Can I make Windows 7 interface resemble XP's 'Classic' style?


Limp Gawd
Feb 5, 2007
I absolutely love XP. Call me old-fashioned, but I still use (and MUCH prefer) the "Classic" style for Start menu, taskbar, folder view, etc.

If I buy/build a new computer with Windows 7, can I configure the interface to resemble "Classic" style?


The classic, "Windows 2000" theme still exists, the taskbar can mimic the look and feel of the classic taskbar (up to a point), but the classic start menu is dead and gone. FYI there was a recent discussion about the latter here.

Dunno if you ever used the Vista or 7 start menu, but typing a keyword for a program and hitting enter >>> Clicking start and hunting for that program you wish to run.
Ahh, OK, thanks - I think I'll opt for Vista as the OS then. I dunno why they insist on changing something that works. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

I absolutely love XP. Call me old-fashioned, but I still use (and MUCH prefer) the "Classic" style for Start menu, taskbar, folder view, etc.

If I buy/build a new computer with Windows 7, can I configure the interface to resemble "Classic" style?

No, and why would you want to?

I dunno why they insist on changing something that works. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Yeah, a Pentium III was "good enough". It wasn't broke, yet we fixed it. And we continue to "fix it" by making new faster/better/more efficient processors. Would you complain about that too? The "classic" taskbar worked, but the new taskbar works better.
Ahh, OK, thanks - I think I'll opt for Vista as the OS then. I dunno why they insist on changing something that works. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


Actually XP's Start Menu fails big time in a lot of areas. Something that people don't think about much are pen and touch interfaces, Windows 7 KILLS XP in terns of ease of use in this area. The new Start Menu works almost perfectly with a touch interface.

You don't here much about that now but if Apple releases a tablet by Summer 2010, you'll being seeing a LOT more Windows 7 touch and pen devices. And then people will realize "Oh, this is why you guys did this!"

You can hunt around, there are ways to cobble together what you want if you digg enough. But yeah, its a step back.
No, and why would you want to?....

I want to, simply because the Classic style works just fine for me. I'm not interested in anything else.

Yeah, a Pentium III was "good enough". It wasn't broke, yet we fixed it. And we continue to "fix it" by making new faster/better/more efficient processors. Would you complain about that too? The "classic" taskbar worked, but the new taskbar works better.

Better performance for less money with 'greener' energy consumption is all great stuff, no doubt. But that is a completely different topic. My discussion here relates to the user interface only, and the method I prefer is the Classic style.

Maybe you liked the new Coke. Me, I always liked the 'Classic' Coke. And the funny thing is, they realized they made a mistake and brought Classic Coke back, lol. You're most likely too young to know what I'm referring to, so check it out:

Newer isn't always better.

I absolutely love XP. Call me old-fashioned, but I still use (and MUCH prefer) the "Classic" style for Start menu, taskbar, folder view, etc.

If I buy/build a new computer with Windows 7, can I configure the interface to resemble "Classic" style?


Hi, Chevy-SS,

You can at least get the Quick Launch toolbar (from the Windows Secrets Newsletter, Issue 221, 11/12/09 edition, "Known Issues" by Dennis O'Reilly) :

Bring the Quick Launch toolbar back to Windows 7

In the Nov. 5 Known Issues column, Ed Kirkpatrick described how he created a custom Windows 7 toolbar to replace the Quick Launch toolbar, which is missing by default in Win7. David Shirly was one of several readers who provided us with instructions for restoring Win7's Quick Launch toolbar:

* "Regarding Dennis O'Reilly's piece on Windows 7 early adopters: Quick Launch is still available, but it's hidden by default. You have to know where to look:

C:\ Users \ username \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Internet Explorer \ Quick Launch

"Simply create a new toolbar and point to this location. You'll have to enable 'show hidden files' to find it."

Hope this helps.

I want to, simply because the Classic style works just fine for me. I'm not interested in anything else.
That's the wrong type of attitude to have with technology. Anyway, all craziness aside, most people wish to cling to something old and comfortable, until they start using the new Windows 7 taskbar and Start Menu. Then you realize how useless XP's Start Menu was. The Jump Lists alone are worth it.

Try it out before you pass judgement on it. That's what made a lot of fools out of the whole Vista controversy. People decided it sucked and XP was better...without ever trying it.
I agree with you, but I am comfortable with the old Classic style and I can easily do everything that I need to do. ;)


And Windows 7 taskbar makes it even easier to do...

I use XP at work and it sucks compared to Windows 7. I constantly find myself trying to hit the Windows key and type to get something to launch. instead I'm stuck with an ever increasing quick launch bar because I don't like have to drill down in the suck that is the XP start menu.
Ahh, OK, thanks - I think I'll opt for Vista as the OS then. I dunno why they insist on changing something that works. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

They didn't fix anything, they just made it a hell of a lot better. The search bar in the new start menu is a godsend. I used to be like you about the start menu but I figured it's the future, give it a shot. 2 weeks later I refused to go back to the old way.
I absolutely love XP. Call me old-fashioned, but I still use (and MUCH prefer) the "Classic" style for Start menu, taskbar, folder view, etc.

If I buy/build a new computer with Windows 7, can I configure the interface to resemble "Classic" style?



While I sympathize, time marches on, and change can be a good thing.

If they wanted to make it like XP, they would have, but that is your
daddy's OS now.

Embrace change, try it you might be surprised that you like it.
I was thrown off by the Win7 taskbar at first but after a month or so of getting used to it, I'd never go back to anything else.
Ahh, OK, thanks - I think I'll opt for Vista as the OS then. I dunno why they insist on changing something that works. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

You're sticking with Vista because Windows 7 removed the classic start menu?

Are we to assume Vista will be the last version of Windows you ever use, then?
I agree with you, but I am comfortable with the old Classic style and I can easily do everything that I need to do. ;)


You can easily take longer to do everything you need to do more inefficiently.

Why not just use 3.1
You should give the Windows 7 start menu a chance for 2-3 days.

I can perform the following keystrokes and have excel open in 100ms.


Just this feature alone makes me cringe when I use a computer with the legacy start menu. (when you press the windows key, the textbox that has focus is a combo search/run... box that is very, very fast - so just a single keystroke and you're ready to rock. Minimum on a legacy OS is two keystrokes: WindowsKey+R - and the "run" box is less powerful unless you enjoy modifying your system path.. and even then, you can't open files easily from this dialog...)
Well in XP you either winkey+R and type the program (equally fast as 7 in many cases), or winkey+D then click a desktop shortcut, or use a quick launch button, or winkey+F, type something and hit enter, or winkey+E and navigate to it. So its not like we didnt have options to find programs. All the good old options from XP still exist and they added some new ones like winkey+1 to launch a docked shortcut.

Start menu hunt-and-click was always the last resort for non-power users, which is the real reason you dont need to stick with XP classic menus. Start menus suck. In most cases you need to know not only the program, but also the company name of who makes it. This gets pretty bad after you install a ton of programs and you have to remember if your game was from EA, Activision, wait was it Bioware.

I'm stuck with XP at work and the one thing I constantly miss about 7 is dragging windows to the screen edges to autosize them, now thats an improvement. I do that crap all the time now in XP then get a little sad when nothing happens.
Better performance for less money with 'greener' energy consumption is all great stuff, no doubt. But that is a completely different topic. My discussion here relates to the user interface only, and the method I prefer is the Classic style.

I always like the windows 2003 support tools, but now I have to use powershell.

I shunned powershell until i tried it, now its awesome and very powerful.

Don't get stuck on technology or you won't be around PC's for long.

My 2 cents
why do people insist on telling somebody their preference is wrong and bad?

a simple yes or no would have ended this, but so many people continue to bash somebody's personal preference. I don't get it :confused:
why do people insist on telling somebody their preference is wrong and bad?

a simple yes or no would have ended this, but so many people continue to bash somebody's personal preference. I don't get it :confused:

Why do so many people continue to insist they have have the old interface, and create numerous threads bemoaning the loss of something that is long overdue to die?
Why do so many people continue to insist they have have the old interface, and create numerous threads bemoaning the loss of something that is long overdue to die?


There are DOZENS of threads on this exact topic, which directly correlates with the number of people who also probably believe in the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" mentality.
why do people insist on telling somebody their preference is wrong and bad?

a simple yes or no would have ended this, but so many people continue to bash somebody's personal preference. I don't get it :confused:

Exactly. After all, it's called a PERSONAL computer.

I happen to like a 67 Camaro, old 70's Jeeps, old 70's drag boats.....someone going to dare try to tell me I can't drive them because they're old? I don't think so.

Might as well strip away the ability to use your own wallpaper too...just use what comes with Windows's better for you, trust us. :rolleyes:

A lot of people forget some people may be asking this question from an "IT in the corporate world" point of view. Ever try to change allllll the employees of a company to adopt a new interface? Anyone remember the feeling of being swamped by help calls when Office 2007 with that lovely ribbon bar came out? Workers dying to know where the F they hid the quick print button?

I don't remember an overwhelming love of Office 2007 ribbon bar when it came out...where was the "Embrace the new, discard the old" quotes back then?
Why do so many people continue to insist they have have the old interface, and create numerous threads bemoaning the loss of something that is long overdue to die?

I certainly will not disagree on yet another post like this instead of searching.
no arguing there.

but it seems a lot of folks here are basically telling somebody they're gonna go to hell just because they prefer something older.

I'm most definitely not arguing about the pro's 7 may have over XP, either, as I haven't used 7 much, and I spent a whole of maybe 15 minutes playing with Vista.

but see, personal preference is just that; personal. You can't tell somebody that their preference is wrong, since it's a personal opinion.
I happen to like a 67 Camaro, old 70's Jeeps, old 70's drag boats.....someone going to dare try to tell me I can't drive them because they're old? I don't think so.
Wrong analogy. You're allowed to drive your Camaro, and you're allowed to keep using Windows 2000. You're not allowed to complain that Chevy added shocks, crumple zones and airbags to your Camaro and took away the 6.5L V8 option. That's called progress.
just fuking use it for a couple days and you will see the light - just like everyone else did .... me included (i bitched and moaned as well)

Don't get stuck on technology or you won't be around PC's for long.

My 2 cents

I am absolutely NOT "stuck on technology". I love the ongoing improvements in technology and will happily make sacrifices to learn new technology IF it improves ease of use or efficiency or SOMETHING.

But don't force me to buy a car with a 6-speed manual transmission. I have had enough cars with standard shift. Nowadays I prefer automatic transmissions. I don't want to think about shifting gears when I drive. I just want to drive.

thanks for replies gents! :D

But don't force me to buy a car with a 6-speed manual transmission. I have had enough cars with standard shift. Nowadays I prefer automatic transmissions. I don't want to think about shifting gears when I drive. I just want to drive.


That is because you aren't a car enthusiast. Now I'm wondering if we can say the same thing about you being a PC enthusiast........
That is because you aren't a car enthusiast. Now I'm wondering if we can say the same thing about you being a PC enthusiast........

One can be a car enthusiast and still eventually desire a daily beater with an auto tranny. I'm a car enthusiast, I learned to drive on the streets when I was age 12 on my dads modified Alfa Romeo 2000 GTV Sprint Veloce. And I learned the sporting euro style of driving....cutting my teeth on other European sports coupes like BMW 2002tii and Porsche 911s and Mercedes and Saabs and the such. But now and then after a long day of hauling servers 'n computers around, sometimes the drive home in traffic...the legs want to rest and not deal with a clutch. Not one iota of that means one is not a car enthusiast.
Wrong analogy. You're allowed to drive your Camaro, and you're allowed to keep using Windows 2000. You're not allowed to complain that Chevy added shocks, crumple zones and airbags to your Camaro and took away the 6.5L V8 option. That's called progress.

Not really, my cars, my time spent driving, my money, my rules. I'll go buy a 2008 made Cobra 427 repro kit from E.R.A.
Ok..Im not against change. And like some of the features of Win7 Start menu... but what I find annoying as hell is all the clutter. I dont need to ever hook my PC to a projector, I dont use touch/ can I get rid of those Icons? I also find it annoying to have Snip it, getting started etc as seperate Icons in the Menu.

I guess if there is a way to customize the start menu it will be on the net and I should just google it. To me it always seems that MS tries to make it easier for the novice PC user but in the process you loose the ability to do advanced functions with a couple clicks. Prime example is the HORRID interface with MS Office 2007... I absolutely HATE it....
Ok..Im not against change. And like some of the features of Win7 Start menu... but what I find annoying as hell is all the clutter. I dont need to ever hook my PC to a projector, I dont use touch/ can I get rid of those Icons? I also find it annoying to have Snip it, getting started etc as seperate Icons in the Menu.

Huh? :confused:

Everything I need, nothing I dont.

Ok..Im not against change. And like some of the features of Win7 Start menu... but what I find annoying as hell is all the clutter. I dont need to ever hook my PC to a projector, I dont use touch/ can I get rid of those Icons? I also find it annoying to have Snip it, getting started etc as seperate Icons in the Menu.

I guess if there is a way to customize the start menu it will be on the net and I should just google it. To me it always seems that MS tries to make it easier for the novice PC user but in the process you loose the ability to do advanced functions with a couple clicks. Prime example is the HORRID interface with MS Office 2007... I absolutely HATE it....

Why not just pin your most commonly used items to the quick access toolbar?

Ok..Im not against change. And like some of the features of Win7 Start menu... but what I find annoying as hell is all the clutter. I dont need to ever hook my PC to a projector, I dont use touch/ can I get rid of those Icons? I also find it annoying to have Snip it, getting started etc as seperate Icons in the Menu.

I guess if there is a way to customize the start menu it will be on the net and I should just google it. To me it always seems that MS tries to make it easier for the novice PC user but in the process you loose the ability to do advanced functions with a couple clicks. Prime example is the HORRID interface with MS Office 2007... I absolutely HATE it....


Come on, seriously. Windows XP also put stuff in the taskbar in the beginning, but you can always delete/unpin them (by right-clicking) or customizing it to never put anything in the start menu unless you want to.

1. Right click on the taskbar.
2. Click properties.
3. Click on 'start menu' tab.
4. Uncheck 'store and display recently opened programs in the start menu'.
5. Click 'customize'.
6. Change 'number of recent programs to display' to 0.

Now you'll have a completely clean start menu. This is what I've been doing since 2001 with every install of Windows.

Also, IMO Word 2007 made it way easier to do advanced options in just a couple clicks. Now I don't have to navigate systems of menus each time I want to do something because there's a button to do that right there.

edit - This is what my current taskbar looks like. Not very cluttered, is it? I honestly don't remember ever having to look up on the net how to do this. I think I first learned it way back during the summer of '01 when I was in the XP beta.

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That is because you aren't a car enthusiast. Now I'm wondering if we can say the same thing about you being a PC enthusiast........

LOL, you say I'm not a car enthusiast? Did you look at my screen name? :p

Here's the car I just sold last year. '68 Camaro with Accel DFI fuel-injected big-block, 4-speed, 3.73 rear, and way too many goodies to list:

And here's the car I bought this year. 2004 Corvette:

I've had lots and lots of Chevy cars, big-block and small-block. Stick shifts and autos, but they all burned rubber real good! Booyah...............
