"Camping" and console FPS- COD4


Mar 27, 2001
I am a relatively new console gamer- I have been a PC gamer for the last 15 years and just am just getting into the Xbox 360. I have been enjoying COD4 but I have noticed quite a bit different attitude in MP gameplay between the PC and console. We were always against "camping"- it was considered a 'no-no" in PC FPS gaming. I noticed it is a very common thing in console gaming- especially in COD4. Would love to see an anti-camping game setting in COD4 like what we used to run on Quake 2 and Unreal servers back in the day. If you don't have a sniper weapon- you can't stand stationary for more then 60 seconds or something like that.

Don't get me wrong- I love gaming on the 360 and especially COD4. Most of my friends have migrated from the computer to the 360 cause we're all old and don't have the time or $$ to keep up with PC gaming- plus XBL makes it so easy for all of us to game together.

Anyway..just an observation I have had so far- just wondering if anyone else had the same observarion. I assume a lot of the "camping issues" stems from the range of ages that play console games on XBL.

It's a tactic. Valid as any other.

If you don't like it, kill them. For once, you have the option!
It's a tactic. Valid as any other.

If you don't like it, kill them. For once, you have the option!

Ya I agree. never really cared if people camp. I learn after 2 times and then they are always slaughter because: I know where they are all the time! Thanks for the points sucker!
I don't disagree- I'm just saying it was an unacceptable tactic back in the day- now it seems not to be.
I don't disagree- I'm just saying it was an unacceptable tactic back in the day- now it seems not to be.

Because COD/CS/BF/etc are not games like quake, where camping was not in the spirit of the game. But in newer games where team based strategy and point control is more of the gameplay, it is perfectly acceptable.
I don't disagree- I'm just saying it was an unacceptable tactic back in the day- now it seems not to be.

back in the day it was considered wimpy... for who knows what reason. I mix and match things as needed. :)
The difference in CoD4 in most cases is, with the kill cam, it is more difficult to 'camp.' As mentioned above, when point control is the name of the game, 'camping' is practically a necessity. And if you find a good sniping point/kill zone, why give it up until you have to? It's not like people can't tell where you are with the kill cam feature and the little red dot that shows up on the radar when you fire (unless playing hardcore, of course).

I agree that back in the day the camping was pretty bad, but with kill cam implementation, radar cues, and team communication, it isn't nearly the advantage--or annoyance--it once was.
Because COD/CS/BF/etc are not games like quake, where camping was not in the spirit of the game. But in newer games where team based strategy and point control is more of the gameplay, it is perfectly acceptable.


I've been playing a bit of CoD 4 on the PC lately, and it's about as campy as a game can get. Especially Hardcore mode. And back in my competitive CS days, I remember it being as equally campy.

I think it depends more on the game than the platform.

I've been playing a bit of CoD 4 on the PC lately, and it's about as campy as a game can get. Especially Hardcore mode. And back in my competitive CS days, I remember it being as equally campy.

I think it depends more on the game than the platform.

Yeah, I remember CS actually making quite a few levels more or less requiring the defenders to camp. The level with the house that needed to be raided for hostages immediately comes to mind.
I think it's just the game. In some games/levels you pretty much need to. In games like Quake, it's a little different because of the spawning system and total imbalance with the weapons. In Quake, if you kept someone away from rockets and grenades - you win.
my favorite is COD4, in a FFA server with like no more than 8 guys, and my headphones up all the way

then crouch and creep around, I usually kill the camper, even if i don't know where he is

usually its a bad tactic..

watch the guys that have like a 3-4 : 1 kill to death ratio....and at the top the server, they arnt camping

camping might get your top 5, but not first place
Thats why i use silencer, uav jammer, dead silence combo. I can sprint around everywhere and sneak up on anyone. Most people dont even know what hit them.
The main problem I have always had with campers is in my experience, in just about every I played FPS is that they tend to camp in some obscure location. Which means the remaining players wander about looking for him. While the rest of us watch in death cam.

Then again I mainly played games with team deathmatch and no respawns.
Newbie camping has not fared well throughout the FPS genre. The attacker knows when he'll attack and gets a reaction time advantage when he comes around the corner. The camper may have an aim advantage by expecting the attacker to come from a particular direction, but this is quickly nullified if the camper uses a popular spot or the same spot twice.

In Call of Duty 4 have you noticed that sheltered positions are few and far between? This is by design, so that if you cover one direction, you're vulnerable from another. If there's only one direction of attack, you're probably in a dead-end where nobody is passing through. And even shooting your weapon pin-points you for everybody else that may come around.

Camping just isn't very useful most of the time. The best option is a quiet moving offense. Stop and go, or crouch-run, stop when you hear the other guy plodding around, and aim your gun, toast him as he comes around, and then continue onward towards more plodding idiots instead of sitting there waiting for someone to show up(or worse, get retaliation now that they expect you there).

I have to second the recommendation of Dead Silence. First shot due to hearing them first is a big advantage when it's so easy to aim and it only takes a few shots to kill.

"watch the guys that have like a 3-4 : 1 kill to death ratio....and at the top the server, they arnt camping

camping might get your top 5, but not first place" QFT. The guys who sit and wait for opportunity to come generally get left behind.

Play with me, and I can talk in detail GT: Kelbear1. I'm signing on now actually.
It's really not that hard to kill a camper, honestly.

Just clear corners, play smart. Aim. And use your nades/flashbangs.
Its fine on the pc, since you have precise aiming, but the auto-aim in COD4 360 is funky most of the time and it's off center sometimes, so you get shot before you can adjust. The game is fun, but got stale, so I just stick to Gow for Multiplayer now.
I've only got about thirty minutes of experience with multiplayer since getting the game yesterday, but I'll throw in my two cents.

There is camping in COD4, but good tactics and good game design prevent it from being a problem. Here's why:


Weapons: I have to say, even when starting out, you get weapons that are pretty much on par with something that a Level 44 can unlock. They're all balanced very well. I was playing Countdown yesterday (my first match), and the entirety of the other team were SAW gunners and snipers, who pretty much resorted to spawn killing. Coming over form Halo, I thought it'd be futile to fire a burst from my M-16 at them. I did so anyway, and to my surprise, one of the snipers were down. Bullets=Actually lethal in this game.

Cover and Level Design: When they started wising up against my team's tactics, it was still a level playing field, even with their helicopters. There's plenty of cover and gameplay that rewards skill. But, these work two ways. Campers can only fire a short time before the enemy wises up and bring in the appropriate counterattack, and every camp point is impossible to be safe in. Where you face one way, you're either out in the open of leaving your back unprotected.


The Players' Behavior: So far, the majority of people I meet are extremely polite and constructive. Taking an example, strangers were acting in squads. SQUADS. Calling out enemy locations and having everyone perform a different role. With just a bit of tactics, campers are easy points. Flanking works extremely well, and for a moment, I was surprised nobody sounded like they were under the age of 16. Combine tactics and good players, and you have an unstoppable force. Let's look at the second game I played on the map Showdown, and how it happened.

There were eight total Marines, split in a group of five and three. Five went straight to the enemy, and three flanked. When it became apparent that the five were going to get their asses handed to them on a platter from the other eight players, who had holed up in a building, the three first called in a UAV, and then an airstrike on said building. I was in the five that went up the main way and gotten overrun, and boy was that satisfying. COD right now feels more like a tactical FPS to me than a regular FPS that I expected.
I'm sure someone here will conjure up a far-fetched scenario to prove me wrong, but my outlook is this: If it's a valid in-game function that does not exploit, or go beyond the game's mechanics or use cheats, anyone may use it however much they'd like.

That being said, I don't mind at all if some dope in COD likes to squat in a corner all day. That's why they gave me stun grenades and a shottie :)

I played America's Army non-stop back in the day, and if anyone cried about camping they'd just get kicked.
I agree that camping isn't necessarily cheap in a game like COD. It's a strategic shooter, and especially when playing Team Deathmatch it's a vlid tactic.

I was also playing games like Unreal or Quake back in the day and I completely agree that camping in those games should've been warrant to have your ass kicked. That's just being a fucking coward who needed to learn to play. I guess it depends on the game, at the end of the day.
It does depend on the gametype as far as whether or not it's a "cheap" tactic. In FFA, for example, people can camp all they like. They aren't going to win if they aren't out and about trying to get kills as fast as they can.
In S&D, or some other game modes, if someone sits in one spot for a while just picking people off, eventually someone is going to get wise to it.

I say camp if you want to camp. IMO, it's not as big a deal on XBL because the player limits on the servers. On the PC, there are like 36 man servers and spawn camping is an issue. On XBL, you have 8 people max in FFA...
Keep in mind that a camper cannot survive a properly cooked grenade, it is instant assured death. The camper needs to camp on the move so that they aren't hit by the cooked grenades when the camper's victims come back for revenge.
Yep..any good camper will move from campsite to campsite, mashmallows in tow. If you camp one site, then the next round, camp the exact same spot, you might be just really great or really lucky and get yet another kill on the same guy if he's horrible. Or you might get sniped by a careful, sneaky player.
Because COD/CS/BF/etc are not games like quake, where camping was not in the spirit of the game. But in newer games where team based strategy and point control is more of the gameplay, it is perfectly acceptable.

That and more advanced tactics than camping require snap aim and movement skills that are simply impossible using a handicap like a console controller and a 75 degree field of view.