Calling Samsung204bw monitor owners


Dec 14, 2006
I have posted before that I can't seem the adjust either the size(how long or tall it is) or the placement(horizontaly or verticaly) of the viewing screen on my LCD monitor. I called Samsung today and they said that it's b/c i'm using a DVI line and that it won't let me access certain adjustments on my monitor? Is there any validity to this assessment? I ask any Samsung 204bw owners using a DVI to either use the OSM or the MagicTune and try to adjust the screen size or the placement of the viewing screen and post back to me please. If you notice the same thing as me then perhaps what the tech guy is saying is true, if not I will call back tomorrow b/c on Sundays they said the level2 tech guys aren't there. Thanks!
I do tech support for a popular monitor company. Also own a few samsung monitors. A 20 and 19 model. Totally normal. AFAIK happened with any monitor that is running DVI. One benefit to DVI imo.