Can i burn a copy of a game cd to an sd card and then install with the sd card?


Jul 10, 2006
Can i burn a copy of a game cd to an sd card and then install the game with the sd card?

Thanks in advance

:D probably not. that type of behavior is frowned upon here. and btw, burning stuff to a sd card? :confused:
It's possible I suppose. You could use something like PowerISO to create an ISO file of the CD, put the image file on the card, and then mount it. Depends on the game, if it has starforce or some other anti-piracy scheme it might not work. But you could at least try it.
I'm going with the benefit of a doubt that you legally bought and currently own the game. There is Daemon Tools and Alcohol 120% for rip/burn/mount. However, like one of the posters state above, you won't be able to back up a game with Starforce protection (same goes with some versions of Securom?).
haha i do actually own the game. I am just trying to think of the quickest way to install AOE2 on my optical drive-less m200.

thanks for the advice people

Read the box and docs carefully. Look for any mention of copy protection. If the game requirements specifically mention a cdrom drive, you may be out o luck without resorting to a hacked version that is not available around here.

Maybe pick up an external DVD drive.

My main computer doesn't have an optical drive either. I usually just purchase the software, and then download an image of it, and mount the image. I have lots of software and games that would still be in shrink wrap if I didn't have to open them to get the license codes. If I NEED an optical drive, I'll just share one on another computer on my home network, and access it across the network. It's slower than if the CD drive was built into your machine, but still works fine.
I am just trying to think of the quickest way to install AOE2 on my optical drive-less m200.

Install over the network. Just put the install cd in the drive of another computer and share that drive over the network. Then have your driveless computer just map a drive letter to the shared drive.