Can a loose power supply cable damage my video card?


Limp Gawd
Mar 23, 2004
I have been having the WORST luck ever this past week :( Firstly, my IDE cable craps out on me and I have a quick scare that my C:\ drive is dead. A couple of days later I decide to do some cable management to my system to eliminate all the loose wires from my PS. I didn't know it then, but I loosened the main power connector to my mobo. It wasn't fully clicked in. Yesterday start getting nasty artifacts in windows, 3d games start to crash. Try to downclock the card back to stock, the coolbits test failed. Reboot, everything works fine, then the artifacts start again. Windows is barely visible, so much junk on the screen. I could not understand why every time I shut down the system seemed fine for a while, then the problems would start again with the vid card. If I rebooted the problem remained, only a hard shutdown would temporarily solve the artifacts and freezing withing windows.

Finally, I reboot and go to my bios to check temps and other agp voltage settings. I then see that my 3.3v is at 2.8!!! So I figure my power supply got destroyed by the GT. Upon opening the case I see that the main connector, (not the ATX12V) near the mb is a bit loose. I reset the connector, and bam back to 3.25 (which is well within settings).

So to make a long story short, can running my computer for several hours with a loose connector damage my components? And why was my system able to run with such a low 3.3 voltage :( TYIA

EDIT: Actually, the system may have been running the 3.3v @ 2.8v the day my ide cable "failed".. The same error occured with the new cable before I opened the case....
Everything seems ok now though
I doubt that undervolting could do any serious harm. Overvolting, OTOH, kills stuff quick.