can i connect my setup like this....


Oct 16, 2005
I have a 5770 with HDMI and DVI connection. Currently the HDMI connection is connected to my 32" HDTV which I use as my computer monitor. What I wanna do instead is connect the 5770 native HDMI port to my reciever so I can use it as an HTPC, AND connect the 5770 to my HDTV through the DVI but since ill also need sound i was gonna use this DVI HDMI dongle.

Because when im playing my PC games I just wanna use my TV speakers and not my 5.1 surround system.
DVI may be turned into HDMI via the passive adapter you linked, but this will work for video only.

DVI does not carry audio.

Does your receiver allow for an HDMI pass-through mode to pass an unaltered HDMI signal along to the TV? If so, you should be able to switch between using your surround system and the TV's speakers via the receiver.

Otherwise, your best bet will be to use a solid HDMI switcher.
actually, DVI-HDMI adaptors can carry sound, provided its the correct adapter and not one that just maps the video pins and that the GPU is capable of this. my 4870 could do it (actually with that very adapter included in the box), so i'm sure the 5770 can too. So yea, that adapter should work

10 bucks + shipping is kinda a ripoff though, see if you can find someone on the FS/FT forum who would be willing to sell you one for less, i'm sure people have them laying around
DVI has auxiliary pins which are normally unused in most configurations. I always thought that the 4870 took advantage of this in order to get HDMI support via a DVI/HDMI audio hybrid port instead of having to fit a physical HDMI port on the bracket/PCB.

In this way, they could keep a full slot length worth of vents along with dual DVI and a component breakout port.

The 5770 has a physical HDMI port along with two DVI ports, so an adapter is not needed. I highly doubt that they added the audio "hack" pins onto the DVI ports to enable a second HDMI.

Audio is not part of the DVI specification, and the 4870 implementation is proprietary, I believe, to that line of cards alone.

In fact, you probably should not be using that adapter on anything other than a 4870 come to think of it... I am not sure on the pin-outs, but the adapter may send something other than expected through the audio pins of the HDMI cable.
Yes, the 4870 uses unused pins to send HDMI-spec audio over the DVI connection, and I believe nvidia used the same thing on some of their cards before HDMI ports became standard equipment. I can't find a definitive answer as to whether the 5770 has the ability to do audio over DVI, but preliminary searching indicates that it can't. So I'm probably wrong on that one. Use of the adapter with non 4xxx cards would still be safe, it just wouldn't do anything but video. I don't think you'd need to worry about anything "unexpected" getting passed over, since the only signal would be coming from the video pins (how can the adapter pass what isn't being sent by the GPU?)
Well, the extra pins could all be grounded, or they could be re-purposing some of the analog pins in DVI-I (though I highly doubt it).

In any case, the main issue is that we, or at least I, do not know what those pins are being used for, if anything. For all we/I know, AMD has debug codes being pumped out through those additional pins for in-house testing purposes. I would just caution against making assumptions as those pins are not covered by the specification, and if a signal is sent over them, then this can have a very negative effect on sensitive gear such as receivers and televisions.

Also, there are cheaper adapters if he does not have a 4870.
well i got it before reading ur all posts. it was $10 shipped from amazon. ill see if it works or not. according to the HIS site it not sure if my HTSS360 can send the signal back to my TV like u said. ill also be using a splitter because i have a projector that im using too. I want to avoid using a second splitter. maybe ill buy an older card like the H465FS512P which is confirmed to work?

and according to this post DVI-HDMI does send audio, at least for a 5870.

It works! Video AND audio through DVI with adapter I linked to in my first post. I plugged the DVI to HDMI adapter into the DVI port, plugged my HDMI cable into the adapter and it works exactly like its a second HDMI port. Sound properties all look identical to when I had it plugged into the native HDMI port. I love ATI! I also connected the native HDMI port to my TVs HDMI port 2 and get sound that way too. So audio is being put out through both ports simultaneously. Though the desktop was not visible only the background i think it was acting as some kind of extended desktop but the important thing is sound works through the DVI connection and sound is output simultaneously from both ports (native HDMI and DVI to HDMI adapter port)
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It works! Video AND audio through DVI with adapter I linked to in my first post. I plugged the DVI to HDMI adapter into the DVI port, plugged my HDMI cable into the adapter and it works exactly like its a second HDMI port. Sound properties all look identical to when I had it plugged into the native HDMI port. I love ATI! I also connected the native HDMI port to my TVs HDMI port 2 and get sound that way too. So audio is being put out through both ports simultaneously. Though the desktop was not visible only the background i think it was acting as some kind of extended desktop but the important thing is sound works through the DVI connection and sound is output simultaneously from both ports (native HDMI and DVI to HDMI adapter port)
Very nice! I had seen a few posts stating that the 5770 didn't have the audio out, but I'd bet either they weren't using the right adapter or it varies by manufacturer. Hope the setup works out for ya
as long as my ViewHD splitter does its job and splits my receivers output into 2 identical signals, everything will be dandy!:)