C2D cpu + GTX260...weak link?


Supreme [H]ardness
May 31, 2000
I have been holding onto the same cpu/mobo for a couple years now, a dual core running at 3200mhz, and I have 8gm ram (see the sig). I play games at 1920x1080 with either no AA or 2x AA. Cod4, Cod WAW, a couple other minor games that are not graphic intensive (Q1, Q2, Q3).

Would it be ANY benefit at all to change cpu's to an overclocked quad core? I am not interested (yet) in getting an i7, of course I know that is somewhat faster.

Just that I don't see any benefit yet, since games are at most not really dual thread optimized, and I rarely see 100% cou loading while playing...

Chime in if you have gone from a dual core to a quad core, and if it really mattered in "real world" game play.
That cpu seems fine for gaming. If anything, get a better cooler and push it to 3.6Ghz. My GTX260 216 is paired with and [email protected] and can handle anything thrown at it @ 1680x1050. (4xAA+8 or 16Aniso.)
At that resolution though, I would definitely try the overclock first to see if it helps. From my readings on these forums, seems anything at or above the 1900x1080 the GTX280/285 is ideal for that resolution.
Every game you mentioned will only utilize two core's and would definitly scale with a higher overclock. On the other hand you could potentially see higher MINIMUM frame rate increase by having the other two cores handle O.S. task and antivirus, widgets,etc....... Really only games I have seen use all four cores and make a smoother game play are

Assasins creed eats quad cores
Farcry2 benifits greatly
Crysis Warhead could get away with a high clocked dual
Grid racing game eats them up
Dirt racing game is the absolute pinacle of quad core eating games :)
Supreme commander same as Dirt
UT3 see a huge increase especially if paired with physx levels on quad
Gears of war same as UT3
Medal of honor airborne UT3 engine
Mass effect same as UT3
Frontlines fuel of war this is a UT3 engine
Mirrors edge IM pretty sure I monitored quad usage with it
Hawx jet game eats alive quads.

COD4/WAW do not gain anything with a equal clocked dual against quad. Minimums were up slightly though with quad witch is what you feel when you hit some heavy gunfire/smoke.

If your thinking of playing any of these titles YOU WILL SEE AN INCREASE.
I own all of these games and have countless hours messing with them on c2d 9800gtx+
also 9800GTX+ sli, 3 different GTX260's then moved to single gtx285 then to SLI 285's I have used all of these graphics combos with a dual and quad core so I have seen real world gains in gameplay not just benching gains. I think you should get a heatsink like a OCZ vendetta for $30 and see where you can push what you have then not satisfied go for a q6600 for $150-180 and use it with your new found cooler :) 3600mhz is about where I start to see diminishing gains in FPS's when pushed to say 3800-4100mhz. Also dont be afraid to push your pci-e bus speed to 110-120mhz as this has shown me higher minimums all around from the 200series nvidia cards. Remember go for higher minimums and dont look at the max FPS you can get, in Dirt racing going from q6600 2400mhz up to 3600mhz gives me a repeatable 20fps gain in my minimums.
I have this little e5200 2500mhz stock $65 cpu and when clocked to an easy 4000mhz it beats up many quad core cpu's as long as its a dual core threaded game like what you play ON MAX FPS. When going against a q9550 at 3900mhz and pushing that little e5200 to 4500mhz my $65 dual core mops the quad core up ON MAX FPS . But when paired with UT3 or Assasins or Dirt/Grid its minimums are way lower than the quad.

I hope this is helpful in your desision.
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Good info....thanks guys. I pretty much only play CoD4 and WaW with regularity....I just don't have enough time to be decent at anything else. With running 5 days a week (1-2 hour sessions), family, work, sleep, eating, and some computer time...yikes.

Back on track though...this cpu is pretty happy at 3.2ghz, I can run it at 3.4ghz but it takes a substantial boost in voltage to stay stable....my cooler (original Tt Big Typhoon) is sufficient as temps are fine. I just don't like the higher voltage needed.

My 260 is also fairly well overclocked.....