Cadillac WTF

Next thing someone will post a particle accelerator on their backs. "I GOT MINE AT WALL-MART!"
So wait... we are spending billions to bail them out and this is what they spend it on? I think I missed something, somewhere....
Thorium? Can someone explain WTF they are thinking, if at all?

Its a concept car that someone who makes way too much money approved to build a mock up (probably only a frame, if anything!).

But shit first thought I had when I saw it was "Damn that's a sweet looking video card!"
So wait... we are spending billions to bail them out and this is what they spend it on? I think I missed something, somewhere....

That's ok we spent what "officially" $750B to bail out the financial sector, JP Morgan had enough money to buy WaMu (and others?) yet some how qualifies for some of that bail out money.... it's the government gravy train, the line starts over there, and you line up based upon former net wealth!
Perfect name for that car, WTF is exactly what I thought when I saw it.
It's just some 3D renders someone made...what's the big deal? It's not a real car and it probably wouldn't function well if they really made it.

Also, the government gave out those ~750 billion dollars that they COULDN'T KEEP TRACK OF IT. They literally don't know who got how much money...and I guarantee you all CEOs and shareholders at those companies got a nice bonus this year...billions worth.
I want that car!

The day they make 100 of them, is the day the world ends. I can imagine a mad max world where people are fighting just to have this car. It'll need nothing for 100 years? That's magnificent!
I think you need to cut back on WoW and spend more time in Science class, lol. Thorium is a chemical element, that can be used as a nuclear fuel instead of Uranium. It's not just an Ore you can mine in World of Warcraft...

It's just a cool concept picture, don't expect to ever see it :p.

Woops lol. Relax, High school was over a decade ago for me. All my knowledge is on current and leading tech not fantasy nuclear power that will probably not be seen in passenger vehicles anytime soon anyway. ;)
It's just some 3D renders someone made...what's the big deal? It's not a real car and it probably wouldn't function well if they really made it.

Also, the government gave out those ~750 billion dollars that they COULDN'T KEEP TRACK OF IT. They literally don't know who got how much money...and I guarantee you all CEOs and shareholders at those companies got a nice bonus this year...billions worth.

The shareholders got bonuses?
This ain't no WTF... it's more like a HFSBTKAIWOWMICBOYGTFOWTF!!!

(Holy Shit Batman, That Kicks Ass, I Want One, Whaddya Mean I Can't Buy One Yet, Get The Fuck Out, What The Fuck!!!)

Or words (and a lot of letters) to that effect... :)
Actually, it's (Holy Fuckin' Shit Batman, That Kicks Ass, I Want One, Whaddya Mean I Can't Buy One Yet, Get The Fuck Out, What The Fuck!!!)

Its a good thing GM has their priorities straight. Our tax dollars well spent.
meh, concept cars that will never NEVER make it into production are always weird looking. Look back over the past 20 years. The weirdest concept cars that resulted in a similar production car are the PT Cruiser and the new Mustang.
ah, the poontang cruiser. God I hate that thing. It's like riding in a plastic cereal bowl. The seats feel like you're going to fall forward out of them and they feel like you're sitting cardboard. Not only that, but if you so much as just graze the interior plastics with your fingernail, it leaves a nice gouge or scratch that doesn't come out. I don't even know why people buy those things.