Came accross an interesting problem


[H]F Junkie
Jul 14, 2005
My friend has a 6 card mining AMD rig, Now I have a good deal of experience with rigs. He is using claymore

The problem that he came across is as of today 1 pm (he has his rig to auto restart @ 12 pm) his hash rates went down from 180 mhs to 130 mhs.

He tried to some stuff and nothing worked. He called me up and I said I'll look at it. So since 6 pm today till now 10 pm, I have reinstalled drivers, OS, updated Claymore, tried new power supplies, pretty much everything other than swapping out the mother board.

The miner starts off strong, but then all GPU's other than GPU 1 slow down. All different amounts GPU 0 slows down a bit to 25, GPU 2 slows down to 10, GPU 3 goes to 20 GPU 4 and 5 go to 22.

This is why I thought power was the cause at first, but tried 2 separate power supplies and 2 break out boards, and 2 power supplies for the mobo.

All same results.

Anyone come across this problem?

PS I have tried the combined hacked driver for 6 cards, the latest drivers and the block chain driver, I also though it might have been the block chain driver as he said he updated it 24 hours before the slow down. But no avail.

I even took a clone of my hard drive that I use 6 card rig set up (both him and I use the same mobo), and still the same problem.

I am really baffled what is going on. I've looked around a little on some mining sites, haven't seen any problem like this. It doesn't seem to be associated with any hardware or software. Unless windows did a silent update over the past 24 hours that is the only thing I can think of. My rigs are set so they don't update :/ So my cloned HD should not have come across the issue he is having.

Edit I forgot:

Also tried dual mining vs single mining vs intensity of second coin, same problem, its just weird.
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That's weird.

My rigs running the block chain driver are still going strong.

No ideas
That's weird.

My rigs running the block chain driver are still going strong.

No ideas

Yeah I have no problems on my rig either all other rigs are nV and had quite a few rx 580 rigs till I started selling them off a month and half ago, I have 1 rig left and its still going like it should be.
Yeah I regret selling some of my RX cards. With the blockchain driver they hash just fine, and 105 watts at 28 MH is pretty decent, and the dual mining they get with lbry is nice. Mine are getting ~75-80 on lbry at an additional 35 watts
I switched over to nV, they are actually getting more per card while using less power now with nice hash, getting 9-10 bucks a rig, vs 8 bucks a rig.
yeah he figured it out, it was afterburner lol, damn all the work for that!

So beta 16 4.4 afterburner has some issues...... and that is the only one that works with the block chain driver ;)