Cannot own PS3 games?


Apr 5, 2006
LOL I know, they come in late expecting people to pay through the nose and put up with their two seperate systems crap (where the lesser system will never be as good) and also nick ideas from nintendo (controller) and xbox (xbox live).
That will make hunting down older games quite a challenge. I've HAD TO buy used on some older games that I've purchased simply because the game was not available new in the store.
Even if this rumor is true, it's a moot point. There's no way they can enforce such a license.
Wasn't this news like a year old and later debunked? Why is it resurfacing again? "Game shops have been told" isn't exactly evidence, unless there is some kind of proof.
Well, this pretty much seals the deal for me. I likely wasn't going to buy a PS3 anyways, now I definitely won't. Sony just doesn't care about their customers at all. In fact, I'd wouldn't doubt it if they secretly get off on walking all over them.
I could see enforcement as being very easy.
BTW, this is all hypothetical...
1) When you setup a Ps3 it makes you get on the Internet and say it's your console.
2) When you play a new game it registers itself to your PS3 account and your PS3. After that point that disc can only be played on that particular console.
3) It checks (ala Steam) each time you run the game to see if it is allowed to run on your console.

If you put the game in a different cosole then there would no registration to that console so you couldn't play the game. It would work only too well.
If I own the liscense rather than the disc itself, I would expect Sony to replace my game disc if it were to become scratched or unreadable.
MrWolf710 said:
I could see enforcement as being very easy.
BTW, this is all hypothetical...
1) When you setup a Ps3 it makes you get on the Internet and say it's your console.
2) When you play a new game it registers itself to your PS3 account and your PS3. After that point that disc can only be played on that particular console.
3) It checks (ala Steam) each time you run the game to see if it is allowed to run on your console.

If you put the game in a different cosole then there would no registration to that console so you couldn't play the game. It would work only too well.

What percentage of console owners have an internet connection? Most, but surely not all. If this were the case, you could never play any games unless you had a network connection. Not gonna happen.
StorageJoe said:
If I own the liscense rather than the disc itself, I would expect Sony to replace my game disc if it were to become scratched or unreadable.
I just had the same thought.
Plus, they're ruining the gamign scene for people who take games to other peoples house to play multiplayer. Have to take the console now? Pfft. Hopefully you can login from any console (although kinda presuming everyone has access to internet) to play or something.
I think they're going to enforce it by not allowing retailers to sell used PS3 games. You can sell them to your friends and there's nothing they can do to stop you. I highly doubt they will make it Steam-like. Also, I'm sure some sites will pop up dealing with use PS3 games.
And people think that Microsoft is the antichrist. Sony is sure giving them a run for their money lately.
Game stores make more money on used games than new. I'd guess Sony wants a piece of that action. If they do in fact impliment a liscense system, they could charge stores a "liscense transfer fee" for each disc they sell.
dotK said:
I think they're going to enforce it by not allowing retailers to sell used PS3 games. You can sell them to your friends and there's nothing they can do to stop you. I highly doubt they will make it Steam-like. Also, I'm sure some sites will pop up dealing with use PS3 games.

cant do that (in the UK at least) we have a thriving 2nd hand market, in fact it is our statitory right to sell products we no longer want

A recond label tried to stop the 2nd hand sale of CD's shortly after they came out in the 80's and that was thrown out of court.

IF this really is true Sony will not be welcome in the UK becuse they will be violating our statitory rights and I believe there is an equiv in Europe as well.

Thus Sony would of put themselves in a situation where they cannot retail the PS3 and/or games in the whole of the EU

are they that stupid? well they did put a rootkit on an audio CD as well as stole code from a GPLed open-source project
shabazkilla said:
And people think that Microsoft is the antichrist. Sony is sure giving them a run for their money lately.

Well, Microsoft actually does those bad things. Sony's critics just seem to be blindly believing one outlandish rumor after another.
Why would it be hard to implement? All they have to do is stop places like gamestop, gamefly, Ebay from selling or renting used PS3 games. This is the bulk of there lost anyways!
I'm going to guess Sony couldn't possibly be this stupid, and assume this is a rumor.
Karafias said:
I'm going to guess Sony couldn't possibly be this stupid, and assume this is a rumor.
After all their recent decisions, I wouldn't bet against it.
PikachuMan said:
Well, Microsoft actually does those bad things

What bad things? So far everything they've done seems to revolve around choice, liek you either can do it now or later or not at all. But if you point some out I'd gladly reconsider ym stance.
Karafias said:
I'm going to guess Sony couldn't possibly be this stupid, and assume this is a rumor.

I'm not taking that bet. Call my cynical. :)

edit: beaten ! oh my heart!
StorageJoe said:
What percentage of console owners have an internet connection? Most, but surely not all. If this were the case, you could never play any games unless you had a network connection. Not gonna happen.

They could easily circumvent that argument by making registration accessible on the phone, like Windows.
eeyrjmr said:
cant do that (in the UK at least) we have a thriving 2nd hand market, in fact it is our statitory right to sell products we no longer want

A recond label tried to stop the 2nd hand sale of CD's shortly after they came out in the 80's and that was thrown out of court.

IF this really is true Sony will not be welcome in the UK becuse they will be violating our statitory rights and I believe there is an equiv in Europe as well.

Thus Sony would of put themselves in a situation where they cannot retail the PS3 and/or games in the whole of the EU

are they that stupid? well they did put a rootkit on an audio CD as well as stole code from a GPLed open-source project
Mind providing a link that describes this "right". I'm having a hard time finding and believing it.
Techincally you have never owned any of the software you've purchased; you have purchased a liscense to run the software. It is the same way with movies and music. This is the reason that the RIAA and MPAA are trying to close the analog hole; they believe they can stop copies from being made and released into the wild where you the consumer do not have to buy a liscense any longer. What is nefarious about this announcement is Sony's attempt to halt the sale of second hand discs. IMO all this will do is bolster eBay sales pushing the business to person-to-person instead of person-to-business-to-person. If, on the other hand they do implement that single-registration & phone home type of scheme all they will ultimately be doing is killing the software sales they so desperately need to justify their loss on the console sale. Smart consumers will rent rather than purchse all but the most AAA titles and push Sony closer to extinction. Stopping rentals will push them even further towards the brink. Part of me is starting to think they deserve it...
They won't do this, (though I wouldn't put it past Sony to). And if they do indeed do this there's going to be such a seething backlash by the consumers that they'll go back recoiling to rectify the situation. They'll get bitchslapped period.
Not gonna happen. They know it would kill so many sales. Used games are great. I don't want to pay $60-$70 for a new one. Wait a while, and it drops to $30-$40. More reasonable. Plus, they sell the console to me which makes me buy a GREAT $60 game every so often.

$600 for the system, no used games, dickhead management? No thanks. I'll stick with Nintendo and the XBox 360. I was looking forward to a new Final Fantasy!
Funny thing is there are a ton of games that Video stores do buy for rental purposes, That market would go to zero overnight, Then consumers are gonna be even more tight with there purchases, So tes Triple A titles will sell but any marginal game will never make it. This will lead to game developers not making titles for the PS3 and shifting thier time and efforts elsewhere. i cant imagine this happening Sony will get trounced, Im planning on buying the PS3 even if this does happen but this will turn off many potential buyers. Is this Sonys idea of making up lost thier money at selling these systems for such a big loss?
Ur_Mom said:
Not gonna happen. They know it would kill so many sales. Used games are great. I don't want to pay $60-$70 for a new one. Wait a while, and it drops to $30-$40. More reasonable. Plus, they sell the console to me which makes me buy a GREAT $60 game every so often.

$600 for the system, no used games, dickhead management? No thanks. I'll stick with Nintendo and the XBox 360. I was looking forward to a new Final Fantasy!
they dont make any of that $30-$40 dollars. and the console is still being sold at a loss i bet. so you offfer a potential money los for sony unless you buy alot of games new.
i hope you guys arnt just blowing all these rumors off. if they turn out to be fake then dismiss them but for now i would just make sure you keep it in mind. sony is a huge mover of all these music sharing lawsuits and i wouldnt put it past them. the reason i hate the bluray is because of the drm aspects of the format. i mean there is a reason everyone is not sold on it and this could just be one of them.
If they did that, you wouldn't be able to rent the games either. That just seems monumentally stupid to me. Maybe Sony is tired of worldwide sales and just want to limit it to the homeland. :confused: With the price tag on it, it looks like they are well on their way.
VRMan said:
If they did that, you wouldn't be able to rent the games either. That just seems monumentally stupid to me. Maybe Sony is tired of worldwide sales and just want to limit it to the homeland. :confused: With the price tag on it, it looks like they are well on their way.
one idea is rental games come with read only memory card with the license.
The more Sony talks, the more I hate them. I've been boycotting Sony for a year now and I news like this lets me know that I have no reason to stop.

Sony is the Nike of the electronics industry--you pay another 100 percent for the label.
trick_m0nkey said:
The more Sony talks, the more I hate them. I've been boycotting Sony for a year now and I news like this lets me know that I have no reason to stop.

Sony is the Nike of the electronics industry--you pay another 100 percent for the label.

Somehow I doubt the PS3 is at the same level as a shoe or a CD player in either manufacturing quality or engineering. It costs a ton, but I doubt it's the name that's costing you.
MrWolf710 said:
I could see enforcement as being very easy.
BTW, this is all hypothetical...
1) When you setup a Ps3 it makes you get on the Internet and say it's your console.
2) When you play a new game it registers itself to your PS3 account and your PS3. After that point that disc can only be played on that particular console.
3) It checks (ala Steam) each time you run the game to see if it is allowed to run on your console.

If you put the game in a different cosole then there would no registration to that console so you couldn't play the game. It would work only too well.
StorageJoe said:
What percentage of console owners have an internet connection? Most, but surely not all. If this were the case, you could never play any games unless you had a network connection. Not gonna happen.

The relevant patent seems to be 6,816,972. Filed on April 17, 2000 and issued on November 9, 2004. Search for the patent number here, painful to direct-link patents at

This describes an offline system. The disc contains certain built-in defects (misaligned tracks, noise in the data) and has (from example in the patent) an erasable magnetic region near the center-hole of the disc. The magnetic region contains information about that specific disc's intentional defects. When you first load the disc, it stores that information in the device (patent describes a memory card) and then erases the magnetic data. As long as you have the card, it can correct the errors. If you don't have the stored defect list, you can't use the disc.

The section of the patent titled "DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED EMBODIMENTS" seems to describe a game console. Unfortunately the images will not load for me.

As this would clearly be a dead-stupid move, I expect that Sony will not use this in the PS3, but for those of you wondering how they'd do it: they have published the method.
Martyr said:
one idea is rental games come with read only memory card with the license.

First I don't understand how you can be an apologist for this kind of thing. Second is that it would be totally unworkable from a rental company standpoint as the tiny rom card would only get lost. The only workaround to that would be giving rental sales SKUs a special ID code that would be usable on any PS3. Like adding a rom cart the added expense of creating this additional system would be appreciable, leading to higher rental charges (rental stores already pay higher prices for their mass-liscense) which would in turn depress PS3 rentals. Given the console's immense buy-in price pickin's will likely be slim anyway.

I don't think that Sony could actually be thinking about going down this just doesn't make any business sense.

EDIT - nice find on the patent search. So it was Sony that was granted the patent?

EDIT 2- Yup, was Sony's patent.
Opie said:
EDIT - nice find on the patent search. So it was Sony that was granted the patent?

EDIT 2- Yup, was Sony's patent.

Specifically, it lists Ken Kutaragi, "The Father of the PlayStation" and President & CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment.
spyderz said:
Why would it be hard to implement? All they have to do is stop places like gamestop, gamefly, Ebay from selling or renting used PS3 games. This is the bulk of there lost anyways!

Perhaps, but there are countless used book stores, pawn shops, and other places that sell pre-owned games. I doubt most of them would care much about license restrictions, and I'm fairly certain that Sony couldn't prevent them from selling without some kind of security on the games themselves.

I've been a Sony supporter for a long time (even after their terrible press conference and price annoucement) but not even strong third party support is going to keep me in their court for long. A fan can only tolerate being shat upon so many times.