Can GeForce 8800 output 1080p?

Jan 11, 2007
Specs usually mention 1080i. If I get a BenQ FP241W monitor and a GeForce 8800 GTX and a HD-DVD drive, can I output 1080p HD-DVDs on my monitor?
Lol yes. Console gamers don't realize they actually play at lower rez than most pc gamers(720p rofl).

Answer is yes.
Yeah, i'm running 1920x1200 on my 8800 GTS which is more than 1080p. It's so much more than 1080p, in fact, that I keep wetting myself with glee because I'm so awesome for running this resolution.
Yes you would get 1080p. In fact, that is THE only way to get 1080p with HD-DVDs due to the HDCP protection in place. You will still need to have HDCP enabled devices on both ends, meaning your monitor and the video card.

*Edit* To clarify, the highest component can do is 1080i because component is not supported under HDCP or something to that effect. HDMI and DVI are the only connection interfaces that will allow you to get 1080p from an HD-DVD.
Digital output on the 8800s (hell, I think any NV card that's under the latest ForceWares) will do 1080+ resolutions easy. Shit, my RIVA TNT would happily power a 2048xwhateveritis CRT back in the day.

Of course, that's just 2D. 3D performance at that level...whooooooooole other game.

Analog output will max at 1080i, according to specs (though component "maxes" at 1080p without clearly losing to digital). Component analog is neck-and-neck up until >1080, where digital clearly pulls ahead.
1080p is possible but you cannot use a VGA connector to achieve anything greater than 720p (this is my experience). To get 1080i or 1080p you need a DVI to HDMI conversor (a cable, in my case).

I am using the 8800GTX and the HD-3701 LCD TV (yes, 37 inches; but I am visually impaired and this setup is great for me). Using the DVI to HDMI cable, I get great video on the panel using 1920x1080. Using the same display, I can only get 1360x768 on the VGA connector (using the DVI to VGA convertor and a VGA cable).

My research seems to indicate that the 1080 resolution would not be possible without the HDCP capability of the 8800GTX.

This is what I've seen or read about. Where I am wrong, please correct me so others, as well as myself, will have good information to work with. These options are a little vague and descriptions are terse in the documentation and info on the web. Help out with your experiences and knowledge. HTH and TNX
1080p is possible but you cannot use a VGA connector to achieve anything greater than 720p (this is my experience). To get 1080i or 1080p you need a DVI to HDMI conversor (a cable, in my case).

I am using the 8800GTX and the HD-3701 LCD TV (yes, 37 inches; but I am visually impaired and this setup is great for me). Using the DVI to HDMI cable, I get great video on the panel using 1920x1080. Using the same display, I can only get 1360x768 on the VGA connector (using the DVI to VGA convertor and a VGA cable).

My research seems to indicate that the 1080 resolution would not be possible without the HDCP capability of the 8800GTX.

This is what I've seen or read about. Where I am wrong, please correct me so others, as well as myself, will have good information to work with. These options are a little vague and descriptions are terse in the documentation and info on the web. Help out with your experiences and knowledge. HTH and TNX

Just speaking in general about TVs, not about pc output to one, it all depends on what the tv is set for. I know the westy 37" 37w3 will accept a 1080p signal from vga. I do not know however, if an 8800 can go dvi -> vga and still do 1080p. Almost any connector can do 1080i (component, dvi, vga, hdmi) all but composite. Again, this is limited to what your particular tv will accept though.
what kind of 1080p signal are you wanting to output from your computer? are you getting an hd-dvd drive or bd drive?

my ancient laptop with an ati 9600 can output 1080p (VGA connector) video to my 1080p TV by means of WMHD discs like Terminator 2 or downloaded content like movie trailers through windows media player or quicktime.

remember that content providers don't have to require hdcp if they don't want to
Speaking from -PERSONAL- experience, Here are the facts.

I have a :

Westy 37" 37W3 previously mentioned
PNY 8800GTS 640MB

The LISTED supported resolutions (In Display Properties) Are

800x600 (4:3)
1024x768 (4:3)
1280x720 (a 16:9 widescreen res)
1280x800 (a 16:10 widescreen res)
1280x1024 (5:4) (I wonder how many people don't know that 1280x1024 is not a 4:3 ratio like the other sizes we know, 640x480, 800x600, 10x7, 16x12)
1600x900 (16:9 obviously)

The LCD itself has an "INFO" button (lower case i) on the remote control

Plugged in via a DVI (not hdmi) cable to the westy, from the 8800gts
ALL MODES (except 1920x1080) show me as being in 1920x1080i as the actual rendering space. So, all inputs are being accepted and handled at 1920x1080i, so there is NO 480p, 720p, 720i on this screen.

WHEN, and ONLY when, I run at 1920x1080, whether it be in windows, in a game, watching a movie full screen, or at CMD LINE, does this monitor show 1920 X 1080P


Every resolution except for 1920x1080 is interlaced. Which is why every resolution looks like ass on by comparison :)

Can an 8800GTS/X output 1080p?

In Windows : Yes
In "cmd-line" : Yes
In bios : no
playing a DVD : yes
playing an HD-DVD : yes
playing a 3d game : yes.

But, the display resolution has to be set @ 1920x1080.

Scarface (the game I am playing now) supports this resolution.
I do not know if any of the other games a lot of you play do, as I do not play a lot of games. I work maybe 1 game a month.
Yes, a GTX can output at 1080p. The problem is the retarded ass driver defaults to 1080i upon installation. I have a Westy 37w3 and a eVGA 8800 GTX.

I don't know if the GTX can ouput 1080p over component though. I know that it is possible to get 1080p over component, if your TV supports it. You just can't play DVDs or HD-DVDs over component at 1080p.

It should be possible to output 1080p over VGA (the 360 can do it just fine), the image constraints that hamper HD and DVD over component do not apply to VGA. Don't ask me why, i don't know. There would be very many angry (and dizzy) people if you were forced to looked at an interlaced image.