Cannot check SMART status of HDD on Dell systems?


Limp Gawd
Apr 24, 2009
Has anyone else noticed this? I have two systems (one laptop, one desktop) that I bought recently from Dell, and I cannot check the S.M.A.R.T info on the hard drives. Ive tried using HD Tune as well as PassMark's DiskCheckup. The S.M.A.R.T info simply is blank.

Does Dell lock out this information or something? Anyone know how to check S.M.A.R.T on the hard drives installed on a Dell?
HDDScan is another good one. It can even check SMART info on some USB/Firewire drives/enclosures (and is freeware).
^Nope, even with those tools, the SMART still does not appear. Dell seriously did something with their systems...
Have you gone into the bios and enabled it? By default dell as well as other OEM's disable it.

I've been able to run smart tests on every dell I can think of as soon as I turned smart back on from the bios.
My BIOS does not even have an option for SMART. My old Dell Inspiron 6400 laptop could retrieve the SMART information just fine. My newer Studio XPS 13 and Vostro 220 cannot.
Could be, in the BIOS the drives are set to AHCI mode instead of ATA. I noticed CrystalDiskInfo is the only program that is able to successfully check the SMART.