Bypass Power Button (Not Switch) On PSU


Limp Gawd
Sep 3, 2007
I'm trying to use a Corsair CX400W in an application where it's not going to be connected to a motherboard. This means I won't be using the push on/off button on the front of the case to turn on the PSU, I just want to use the 0/1 switch on the back of the PSU. After doing a bit of searching it seems like I need to do something with the "Power On" cable (green in the 24-pin connector), but I've never worked with the internals of a PSU before and I've never done any soldering before. Does anyone have any easy guides to do this or should I just take it to a local PC shop and let them do it?

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Google "psu paperclip trick".

That should do the trick. No soldering required.