Can Windows Millenium Edition handle thumb drives?


Aug 2, 2002
I don't care what anybody says - Windows ME rocks. :cool:

Hmm ok not really but my dad needs a way of transferring files between his old computer (running Windows ME) and his new computer (XP Pro). Anybody know if Windows ME can handle thumb drives? If not - any suggestions for a similar thing that would be compatible?
It should be able to, but you might need some sort of driver since I know windows 98/se needed one (and ME is also 9x).

Does your dad have a router? You could just network the two computers, share the old computers hard drives and have the old computer files be transferred via ethernet.
I know that installing Windows ME from a thumb drive is only limited to the machine's ability to boot off of one but running ME on one is a whole 'nother can of worms.

Do you need to run ME off of a thumb drive just to copy files to the other PC? Can't you just copy the files on to the drive from the old computer (assuming that it's still running on its own steam) and pull them off the drive using the new computer? Like 450 said, don't you have a router or at least a crossover ethernet cable to transfer files?

Better yet, can't you take the hard drive out of the old PC, hook it up to the new PC, boot into Windows XP, let it set up the drive, and copy the files off of it directly?
If the pc is very old (and ME is OLD) then the HDD's will probably be IDE. If his new computer is completely brand new, it may not have any IDE ports.
WTF does this even have to do with anything? Both 450 (2nd post) and GushpinBob. He just wants to copy files to the thumb drive.

I think it'll work but you need a driver because 98 does. As already stated by 450.
Something like this is always handy around if you're doing PC work - it'll let you hook up the old HDD to the new machine via USB without having to worry about mounting it in a case. They're not really made of regular, day-to-day use - but they make life a lot easier when doing repair, migrations & recovery jobs.
It should be able to, but you might need some sort of driver since I know windows 98/se needed one (and ME is also 9x).

Does your dad have a router? You could just network the two computers, share the old computers hard drives and have the old computer files be transferred via ethernet.
Any idea where one would get such drivers? I don't think I've ever seen a driver disc included with a thumbdrive.

The two computers will be on the same network. In fact, on his Windows ME computer, his entire hard drive is already shared on the network. Still, I think the idea of not being able to use a floppy is a bit scary for him so I'm hoping to find something as similar to a floppy as possible. I suppose I could always just get an external floppy drive, as ghetto as that is.
Why not just plug the thumb drive in and see what happens?? It will either work or it will require a driver.
I have actually had GREAT luck with Me and thumb drives. Have only had one flash drive out of about 20 that didn't work.

Give it a shot.
Cmon guys, lets not make this harder than it should be.

Plug it in........95% of them will make windows load a driver automatically and your off and running. The others might need a driver from the manufacturer.

ME is slightly (but still not great) better than 98x in regards to USB performance. At the very least the ME machine should be able to recognize the thimb drive as a mass storage device, allowing you to move files easily and without a driver. If a driver is required, most thumb drive manufacturers have them, just visit you thumb drive makers website.
Like Monkey34 says plug it in it Win ME will load a driver for it. Win 98 SE needs a driver for a thumb drive Win ME will automatically load a driver.:D