C2D Overclocking guid


Limp Gawd
Oct 15, 2005
I just put together my new system: E6600, Biostar 965PT, 2x1GB G.Skill DDR2800. I'm about to start overclocking but things change so fast I'm not familiar w/what works for this modern hardware. Has anyone come across really good C2D overclocking guide? Or, a Biostar TForce 965PT guide? Either would be really helpful.

as a general guideline, here's what would be good for a q+d startup.

8x400=3200. ram 1:1, timings 5-5-5-15. set 2.2v vdimm, 1.55v vmch, 1.4v vcore. then work up and down from there. for example, if that's solid, try for 8x450 / 7x500 / 9x400. might need 1.45v vcore, etc. and once everything is gravy, you can try for 4-4-4-12, and possibly lower vmch. that's extremely oversimplified but is generally a decent recipe for a quick and dirty initial testing.
When you refer to RAM at 1:1 are you refering to a specific setting or are you creating that ratio yourself? Is this just the RAM frequency?
I just put together my new system: E6600, Biostar 965PT, 2x1GB G.Skill DDR2800. I'm about to start overclocking but things change so fast I'm not familiar w/what works for this modern hardware. Has anyone come across really good C2D overclocking guide? Or, a Biostar TForce 965PT guide? Either would be really helpful.


I wrote this one snowy afternoon... It might help


It's by no means complete (or even good), but its geared towards the P965 chipset, so it's got lots of the basics down.