Buying Tonight: Need Mobo advice


Oct 10, 2005
Ok quick question!!

Is there a REAL benefit of a 780gx mobo over a 780g?

What matx is the best quality (opinions wanted) htpc mobo when ONLY considering htpc duties?
Is the Diva any good/ can it "pass through" audio sources from tv or cable box?

Also even though the 780g plays blu ray fine, is there an advantage in going with a cheap ati card instead for a higher UVD version?

This htpc will rip and play back hd/bluray content only no gaming or file serving or tv watching from it.

Really want to finally pull the trigger and googling reviews has made me even more confused... this has been a 2 week process :( lol

Ok quick question!!

Is there a REAL benefit of a 780gx mobo over a 780g?
No, of course not.
What matx is the best quality (opinions wanted) htpc mobo when ONLY considering htpc duties?
Gigabyte's 780G.
Is the Diva any good/ can it "pass through" audio sources from tv or cable box?
Not totally understanding the question. AFAIK it doesn't have any digital audio in.
Also even though the 780g plays blu ray fine, is there an advantage in going with a cheap ati card instead for a higher UVD version?
Passthrough of LCPM 7.1 audio, thats the only advantage right now until AMD decides to finally update the 780G.
Really want to finally pull the trigger and googling reviews has made me even more confused... this has been a 2 week process :( lol

Should have just came here and asked.
Plays 24fp perfectly (unlike 780g / G45):

AMD side - Asus 8200
Intel side - Asus 9300
Thanks! I was leaning towards ATI so with 2 votes for nvidia is there something I don't know? I thought the ati chipsets had better reviews than nvidia's did for hd use?
Thanks! I was leaning towards ATI so with 2 votes for nvidia is there something I don't know? I thought the ati chipsets had better reviews than nvidia's did for hd use?

Honestly, both are good. Intel is the only one to stay away from cause they keep fucking up their hardware acceleration. ATI and NV have pretty stable drivers for that.

Thinking this is gonna be the one.. Gonna make myself choose by 12am lol 36 minutes left

As I said. The only one worth a damn is Gigabyte's board (or very possibly MSI's Diva boards).

The reason being is that if you want to use the HDMI connector you're going to limited to 2.0 audio since the 780G only supports that. Gigabyte gets around this by using a sound chip that does DTS connect/DD 5.1 live which means it will re-encode your TrueHD audio from pristine 7.1 HD goodness into almost as good 5.1 audio over the HDMI port. No other 780G mobo does that which I can't see any damn good reason since we all know the IGP is limited to 2.0 and they still bill it as "an HTPC solution."
I recommend getting the Gigabyte 780G mobo for the reasons CrimandEvil listed.
ok Gigabyte it is... Thanks alot.

I wasn't going to use the hdmi for audio but since they barely advertise the fact you stated I wasn't even aware of the 5.1 option with the gigabyte. I did know about the 780g and 2.0 audio though.

So picking up the board and the Lg blu/hd now. I figure the extra money on the combo drive will be saved by buying up bargain hd dvds that are out there and still look good :)

thanx again