Can fans be controlled with a program instead of knobs?


Limp Gawd
Mar 7, 2009
Well let me give you a run down on what I want to do, I was hoping there would be a program or some other easy gadget that would allow me to to set all of my fans in my case to run at a minimum speed while I go to sleep listening to music (my comp is in my bedroom). Also that would have to have a toggle to switch the fans back to where they were before i went to bed (for when i am using my comp).

I am looking at a Asus rampage ii gene mobo but reading the info about it it does not really have something that will do it the way i want, i think. I dont really have any room in any bays in my case to have a fan controller because they used for fans or drives.

So is there some program that would interface with my mobo or maybe another gadget that would do the trick?

Thanks ahead of time:D
that particular anus mb should have something in bios to control fan speeds. or try speedfan, or another prog similar.
ok cool thanks for the replies, i guess i should wait and see when i actually get the mobo but i was just trying to get the lil ducks in a row ahead of time:D
I'm actually just completing the build listed in my sig with a Asus Rampage II Gene, I'll post back here tomorrow or the day after letting you know about the bios options. Also, there are probably reviews that point out everything about the bios (I read them but usually skip that part because after enough mobo's bios seem to pretty much be the same).