Cable Sleeving


Apr 5, 2007
Should I buy a cable sleeving kit? Or a new supply? Suggestions please.
Ok, what exactly are you asking here? Cable sleeving can be very tedious and you must have the right tools to do it correctly. Or you can buy a power supply that is 'pre sleeved', but they are usually expensive and might not be in the color you want.

I'll do a pros and cons for ya :). This is of course assuming you already have a decent PSU.

Sleeving kit
-you get the style and color sleeving you want
-cheaper than buying an entire new PSU
-if the PSU dies, you have to re-do the sleeving on the new PSU
-more work than buying a pre-sleeved PSU

Pre-Sleeved PSU
-no work require to sleeve the PSU, it's already done
-if the PSU dies and it's under warranty, the new PSU will come pre-sleeved
-More expensive than doing it yourself
-More limited in sleeving styles and colors

So, do you want more work, less cost, and something that'll be to your liking? Or, do you want to pay a little more and spare the time, but have something that you may not like as much. Either way it'll be better than nothing at all.
another option is to buy the supply at PerformancePC and have them sleeve it. It costs a little more but you get to pick whatever sleeve and heatshrink you like. They did my whole pc and I am very pleased with the quality
another option is to buy the supply at PerformancePC and have them sleeve it. It costs a little more but you get to pick whatever sleeve and heatshrink you like. They did my whole pc and I am very pleased with the quality

FrozenCpu will do the same thing.

Truth be told......a psu is hard to do if you dont have the right tools, especially if you are going to try and sleeve the main cable. BUT.....I enjoy doing sleeving so I find it very satisfying. It can be as tedious as tying fishing flies though.

I started out sleeving small stuff in the case then finally did some PSUs.

Now-a-days however most of the high-end PSUs are already sleeved for you.
I'm in the same boat... I really would like to start to sleeve my psu cables. I just have them crammed on the bottom of my case and they look so nasty. I figured it would be a fun little project... but I know I would need some molex tools & such. i also don't know what the good cable sleeves to get... i don't want to just get some wrap aroundkind. I'd like for it to be secure...
It's not really expensive to invest in the tools you need to do the job.. and they will likely be useful later as well.. and there are a lot of inexpensive quality sleeve kits out there. Plus when you do it yourself you get it done the way you want it done...
anyone know where i can buy the connectors at so when i shorten some of the cables?
I also want to sleeve my PSU, but people make it sound like a real daunting task :(

I have a few questions about sleeving:

1. How is it possible to remove the SATA connector from the PSU to sleeve it? Would the molex tools do the job?

2. Has anyone tried these Easy Grip molex connectors before?

3. Do you also sleeve the fan wires or is it best to leave those alone?
Definately switch to the easy grips if your doing the sleeving anyway, good time for it and they make it easier to get the plugs out of the drives n such.

One note about the kits that they sell.

While there is usually enough sleeving material for an average power supply, they never include enough shrink tubing or wire ties, so pick up some extra before hand.
If you want to buy a Sleeving kit.
Do your sanity a favor and buy a connecter removal kit.
Tring to inch the sleeving over a MOLEX is like punching your self in the face. PAINFUL!
Also these kits always come with desending sizes and for some reason the smallest size couldn't fit over a toothpick! As soon as you get the kit, find the smallest sleeving and toss it in the garbage!

Sleeving is very time intense, expect it to eat up around 6 - 10 hours of your day for a large job.
i am talking about the metal fasteners not the whole molex cant you buy those alone?