Can you get here?


Jan 30, 2005
Here are some random pics of things that might be semi-hard to do in Battlefield 2:

A blackhawk and cobra under the carrier..

JSF on the train.. (couldn't get it stable due to the rear wheel spacing)

Cobra in an empty pool...

And a JSF on top of the hotel.
Yeah, impressed as i am, i have to say that if i could run BF2 i'd certainly spend more time playing it against real people than dicking about with the vehicles. Mind you, i was quite impressed by the guy who got the cobra balanced on the crane
theelviscerator said:
none of that looks hard to do....
post a pic of something better :rolleyes:
i never said it was terribly hard.

Wally said:
Yeah, impressed as i am, i have to say that if i could run BF2 i'd certainly spend more time playing it against real people than dicking about with the vehicles. Mind you, i was quite impressed by the guy who got the cobra balanced on the crane
theelviscerator said:
try playing the game sometime instead of masturbating with it..
i do play it, 99% of the time. just thought i might try this tonight for half an hour..
theelviscerator said:
none of that looks hard to do....

try playing the game sometime instead of masturbating with it..

try posting something constructive instead of thread-crapping
Jesus Christ, what happened to this forum? A guy posts pics of something he's proud of and everybody shits on his head?

"try playing the game sometime instead of masturbating with it.."

Why don't you fuck off, asshole, how old are you? Why don't we ever have mods around to regulate this kind of drivel? It's really sad that the [H], which used to be a fun and informative place to research at some point got overrun by Bnet / CStrike, preteen, "I r M0r3 733t tHan u" crowd. Just go away
There were people doing that kind of stuff when the |{illa Bee fella was showing off his new copy of BF2.

I can't wait until i get my new rig sorted, i'm sooo bored of playing condition zero at 640x480 at 12 fps :mad:
I still love jeep/buggy races and tricks - load some C4 on your truck, and start runnin! Thank god for the unranked servers :D
theelviscerator said:
none of that looks hard to do....

try playing the game sometime instead of masturbating with it..

Try posting something constructive instead of masturbating your own ego. :rolleyes:
looks cool, but you should try doing that on a 64 player server when people r in there. you get your ass c4'd, stingered, or blown up by a tank. :eek:
I was impressed with myself just for landing back on the carrier with the jet. I'll have to give the hotel rooftop a try. :D
God that game looks purty. If only I had the hardware...

I like those tricks. Couldn't be easy, if the controls are anything like Desert Combat. Reminds me of the 32-player-high ladder in CS that one time :D
theelviscerator said:
none of that looks hard to do....

try playing the game sometime instead of masturbating with it..

Your a freaking jerk.

What was the constructive point behind your post?

Grow up.

adam7488 said:
Your a freaking jerk.

What was the constructive point behind your post?

Grow up.


Lol, man. I love how you use your name as a clinching argument. :cool:
Part of the beauty of BF is the ability to just goof off every now and then and do something silly like what the op did. Nice pics!
Ive landed a mec jet under the carrier before (no shots though), choppers and jsf can be landed about anywhere with vto easily. Combination of being bored, server emptying out, and having the other team beat brought it upon.

Btw how'd you get multiple shots, I thought it just went into the clipboard?
Did it again for the heck of it. Wheres this folder? (im too lazy to look through each one in bf2 folder)

Edit: Just searched the bf2 directory for bmp's tga's and jpeg's nothing found.
/me hates when games that use my documents

Anyhow that video is impressive no idea how you got some of those shots (I can understand specing any recording but say middle of moving blackhawk looking around @ credits has me guessing)

Tempts me to actually give ea some money and stop playing the demo.

Heres two random shots in there (most shots ive taken are of bugs)
you can also download fraps at and use this program. it also has a frame rate counter that can go in any corner of the screen and can also record you playing games.
BigFuzzyArchon said:
bF2 pics are in "my documents" folder

If you like that, check out this

Most of us have been doing this since BF1942 and just continued it in BF2 :) We are making more videos, its just taking a while because we lost our stunt server. No server = hard to film stunts.

wow awesome video. those guys do some crazy stuff with the planes. i like the one where they fly the jet underline a pipeline and then do a loop and go through the pipeline again. so aweomse :eek: :cool:
BigFuzzyArchon said:
bF2 pics are in "my documents" folder

If you like that, check out this

Most of us have been doing this since BF1942 and just continued it in BF2 :) We are making more videos, its just taking a while because we lost our stunt server. No server = hard to film stunts.

WOW! Where can I get a high-res version of that! Amazing. I want to see the first one also.
Those are sweet pics, and the vid BigFuzzyArchon posted was absurd! Those are some serious skills! :D
BigFuzzyArchon said:
bF2 pics are in "my documents" folder

If you like that, check out this

Most of us have been doing this since BF1942 and just continued it in BF2 :) We are making more videos, its just taking a while because we lost our stunt server. No server = hard to film stunts.

:eek: jaw was on the floor. That stuff makes the warthog jump look old school.

Somebody, for the sweet love of Jesus, donate some hardware so I can play that sweet-looking game!!! :(
BigFuzzyArchon said:
bF2 pics are in "my documents" folder

If you like that, check out this

Most of us have been doing this since BF1942 and just continued it in BF2 :) We are making more videos, its just taking a while because we lost our stunt server. No server = hard to film stunts.

Looks like a version that we put together back in week 2-3 of release. Not bad.
I don't see why anybody should care how he plays his game. I do this kind of stuff all the time, and it's incredibly fun. Especially if you have a few people on a LAN, and you're all doing it.

Some interesting things to do:

Halo: See how many Warthogs you can get on the little land-bridge on the canyon-ish MP level.

Giants: All kinds of fun can be had with the little gyrocopters.

NFS Series: Carefully orchestrated LAN wrecks. (pretty cool to have a couple people hit a car from just the right angles to get it spinning around and flying through the air)

Etc. Etc. Etc.

In fact, I pity those who can't see the fun in doing something like this. No imagination. "All that matters is my rank, I don't care if I'm not having as much fun..." Bleh... You can have your rank.
AceTKK said:
Jesus Christ, what happened to this forum? A guy posts pics of something he's proud of and everybody shits on his head?

"try playing the game sometime instead of masturbating with it.."

Why don't you fuck off, asshole, how old are you? Why don't we ever have mods around to regulate this kind of drivel? It's really sad that the [H], which used to be a fun and informative place to research at some point got overrun by Bnet / CStrike, preteen, "I r M0r3 733t tHan u" crowd. Just go away

i dunno about anyone else, but i don't blame him really considering how this forum has turned into "BF Forum - love it or leave it."
Dome said:
i dunno about anyone else, but i don't blame him really considering how this forum has turned into "BF Forum - love it or leave it."

i wouldnt say love it or leave it
more like bf2: come here to complain about it some more
theelviscerator said:
none of that looks hard to do....

try playing the game sometime instead of masturbating with it..

3 Days off for thread crapping. Now you too will have time to masturbate...even more than usual. :eek:
WookieRookie said:
What map is that? Golf of Oman?
yep, i have the demo so that's the only map i have.

BigFuzzyArchon said:
bF2 pics are in "my documents" folder

If you like that, check out this

Most of us have been doing this since BF1942 and just continued it in BF2 :) We are making more videos, its just taking a while because we lost our stunt server. No server = hard to film stunts.
that video was awesome :eek:. i saw BF1942 stunt videos but never anything as cool as this. seeing those maps makes we want to buy the full game.

thanks for all the positive replies. :)