Can you install XP after Vista?


Jan 10, 2005
My friend got a new laptop with Vista on it, and he wants to install XP on it also on a Different Partition? This is safe to do right? thanks
It's possible but but but... you're likely to encounter issues because of how Vista's new bootloader works - it's very different than previous versions.

I doubt it'll be a problem but but but... there's always a chance the XP installation might not be bootable after it's done, and that's another story all together. :(

The preferred install method is:

- older version of Windows first, and preferably in order of chronogical age progression
- Vista after all the others are done and working properly
If you search **gasp** you'll find several threads asking this exact question, all made within the last few days... but....

Anyhow, there has been a method posted outlining ways to do this, but the results have been mixed, having worked in a few cases, but failing in most.

In addition, there is a program called VistaBootPro, and I believe if you visit their forums there is yet another method for installing a legacy os after Vista that has worked as well.