Call of Duty 2 XBOX 360 - 94%


Jun 6, 2004
First XBOX 360 review:

Interesting snippets:

The first thing to note is that even when the console game is running side by side with a top of the range PC version, outputting in as high-resolution as it can muster, the 360 version has the edge visually. Perhaps this will change as graphics cards evolve, but for now, the console game runs more smoothly, has far quicker load times, and looks generally better than its poor home computer cousin.

Proudly boasting an incredibly solid 60 frames per second, along with all the usual technical refinements that subtly contribute towards making the game as slick as possible (such as anti-aliasing and 720p output), Call of Duty 2 plays like a dream - never skipping to load in the enormous levels, never stuttering during moments of intense combat, and never faltering when all you can see is fire, bullets and blood. Put simply, the look of Call of Duty 2 is flawless.

Is there any slow-down, visual downgrading, or lazy programming moments hidden away in the online portion of the game? Is the multiplayer less polished than the single player campaign? In what can only be described as a breath of fresh air, the answer is a resounding "No"...

As a matter of fact, there really isn't an area of this game that has been weakened to accommodate anything else. Call of Duty 2 has been polished and refined into a fine example of the sort of solid, high-quality game players can start to expect from the next-generation of consoles. It's far more than 'just a PC port' of 'yet-another-WWII-shooter', and in light of this, it could be the best FPS available for the Xbox 360's launch. Duty is calling, and we'd advise you to enlist this winter...

Did they play a different game from the rest of us? Why does this review remind me of PC Gamer's review of Doom 3 where they called it a "masterpiece of the art form"? Hmm.
What res were they running on the pc? What were the setting? What was the system setup? I have a hard time believing that a sli 7800gtx 512 / crossfire x1800xt 512 could not beat what the xbox puts out. Also the site seems to have a slight xbox edge to it :rolleyes:

Beyond that keyboard + mouse > control pad :p
finalgt said:
Did they play a different game from the rest of us? Why does this review remind me of PC Gamer's review of Doom 3 where they called it a "masterpiece of the art form"? Hmm.

Well, Doom 3 IMHO was a masterpiece of the art form. It was by far the best Doom I had every experienced, and still rates as one of the best games of all times in my book.

As for COD2, I can verifty that the Xbox360 version I played on an HDTV at EB indeed looked a lot better than the PC version with all the features maxed out.
Indeed, the 360 version looks great. Not better then MY PC (certainly not worse either) but it runs a hell of a lot better. 60fps all the time. It runs 720p (1280*720) at 4xaa. Looks fantastic to me.
I think the demo looks tons better on my PC. I'm not trying to bash the 360 version or anything. I have a friend working on it... it's just that there is an extreme amount of aliasing and no texture filtering so things look meh to me.. Just look at the roll bar on the truck on the 360, you could cut diamonds with those jaggies. I was expecting more and I know there will be 903249320 people flaming me on this thread for stating my opinion but I'll stand by it and say that the 360 has really failed to impress me. I won't even mention how akward it is trying to control the game with a stick and buttons vs a keyboard and mouse.
peacetilence said:
I think the demo looks tons better on my PC. I'm not trying to bash the 360 version or anything. I have a friend working on it... it's just that there is an extreme amount of aliasing and no texture filtering so things look meh to me.. Just look at the roll bar on the truck on the 360, you could cut diamonds with those jaggies. I was expecting more and I know there will be 903249320 people flaming me on this thread for stating my opinion but I'll stand by it and say that the 360 has really failed to impress me. I won't even mention how akward it is trying to control the game with a stick and buttons vs a keyboard and mouse.

Almost certainly because it wasnt set up properly. Most places arent setting the 360 up at 720p, and instead the game is defaulting to 480i.

Also, apparently the final game also has 8xaf.
It wouldnt surprise me. The 1st player controller was setup as the 2nd player one and vice versa. It's also in Marin City... where things just have a way of being as disorganized as humanly possible....
It's kind of funny, because COD2 didn't look nearly as good as some other games out recently. Probably the game devs. were too lazy to put the better models and textures on the PC version. Maybe a patch?
I think the reason why COD2 scored lower on the PC front is because PC gamers have higher expectations.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Sweet...the PC version runs like trash on my rig :rolleyes:
Well no shit, you have a 2005fpw, if you try and run 1680 res yeah it's gonna run like shit. Xbox version is running 1280 x 720. Think about it.
Lmfao this is an obivous biast review as looks like an Xbox fansite. Obviously they are going to make jabs at the PC version or PS2 version of anything, calling the Xbox version more superior by any means.
Carv said:
Lmfao this is an obivous biast review as looks like an Xbox fansite. Obviously they are going to make jabs at the PC version or PS2 version of anything, calling the Xbox version more superior by any means.
What was it that gave it away? The bright green background or the huge ass XBM logo? :D
Darakian said:
What res were they running on the pc? What were the setting? What was the system setup? I have a hard time believing that a sli 7800gtx 512 / crossfire x1800xt 512 could not beat what the xbox puts out. Also the site seems to have a slight xbox edge to it :rolleyes:

Beyond that keyboard + mouse > control pad :p

dood, you are missing the point, a lot of people are. that sli or crossfire system you propose, in graphics cards alone, you have 800 or more invested, for just graphics cards. you can't play a game on just graphics cards. for roughly the price of on 7800gtx, you get an entire system (xbox 360) that can play Call of duty 2 at max settings, at 720p, with 4xAA and i'm sure a decent amount of AF (4x or 8x, maybe even 10x) all at 60fps average.
sure a 7800gtx 512mb sli system with 2 gigs of ram an overclocked X2 or FX etc. may be able to match or even beat the xbox 360 at similar settings and resolution, but thats a 2,000 dollar or more computer, that is only gonna last 2 years tops. for the price of one of those graphics cards, you get a system that is pretty damn competative for 4+ years. crap dood, look at what they squeeze out of the xbox 1, Doom3, Half life 2, Far Cry, all 3 looking damn decent (Doom 3 looks exceptional i say) much better than MOST people's computers could ever hope to even sorta do. and most people don't even have atleast a 6600gt which can only run Call of Duty 2 at medium-high settings at 1024 for 30fps average.

and also, to all of those that are saying, "oh yeah, i saw an xbox 360 kiosk, it was ugly crap!", all of that stuff is early beta/alpha release, demos, teasers, not retail, not representative of the final product. wait until you have retail copies to make judgement, crap i mean, look at the huge ass list and promising future of backward compatibility for xbox 1 games (wtf? where did that all come from?)....why can't x360 games actually look like microsoft says? wait people, you'll see, i don't even like the xbox 360 all that much, but its going to deliver solid visuals.
I think trancendenz started this post just to turn this into a PC vs console thread :p
Well now I can ignore any other reviews from Totalgames because they're full of shit.

CoD2 is not a 94% game on the PC
and a PC port of a game that's not even worth 94% is not going to be 94% on a console
Agreed, played it a few days ago (Gamecube and PC) for a few hours... 65-70% at best, even on the almighty X360. Another boring war shooter.
steviep said:
Agreed, played it a few days ago (Gamecube and PC) for a few hours... 65-70% at best, even on the almighty X360. Another boring war shooter.

The Gamecube version isn't even the same game. :rolleyes:
Because every version of CoD2 doesn't deserve more than a passing glance! lol
Neither of them entertained me for more than 5 minutes in brief spurts. As I said, below average war shooter. There are enough of those now, and certainly better ones.
What SP WWII is better? please tell me.. cause i loved COD 2, FAR more fun than FEAR, IHMO.
Look to the past, not the present. The concept has been done years ago.
I'm sorry chameleoneel but you seem to have missed my point. I was merely pointing out that the site did not review a high end system, I know most people don't have sli/crossfire, the reviewer simply stated that it looked better on the xbox without a point of reference :rolleyes:
I have a 6800gt but my neighbor is running an x700pro and I know for a fact he would buy it on his comp before getting a 360 for it due to a lower initial cost. The whole "ZOMG 360 R TEH SUPER COMPUTER AT LOW PRICE!!!111!" argument is crap because anyone that wants high end graphics will get a high end computer and those that want low cost will keep what they have a deal with the lesser graphics, this is assuming the same game is on both PC and console as it is in this case. I am not trying to say a PC is better than a console I am simply trying to tell you that they did a crappy review, example being the lack of computer specs reference, and that you are taking my initial statement to mean "PC > console".
I loved Call of Duty 1 and the expansion.

But this game seemed to have no life. The graphics were great and a few levels surprised me, but the actual gameplay was flat, lifeless, and the other characters are the most annoying blithering idiots ever. It's always the same three voices yelling a retarded sound-loop clip "German infantry!" "Behind the crate!" "Cover me I'm reloading". That's all, it just repeats over and over again until you want to smash the game.

EVEN WORSE when you are Russian and your comrades have horrible fake Russian accents saying these lines in a totally annoying way that makes you want to shoot them to get them to shut up. They screech out: "Jer-Mann-EEEEEEEENNNFAN-tree" over and over and over and over and over again ARRRRGH!!!

And man, what a stupid last level. It wasn't cool at all. None of the levels were cool in this game actually. COD1 and the Expansion pack had epic levels and great stories. I mean in COD1, you crossed the river into Stalingrad, you personally sack Berlin and the Reichstag, etc. In the expansion pack, it had great innovations like using the turrets of a bomber, etc. But in COD2, there was absolutely no level creativity at all, or was there any real ending in the last mission (nor was it any different from the others).
The "OMFG XB0X 360! 'tis 0WNLY $400!!, PC is $3,500!!!!" people need to get a dose of reality.
Xbox 360 is $400, yes, but to get the HDTV that you need to display it correctly, vs. the cost of a PC, you're just about even or more with a 360 so please spare me.
PerfectCr said:
The "OMFG XB0X 360! 'tis 0WNLY $400!!, PC is $3,500!!!!" people need to get a dose of reality.
Xbox 360 is $400, yes, but to get the HDTV that you need to display it correctly, vs. the cost of a PC, you're just about even or more with a 360 so please spare me.

That's flawed logic. You can get a very capable CRT HDTV for around $600. Cheaper if you want to go with a smaller set/poorer quality. That put's you at $1,000. Try to build a PC today that will run CoD2 with good details, resolution and some AA and you will spend WELL over $1,000. It is way more cost effective to be a console gamer. You could go buy all the current consoles including a 360 and still be ahead price wise vs. a mid priced PC. You will also have WAY more games to choose from than just the PC.

Yes in 6 months the PC graphics will probably be superior. But again at what cost? People invest far too much into graphics as it is. It's all about the games. If you are strictly a PC gamer, you are missing out on some FANTASTIC GAMES. Conversely you are missing out if you are just a console gamer (just not to the extent of the PC only crowd).
i like how all the ps elitists are like"0mGZ WTFoOrrZ 1I3k 7H1s 15 t3H iMp0551Ble

0mG WTF MGS4 7R41l3RER pS3 f0R T3h W1N!!!!!!11111"
PerfectCr said:
The "OMFG XB0X 360! 'tis 0WNLY $400!!, PC is $3,500!!!!" people need to get a dose of reality.
Xbox 360 is $400, yes, but to get the HDTV that you need to display it correctly, vs. the cost of a PC, you're just about even or more with a 360 so please spare me.

Whether I have a console or not, i'm gonna have a HDTV. Have had one for years, not everyone buys a tv just to play videgames on. In fact, most of what I do is for my home theater. High def. gaming is a lovely addition to what I would already have. Don't you have a tv? Most people do. A CRT HDTV can be got for $500. The pricepoint is getting down to normal tv prices these days. I honestly don't know where you guys buy your tvs, unless you all own 50" plasmas. Why must this crap be brought up everytime?
btf1980 said:
Whether I have a console or not, i'm gonna have a HDTV. Have had one for years, not everyone buys a tv just to play videgames on. In fact, most of what I do is for my home theater. High def. gaming is a lovely addition to what I would already have. Don't you have a tv? Most people do. A CRT HDTV can be got for $500. The pricepoint is getting down to normal tv prices these days. I honestly don't know where you guys buy your tvs, unless you all own 50" plasmas. Why must this crap be brought up everytime?
they must justify spending there life savings on $1500 worth of video card and another $700 worth of cpu :p

but seriously they have nothing less to argue besides upgradeing and customs settings
xbox 360 w/ vga adapter + your monitor or get a $325 24" crt = best value for reasonable high def gaming.

that being said any Sli rig worth a crap does produce better graphics period. it's just a matter of how much $$ you can spend.

I'm going to have both nov.22 :)
I'm currently playing it for PC and this game is truly phenomenal. The graphics are amazing, and it runs very smooth. I'm running it at 1280 X 1024, everything on max with 4X AA and 16X AF and it just looks beautiful. When I first started playing this game I was only running 1 gig. I recently (as in yesterday) threw in another gig and that really helps with performance. I think this game is texture happy. Awesome game! I think so far this year this has been my most favorite game. They really do a great job of making you feel like you’re in a war.

Sounds: 10
Graphics: 9
Game Play: 9
AI: 9
Tilt: 9.5
My Score: 9.3

Here are some screenies of my game play.

Does this game utilize HDR, anyone know?
personally I'm looking forward to buying an X-Box 360 for the #1 reason that it will be a GREAT media center PC. I will rip my DVD movies onto it (obviously I'll have to do the intial ripping on my PC... but the 360 is supposed to interface well over the network, so yay!), view digital photos on it, and play MP3s on it.... o yea... and use it to watch TV and all (supposed to have great TV features).

All those things I was going to use my existing rig (in sig) for, but with the 360 I can do all that without having a huge PC next to my TV, and at a lower power cost. Also, I was going to upgrade so many components of my PC, but now.... now I'm just going to up the RAM and call it a day until about another whole YEAR from now, when PC games are really really leaving 360 and PS3 in the dust.

Its just the money-smart way of doing it.... my upgrade in a year will be current gen stuff, so it wont be too expensive, and my girlfriend wont kill me for spending so much money.

Also, that brings me to a point I think so many PC gamers are missing out on. Consoles are just so much more accessible for people other than the hardcore male crowd. It would be the day that my girlfriend installs Quake 4, downloads the newest drivers to play, tweaks the settings just right, and learns the mouse and keyboard just to play. With a 360 right there in the living room she just pops the DVD into the drive and looks at the "how to play" first page of the manual and shes good to go. Its just more natural, and thats why having something like a 360 is actually really so much better for guys that actually have girlfriends, or friends in general that don''t solely exist on a forum.

Almost forgot... with consoles, you can have people come over and play and have a great time together.... how many single PCs can do that? Don't even bring up LAN parties, they are so niche its not even funny. I've hosted a few... wow, what a hassle... and consoles are just more feasable for at home MP on a day to day basis. Once again. for someone with friends and a girlfriend to entertain, 360 = teh win


Anyone else looking at the 360 primarily because of movie viewing joy and other media center like features? Also, don't take my post as a total condemnation of PC gaming... its more like an endorsement for the *360* itself. I will definately still be squeezing all I can out of my Athlon XP until I finally get my upgrade. The PC has some amazing games on it and I want to be able to enjoy them for as long as I can, it would just be foolish of me to NOT buy a 360, when the thing is so damn convenient !!
steviep said:
Agreed, played it a few days ago (Gamecube and PC) for a few hours... 65-70% at best, even on the almighty X360. Another boring war shooter.

Ummm dude, eh........... the Gamecube game is a completely different game.

Nice to get caught lying. Of course we all know if this was a Revolution exclusive your opinion of it would be glowing: Predictable

Though Call of Duty 2: Big Red One shares its name with another game released on the PC--and soon to be released on the Xbox 360--you shouldn't confuse the two. Big Red One for the Xbox, PlayStation 2, and GameCube is an entirely different game from the PC and Xbox 360 versions. While it's a definite improvement on Activision's last Call of Duty game for consoles, Big Red One still doesn't do quite enough to distinguish itself from numerous other World War II first-person shooters.

I am also shocked :rolleyes: to see PC Elitists jump in this thread and spread their usual nonsense.

1.Its not a PC port
2.You havent played the final version
3.Saying "PC gamers have higher standards" is laughable...
btf1980 said:
Whether I have a console or not, i'm gonna have a HDTV. Have had one for years, not everyone buys a tv just to play videgames on. In fact, most of what I do is for my home theater. High def. gaming is a lovely addition to what I would already have. Don't you have a tv? Most people do. A CRT HDTV can be got for $500. The pricepoint is getting down to normal tv prices these days. I honestly don't know where you guys buy your tvs, unless you all own 50" plasmas. Why must this crap be brought up everytime?

Because they're foolish.

They think along the lines "Well, WELL, EVERYONE WILL HAVE A COMPUTER TOO!!!111". True enough. Everyone won't have a computer with a 7800GTX in it, though. Most people buy their computers from stores that give you absolutely nothing for your money (256MB RAM standard, anyone?). They get the lowest options and likely never use the computer for more than playing MP3s, surfing the web, and running a few low-end Office programs.

Everyone will have HDTV in the future. That can't be said with PCs that are adequate for current or future gaming that could rival next-gen systems.