Buying Strategy


Jul 27, 2004

I've been rocking a 9800pro and a A8V since december and i'm sure some of you know the via K800pro chipset and radeon 9800series dont mix so well. Basically i've put up with 2d/2d screen coruption for half a year and i finally snaped on monday.

I implusivly ordered a NF4 Ultra-D and i was going to get a 6600GT from FS/FT forum but the seller had to hold off for a bit. So now i'm left with a Ultra-D sitting on my desk in its purdy box and i'm wondering how i should solve my video card problem.

1. Hold out till seller is ready to sell the card and pick up a 6600GT for ~140USD(185CND)
2. Buy a 6600GT online now and pay close to 300CND(tax/shipping inc)
3. Wait till the new stuff comes out and get a 6600GT or 6800NU or GT when prices drop.
4. Spend alot more and get a mid range 7xxx series.

I really dont mind waiting a little while to get a used 6600GT on the forums at a good price. I'd rather do that then buy a new card for almost twice as much. But if i were to wait a bit longer i could maybe get a better card from the current product lineup or spend a bit more and get a mid end card from the new line up.

Basically is it worth waiting for the new cards to hit market or a hold i just get a cheap used 6600GT asap? My old beef with getting a 6600GT is that its not a whole lot better then my 9800pro, but at the same time, screen coruption in photoshop and videos is really pissing me off (dont get my started on 3d coruption . :mad: )

Thanks for any insight :)
Well, if you can deal with the corruption, then IMO I would hold off a little bit.

Possibly, you may be able to get a 6800GT for somewhere around $180 US when the new cards come out. But the question is, When are they coming out?

My suggestion:
Sell your 9800 pro for around $100 US, then upgrade to a 6600 GT for only $40, then if you feel performance is not good enough when the next gen cards are out, you can take the leap and buy another card.
yeah, thats sounds pretty solid. hopefully i'll be able to sell my 9800. i dunno if too many folks are interested in thoes anymore
Why a 6600GT? I figured that would have about the same specs as your 9800pro? are ya really getting an upgrade at that point?