (750 vs 860)
Yeah, that's not a bad idea. I'm trying to stay as low cost as I can though, thus the motherboard not having all the do-dads and whistles.
Ok I'm heading out as we speak. Gotta drive an hour so if anyone else has any suggestions toss em out.