Can anyone give me a idea of how FO3 will play on my laptop?


Feb 12, 2006
1.6 ghz c2d
1.5 gig ram
256mb 8400m

Never tried Oblivion on it before and I dont have it with me so I can't test it to get an idea but my desktop died on me so I am eager to play this game either way.
I'd say either forget about it completely or, if you believe you can stand it, turn down the resolution, all the details and try it out....but's not gonna be pretty if it even works at all with that configuration.
haha I see, well no lost in trying it just to see.

Bad timing for my computer to die.
I have nearly that same config. Oblivion was horrible on this machine, F3 would be way worse. If F3 has a DX8 mode maybe it would work well.
LOL, it won't be the best ever, but it will run. I saw Oblivion run decently on worse.