Call of Duty: WaW


Sep 5, 2001
Anybody else get their email from for the PC beta?

I'm currently downloading mine as we speak. Can't wait to see how it looks on the ol' 280
I got my beta key, installed it. Now I keep getting an error initializing etc. So I cannot get into the game, I see splash screen then crashes. Anyone else have this problem?
runs fine for me, VERY fun game, and doesnt look or run to shabby on my aging X1900
I downloaded it and installed it. I started out playing TDM. To be honest, it feels cartoony. Nothing seems to be too realistic, even in HC. Of course, I don't usually play TDM.

So I found the |GA| Tactical Server and played S&D on there. I have to say, it is pretty damn imersive. The maps are beautiful. Roundhouse felt just like a scene from Enemy at the Gates. It's fun if you are into that tactical S&D stuff.
Strange....Why are they giving out beta keys now? The game is set to be released in just a few weeks. Doesnt make sense (imo) to give out "beta" keys so close to distribution date.

Isnt a "beta" supposed to be the time where we, the consumer, test out their product and then give feedback? Or has that idea just gone to waste and these days "beta" means you get to play before others?
I tried it and didn't care for it. It just feels like a port of a 360 game and personally I have never cared for any FPS made for the 360.
Or has that idea just gone to waste and these days "beta" means you get to play before others?


Although in CoD4, they seemed to patch in a bunch of the stuff that was wrong in beta, although on the 360 it was months later, and there was only the one patch, ever. The PC version was the recipient of multiple patches where fixes should or could have made their way over to the 360 version, but didn't.

hopefully they'll actually fix a few things from this one, because they needs some fixins'
Seriously, fuck Punkbuster, I'm not even inclined to want to troubleshoot why it's booting me. I simply don't fucking care.

At least not tonight. What a worthless ass program.

Edit: The 15 seconds of graphics I saw on Roundhouse were GORGEOUS. Makes me love this video card.
^ Gorgeous? I wouldn't go that me it seems somewhere between Call of Duty 3 and 4, with a few small effects added in. No interactivity whatsoever, squarey, low poly, angular surfaces, unrealistic lighting. Definitely not a stunner by any means, but crisp and gets the job done in high res with a great videocard. The characters look great though, with very nice texturing on the clothes and hands. What settings you peeps using on your GTX 260/280's?
I've got everything maxed out at 1680x1050 4XAA 16XAF. Seems to run great on my 4870 with dips only down to 50 FPS so far. I'll have to keep a closer eye on it in firefights. It's nice having the tanks back.
I think COD4 looks better at the same settings... but it fits since it is WW2 :)
I downloaded it and installed it. I started out playing TDM. To be honest, it feels cartoony. Nothing seems to be too realistic, even in HC. Of course, I don't usually play TDM.
<---- This.

I had the exact same reaction. It feels like a CoD4 clone but not as well done, maybe it will improve as the beta progresses. Also: New guns > Old Guns
Played it for an hour last night, enjoyed it. I for one am just a tad bored with the WWII games.
Played it last night for the first time and I enjoyed it for the most parts, some things I noticed were

1) knifes seem easier to use which is not good, I dont want every noob being able to knife lol

2) the trench gun is amazing once you get to build your own class, trench+stopping power makes a very good killer.
So that was you shotgunning me in the face. I was trying to get the reticule on the thompson, next is bolt rifle.

i've been enjoying the beta. i don't know why people think it looks worse than COD4. to me it looks exactly the same. gameplay is great (same as COD4). the weapons are difficult to get the hang of at first, but a few upgrades makes all the difference in the world. the BAR becomes infinitely better with the bipod. same goes for the thompson and the aperture site. i don't know if this upgrade for the thompson is historically accurate or not, but i also don't care. the game is just fun.

i agree with SAW and Kahnvex - the term 'beta' now means you get to play the game before others and support the first patch. it's a shame, but there also doesn't appear to be many fixes needed (aside from people getting errors when trying to load the game). they really should have just called this a demo and not gone through the trouble of assigning specific beta keys.
I find the graphics to be slightly worse than cod4 but Im going to say that because it is only the beta/demo and will get better with full release.

I hope they fix they error, I managed to fix the ones I was getting but others arnt so lucky

First error I got was the dx9 error, simpleinstall of the latest dx9 fixed this.

Then when i tried to launch the game it would tell me my common_mp was corrupted or un-readable. I un-installed the game, extracted the installer my self and re-installed and it worked perfectly after that.
So that was you shotgunning me in the face. I was trying to get the reticule on the thompson, next is bolt rifle.

hehe I melted alot of faces with my shotgun last night, my best was ai cleared a a room of baout 6 guys by myself.

I ran in, shot once and caught 2 guys side by side in the head, 2 for 1 head shots lol. Then shot another killed, him. Used my lats 2 rounds to kill one guy (damn last stand) I then ducked, reloaded and ran out killed the last 2 then I got nailed in the head by a bolt rifle from a guy standing outside the room lol.
What settings you peeps using on your GTX 260/280's?

I'm running 1920x1200, all settings on max.

I'm not really a graphics whore, and everything is crisp and looks good to me. Bullets impact walls and dent metal, bullets go through walls. I'm not concerned with being able to shoot every bottle off of every table when playing MP as fast paced as it is.
Man... i really want to like it, but it's so hard. I love cod4, but this....

There are guys who literally haven't done anything but play the beta since the keys were sent out... just playing the same 3 levels all day i guess since they're already at the higher levels. Either the guns at higher levels are ridiculously better, or these people are.... well... sad.

The game is pretty glitchy, especially when alt+tabbing.

Oh and the friends thing is cool, but useless since you have to actually invite your friends to play in the game. It would be so much better if you could see the server stats that they're in, and then just join up on your own instead of having to be invited...

Basically, i think they should just port these levels to cod4 and call it a day.
The MG42 is goddamned ridiculous, I hate everyone who uses it,

mostly because I won't play enough to get it for myself.
If you sign up at you get a beta key also. That's how I got mine. I'm having fun with the beta. Love COD4 and liking the gameplay of WaW so far. Hope I get some time to play more tonight.

Need the get better gun sounds, better character model movement, and add a HC filter..

But it's just a BETA/Demo so not to worried..
I keep reading people comparing WaW to CoD4 (which im sure wont stop seeing as how they share the same name).

Was watching a 21 minute video about WaW. In the interview talkin with the devs, they said this game is NOT CoD5, also is NOT a continuation of CoD4 (obviously). For that matter, its not even the same company who made CoD4.

They talked about how WWII was rich in atmosphere and history and is why they made "another" WWII game. But, they were also saying they didnt want this to be a "CoD5" which is why there is no number after the name and that they wanted to add MORE to the game, recalling the past CoD games, people ended up playing the same maps over and over again with no thrill of achievement or replayability (for single player), so to try and eliminate that issue, they created the "playing cards" that you can get, both in single player and co-op online.

The different cards give different abilities, rarer cards obviously giving stronger weapons etc....As well, the introduction of Vampires into the game as well as Nazi Zombies.

Yadda yadda......

I was liking the game from what I saw.....UNTILL they started mentioning the achievement cards, Vampires and Nazi Zombies, that totally killed it for me and was tempted to shut off the video at that point, but watched the rest anyway.

The introduction of those cards means that SOME people will have access to better weapons than will others which then turns the game from a FPS "cool shooter" to "Who knows where I can get _____ card" thus making the game a game of getting those achievements and who can do it the quickest.

Having Vampires in a WWII game is just STUPID!!!! As is Nazi Zombies, albeit the unlock for the zombies is only after you complete the single player campaign. Regardless though, both of those "things" do not belong in the CoD genre AT ALL. Its like they are trying to make a WWII fantasy/thriller game out of, what was a good game title.

Now, dont get me wrong here, im not putting down the game (completely anyways), if your into shooting zombies and vampires, more power to ya...however, trying to merge those 2 into what is supposed to be a WWII simulation.....tisk tisk.

This game should NOT have the CoD name in it whatsoever and IMO, will diminish the namesake.

Damn shame......
I keep reading people comparing WaW to CoD4 (which im sure wont stop seeing as how they share the same name).

Was watching a 21 minute video about WaW. In the interview talkin with the devs, they said this game is NOT CoD5, also is NOT a continuation of CoD4 (obviously). For that matter, its not even the same company who made CoD4.

They talked about how WWII was rich in atmosphere and history and is why they made "another" WWII game. But, they were also saying they didnt want this to be a "CoD5" which is why there is no number after the name and that they wanted to add MORE to the game, recalling the past CoD games, people ended up playing the same maps over and over again with no thrill of achievement or replayability (for single player), so to try and eliminate that issue, they created the "playing cards" that you can get, both in single player and co-op online.

The different cards give different abilities, rarer cards obviously giving stronger weapons etc....As well, the introduction of Vampires into the game as well as Nazi Zombies.

Yadda yadda......

I was liking the game from what I saw.....UNTILL they started mentioning the achievement cards, Vampires and Nazi Zombies, that totally killed it for me and was tempted to shut off the video at that point, but watched the rest anyway.

The introduction of those cards means that SOME people will have access to better weapons than will others which then turns the game from a FPS "cool shooter" to "Who knows where I can get _____ card" thus making the game a game of getting those achievements and who can do it the quickest.

Having Vampires in a WWII game is just STUPID!!!! As is Nazi Zombies, albeit the unlock for the zombies is only after you complete the single player campaign. Regardless though, both of those "things" do not belong in the CoD genre AT ALL. Its like they are trying to make a WWII fantasy/thriller game out of, what was a good game title.

Now, dont get me wrong here, im not putting down the game (completely anyways), if your into shooting zombies and vampires, more power to ya...however, trying to merge those 2 into what is supposed to be a WWII simulation.....tisk tisk.

This game should NOT have the CoD name in it whatsoever and IMO, will diminish the namesake.

Damn shame......

I hope there aren't any zombies in SP campaign. So far the MP has been pretty good, aside from few complaints. Overlall, I really do like it.

Let you guess, you got that from GTTV :p.

It's CoD4.5 if you ask you, same engine, same UI (mp only), with tweaked results. I would categorize this as an expansion, but since they spent so much money on the core game itself, might as well make another full length game and sell it for $60 and people will still buy it b/c it carries the name of CoD. I think it's going to be a great game, CoD4 in WWII + more contents, but just don't expect anything mind blowing, just more of the same (for better or worse).
Ha ha I have signed up and I am downloading my demo right now.I got a beta key super fast
I personally like the WW2 more then the modern when it comes to the cod franchise.
I will see how it runs on my rig and I hope I can stay above 60fps @ max settings.

The weapons in cod4 were to easy for the noobs since you didn;t have to use iron sights unless you used a silencer or a noob tube.
Oh well I will see how it goes
^ No need to get a beta key to know how well you can run it. I'm in the beta, the game imo runs much better than CoD4 did with max settings at 1680x1050.
How did you guys open the game up?
I have the download complete,when I click to open it it shows that I have to choose something to open it with what can I do to get this game on the ball
you also have a better rig then me.A better cpu and hard drive

Well, have you ever played CoD4? If you have that should give you a good indication of how well you run this game. Get the demo if all else fails to see if you can run it.

Also.. what is the file extension for your CoD WaW file? .rar? .zip? .exe? just get Winrar if it isnt an executable.
I downloaded a bammer link.The file was full size but it was no good.So I am now downloading this again.Here goes another 20 mintures waiting on a damn download.

I have played cod4 and it ran fine on my rig.Just wondering tho if this version is more cpu dependant then the last version.My cpu isn't that good but my video card is ok
I am not liking this too much so far.I haven't played it long but it doesn't feel right.It is almost cartoony with the graphics.

I will give it another run tomorrow when I get home from work.I dont think that i will be picking this game up tho
I am kind of wondering as to why they let us play this for so long. By the time the beta ends, I will probably be max level. I am 28 now with less than an hour of play. When the game releases, I would have already unlocked everything and would have to basically do it again :(; takes the fun out of it. Like in COD4, I would probably not want to level the second time. I also am wondering about the maps that the full version will consist of.

By the way, Tommy with the scope thingy is too cool to be true :). I like the unlocks, and unless game gets awful reviews for it's story; I will buy it.
I dont like the graphics at all.I played it max setting around 60fps+ so I wasn;t lagging at all.
I just think that they went in the wrong direction with the graphics