Can my mobo support dual cores P4s?


Sep 22, 2000
I have an Asus P5AD2 Premium based on the 925X chipset. I can't seem to find any info anywhere about running dual core P4's on it, as far as I understand only the 945 and 955 chipsets would be able to do this?

So, if I need a new mobo, which would be recommended, with similar characteristics to the one I already have? Going to AMD is not really an option, this computer is not used primarily for gaming, and I would be getting a Pentium 840EE for sure.
You will need a 945 or 955-based mobo for dual core at this time. There is some speculation it may be possible at some point (some mobo maker might figure something out to make older systems compatible) but nothing solid.
if you can afford the amd dual cores why not? they beat the intel variants in pretty much every category for dual core usage, they are simply better processors. The only people who should honestly be looking to intel for dual core currently are people who want the very low end duals, like myself, because of the price differential in those vs the amd X2. Do yourself a favor and read up on the amd X2 vs the intel duals. The amd cores are simply better.
OK, guess it's time for a new mobo then... Asus P5WD2 looks like what I'll get.

As for AMD CPUs, yes I did do a lot of comparison between the two, as I said this will not be primarily a gaming PC, but rather one where three or four CPU intensive applications will run at once. Thus, Dual cores plus Hyperthreading will give an advantage over the AMD platform (at least theoretically :D).
A lot of what Ive seen says there are performance hits in a lot of multi threaded apps which are using dual cores with HT. You might want to look around a bit more. The X2 is far from being just for gaming, so put that out of your mind.
We'll see, we'll see... I may just get a dual core AMD system for my personal use in the future, the P4 one is for business use.
eTiMaGo said:
We'll see, we'll see... I may just get a dual core AMD system for my personal use in the future, the P4 one is for business use.

I dont see where the difference is? The X2's are simply better all around processors. Kyle here at hardocp has one himself. I think you are somehow viewing the amd processors as "gaming only" and that simply isnt the case. Its your money, but honestly you should pay a lot of attention to the wide and varied reviews across the net which simply peg the X2 as a much more capable processor.
good luck with whatever you decide.
While it's true that generally AMD processors excel at gaming but fall behind intel on other things, the X2's are a little different, simply because the dual-core design AMD uses is superior to Intel's. I'm an Intel guy myself but I don't mind admitting that AMD did a better job with dual core on the first run out. As it is, Intel's only advantage in the dual core segment is the lower price point.

Tom's Hardware has a comparative review that makes for good reading, and I'm sure there are plenty of other such reviews out there you can find.
eTiMaGo said:
Asus P5WD2 looks like what I'll get.

very wise choice.

I just got that same board a few days ago and so far its awesome.
boy, you just have to love where this conversation is going.

the man originally asked if his mobo can support a dual core P4 and so far all his thread has attracted is some people telling him that he should go the AMD route.

Hello! Think McFly, think! :rolleyes:
ozziegn said:
boy, you just have to love where this conversation is going.

the man originally asked if his mobo can support a dual core P4 and so far all his thread has attracted is some people telling him that he should go the AMD route.

Hello! Think McFly, think! :rolleyes:

AMD funboys doing their jobs and ruining another thread...