Can you RAID a WD 1TB Black and a WD 1TB Green together?


Apr 25, 2007
Would there be any issues doing that, or would they just cooperate and work at the Green's performance level smoothly?

Curious if anyone's tried this before.
Depends on the controller. Presuming Intel Matrix RAID? You're right in that you'd be performance limited by the Green, but reads and writes would complete faster on the Black in RAID0. In RAID1 you'd want to use the Green as the primary to prevent that from causing problems - Matrix RAID loves to wait and wait and wait for RAID1 copy, and hang up the whole controller while doing so.
no problems in linux software raid :-D You can mix and match in software raid and it will work...
But otherwise it's controller dependent... check the controller's docs or forums on it...
The arrays only as fast as the slowest member on the team... er.. slowest drive in the array... :-P