Can I run ESXi inside a Hyper-V host VM?


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 30, 2001
We have a new vendor solution that REQUIRES esxi. We are a Hyper-V shop. I currently have the vendors VM deployed on a test server that isn't beefy just to get the solution up and running. I'm wondering if it is possible to run ESXi inside a Hyper-V VM then load the vendors solution inside that VM?

I've read you can go the other way (hyper-v hosted on esxi), but can't find any info on doing it the way I want.
I understand this is not ideal, but I don't want to have to buy a whole separate server just for this 1 VM.
Might be able to convert it to a VHD and so forth as well. I've done that with a few appliances.
any advice other than using the standard vmdk to vhd converters?

Your biggest issue will likely be getting the network going. You may want to see if someone has done it before and go from there.

Edit: If there isn't much documentation covering Sophos itself, try to figure out what OS it is running ontop of and go from there. IE if its FreeBSD, improvise off of a Hyper-V FreeBSD guide, Ubuntu and Ubuntu and so forth.
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Contacted the manufacturer. Here is what they said

"it's an ubuntu derivative of debian"
running debian 6.0.4
linux kernel 2.6.39
Should be cake to get working in Hyper-V then. Just do a bit of digging for Debian Hyper-V networking and see what you come up with :)