Can a Cisco WS-C2960-24TT-L do subnetting?

Not sure what you mean by subnetting... That's not the proper usage of that term.

Are you wanting it to route between VLANs? It should support static routing.
I know I'm probably not using the right terms. I'm not very familiar with this. I am suppose to see if this switch will support subnets. I am somewhat familiar with VLANS. I can see in the switch config that is supports VLAN configuration. But just when you configure a port you can put in a VLAN ID. I don't see much else past that.
You put the vlans on different subnets, although you wont be able to route between them with the switch alone. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
Our company is buying a Metaswitch voice switch and it requires to be connected to two IP networks. A management subnet and signalling/media subnet. We currently have a WS-C2960-24TT-L for our internal network and for managing devices that are on our network. But everything is currently on the same network. So I need a switch that can be divided into 3 separate networks. Or subnets I presume? I can see in the switch config that I can set up ports and group them by separate VLANS. We have a Sonicwall TZ200 that is the router for our current configuration. Would I be able to create 3 seperate VLANS on our current switch and then use the Sonicwall so they can communicate to each other?
I don't know enough about the TZ200 to be able to advise you on that, sorry.

With subnetting you don't need to vlan anything, you can just put your management port and a PC in to the same subnet and they can ping each other but nothing else on the network. Its not the best way to do things though.
With the proper IOS version, the 2960s support static interVLAN routing.