Can you imagine programming this?

I saw that on the news the other day. He's a computer engineer and even has his own FM Transmitter so he can pump out the music to peoples cars. He has a sign outside that tells the watchers to tune to a specific radio station so they can listen.

On the news they were saying the local authorities told him he had to turn it off because it was becoming a hazard to those driving by. :(
Programming it is pretty easy -- assuming it's sequenced and not dynamic. I figure that it's not listening to the music and deciding what to do in reaction, since it would never look as good in that case.

Wiring it is the hard part. It looks like he's got about 45 individual channels to switch on or off. That means he's got 45 different lines of lights that can be turned on or off individually, so they're all coming back to a central place where they're switched.

It would be interesting to see how he solved that problem. Maybe he made them remote somehow, so a switch controled an individual line at the point that line was plugged in.

Either way, it's a ton of work for something so temporary.
When I first watched it, I got the feeling it was done in stop motion. Take a still of each combination of lights, splice them all together to music with video editing software. But I guess the glow of the lights that fades in/out rules that out, though that part could be composited.

This is really done in real time? I'd like to see the news story :)
Well, buying something off the shel if is one way to do it!