Can somebody with a dual core proc test CPU usage for sound?


Aug 9, 2002
I'm curious to see whether the second core takes up the slack on doing 3d sound processing in software.
A Necessary Bump.
Maybe we should put this in the CPU forums too? I would also like to see how the dual cores handle any audio processing instructions. Hopefully dual cores can reduce the need for Creative cards in the future (for those of us who could care less about EAX).
I suspect similar to Dual Proc motherboards, of which have been out for a while. Low enough on a single proc, so who really cares?
I want to see this too. I think that my speculation about good quality sound cards that use alot of CPU resources will now be negligable and non noticable with a Dual core CPU.
I have a single core CPU and a Revo 7.1 and I play games with Sensura on and I barely if at all notice anything...I don't see what the big deal is and why everyone is so concerned. Even if it was a 10 FPS hit I would gladly take it to experience the superior DVD and music sound. Thank god there are alternatives to the crap that is Creative.

As a side note it would be cool to know :)

Please define how Creative is crap when it comes to gaming? :)
And not some "I don't like the company"...or "Their cards look like toast"..but real hard evidence? :)

Terra - Used Creative ever since Soundblaster 16...And never been let down...
Let's see... They artificially create differences in thier product line through disabling EAX versions in the official drivers. They don't let you download the complete drivers from thier website. Thier bass management is messed up, in that you can have it set at a proper level for games or movies, but not both. Oh, and many stil havn't forgiven them for the false marketing of the 96khtz/24bit sample rate on the Audigy 1 soundcard.

Oh, and I think EAX sounds like ass.

Those are some of the bigger faults that come to mind. Can anyone else fill in some gaps?

P.S. Remember people, the real point of this thread is to investigate the utility of dual core procs in shouldering the CPU load of non-Creative soundcards, not to heap scorn on Creative.
GodsMadClown said:
Let's see... They artificially create differences in thier product line through disabling EAX versions in the official drivers. They don't let you download the complete drivers from thier website. Thier bass management is messed up, in that you can have it set at a proper level for games or movies, but not both. Oh, and many stil havn't forgiven them for the false marketing of the 96khtz/24bit sample rate on the Audigy 1 soundcard.

Oh, and I think EAX sounds like ass.

Those are some of the bigger faults that come to mind. Can anyone else fill in some gaps?

P.S. Remember people, the real point of this thread is to investigate the utility of dual core procs in shouldering the CPU load of non-Creative soundcards, not to heap scorn on Creative.

Thats pretty much what I was going to say. I have a couple LIVE! cards and they suck. I didn't go buy a 200 dollar 2Z or whatever because I don't need to spend 200 bucks to be proven right when my Revo rocks. EAX does sound like ass...but I will say its useful when I play Call of Duty or *shudder* Camperstrike. But its not the quality that helps its the quantity...I can better position enemies but yeah I don't hear much of a difference between the EAX's although I don't think I have ever heard 4...and even when I use it it works great with Sensaura enabled.

P.S. YES! back to the part about dual procs! and I apolojize about the thread crap...I just didn't want people to perpetuate the myth of heavy frame hits using Sensaura.
GodsMadClown said:
Oh, and I think EAX sounds like ass.

Those are some of the bigger faults that come to mind. Can anyone else fill in some gaps?
EAX does sound like ass.

the biggest fault of all: this was both VIA's and Creative's fault, both of which i hate with a passion. the incompatability between soundblaster live and the KT133A. i have never forgiven either for that bullshit. neither of them fixed it, and they shouldve.
By the 6th of this month I should have all the components for my new system, which includes an AMD X2 processor.

But to be honest, the one place I skimped is audio, I'm planning on using the integrated audio (asus a8n-sli premium) with Klipsch a2.1 speakers
you didnt scrimp... those klipsch 2.1's are kick ass speakers. now it *is* a crime to hook them up to ac97... spring for at least a refurbed audigy 2 (really sounds perfectly fine for normal people) and will reduce your cpu usage 1 or 2 percent over the ac97.
or heck i've got a live card around i've been using for a long time. works great and i'll sell it to ya for $20 w\ free shipping. doa and all that.
dekard said:
or heck i've got a live card around i've been using for a long time. works great and i'll sell it to ya for $20 w\ free shipping. doa and all that.
you realise that integrated audio in modern boards sounds much better than the 3+ year old live series, right?
not in my experience. the background noise on anything onboard is terrible. i've got an extremely sensitive set of speaker, the klipsch like the original poster. check my sigs for specs, its a very nice motherboard and still doesn't compare.
Heh, all I'm saying is that while I'd be happy to help you guys with benchmarks, I'm not in a situation where I have multiple soundcards to compare nor the surround speakers...
dekard said:
not in my experience. the background noise on anything onboard is terrible. i've got an extremely sensitive set of speaker, the klipsch like the original poster. check my sigs for specs, its a very nice motherboard and still doesn't compare.
i have mine hooked up to a sony STR-DE575 home theater reciever with 5.1 sorround. Difinitive Tech Procinema80's (back), Procinema100's (Fronts), Procenter100, and a Sony 150w SA-WM500 Sub. its much nicer than your klipsch set, or any computer speaker set for htat matter. There is none of this "background noise."

this is with both analog and digital.
ManicMachine said:
Heh, all I'm saying is that while I'd be happy to help you guys with benchmarks, I'm not in a situation where I have multiple soundcards to compare nor the surround speakers...

Honestly, the Chaintech AV-710 is the sound card to beat for stereo. Even my Revo is very close to it, and the Audigy 1 wasn't even close. For <$30 shipped, it is a killer bang/buck card for a stereo signal. I'm talking about the High sample rate option of course.
GodsMadClown said:
Honestly, the Chaintech AV-710 is the sound card to beat for stereo. Even my Revo is very close to it, and the Audigy 1 wasn't even close. For <$30 shipped, it is a killer bang/buck card for a stereo signal. I'm talking about the High sample rate option of course.

Yeah but thats only if you want to use digital right? Or is that what he wants to do and I just am blind...