Canon 5D MkII


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - April 2007
Apr 10, 2003
Who else is wanting or have preordered this awesome camera?

Here is another video recently shot from the camera. The low light video capability of this camera is amazing.
i just bought the 5D 1 week ago. The MkII looks good, but too $$$ for my blood :)
Bugster... the mk2 is well worth money... Not just for shiny new features but for the speed alone over the first gen 5d.

Edit: just watched that video....



and WOW

This camera is amazing and I can't believe the quality of video... Things are changing guys...
Not really. :) Is not my type of camera. Video recording? I won't know what to do with it.
Agreed with Victor. If i was to buy the MKII, it would be for the updated picture quality and still camera features. Video doesnt matter to me.
See that is what I thought. But the more I think about it, video would help. Just last weekend I went to airfest 08 where they had 2 F-22 Raptors flying and doing stunts. A picture can not show a f-22 raptor flying backwards or doing other crazy things it's capable of doing.
I have the opposite feelings. I'm pretty much attracted to it's video capabilities. As a camera, I would prefer a D700 as an all around camera. I can't buy anything now though since I have 5 dslrs already and a 6th would be madness.
I played with it last night for about 15minutes. Shot video and high ISO. I love it.

Waiting for the D3X to see which I'm gonna get, but ONE of em will be mine, oh yes =p
I'm lusting after the Mk.II, since my 10D is really starting to show it's age, but a new laptop is higher on my list of priorities, and after that it'll be a few years before I can start thinking about a new camera.
It's selling in China right now. Going to start shipping to US tomorrow. Can't wait :)

Why oh why did I have to view this post! uhhh... Now I know where my bonus check is going :rolleyes:

What an amazing piece of equipment! Before today I didn't even know that was possible with a dSLR!
Oh man, this is going to be a hard one to pass off the wife..
No, the few people who seem to be picking theirs up seem to be on the coast. Figures that is where they ship them first. I am hoping to get mine within the next 1 1/2 weeks. Hopefully sooner, I waited 2 days after they made the announcement before I bit.
:( People are getting them. I knew I should of ordered on 9/17 instead of waiting until 9/23. I should get it next week though :(
Pretty cool, still I hope they dont get too caught up in the video side of things. I much prefer still cameras to be still cameras and video cameras to be video cameras.

Either way, awesome camera that I cannot afford. and no one should say the 5D Mk1 is bad or not worth getting by any means, with its price dropping it is one awesome camera for the money.
I decided to buy new glass and wait till next year for an update to the D700 with video instead of stretching myself on two different vendor bodies. I'll keep my old Ls but I dont think I'm gonna be buying much for canon until they at least match the D300s autofocus.
I'm a Nikon guy, but wow those videos are sick, just sick. I never thought I'd give a shit about video in my DSLR but damn, I'm starting to think it could be a pretty cool feature. I realize those videos are heavily edited and PP'd but still....

I think the D700 is a better camera and I cant afford to buy this generation anyway, but I'll probably be ready to by when the D700 followup comes out, and I can only hope it has video like this.

I'm happy for you Canon guys (except the lame AF of course).
I'm a Nikon guy, but wow those videos are sick, just sick. I never thought I'd give a shit about video in my DSLR but damn, I'm starting to think it could be a pretty cool feature. I realize those videos are heavily edited and PP'd but still....

I think the D700 is a better camera and I cant afford to buy this generation anyway, but I'll probably be ready to by when the D700 followup comes out, and I can only hope it has video like this.

I'm happy for you Canon guys (except the lame AF of course).

How about the D3x :D
Awesome. Let me know if you get the weird black dot issue people have been going crazy over. I'm going to wait for more reviews.
Awesome. Let me know if you get the weird black dot issue people have been going crazy over. I'm going to wait for more reviews.

Wow, dood it's nothing. It's very specific circumstances and is like in the 1 percentile. It's also very fixable with firmware updates. But again it's your money. It's just not that "bad" as people are making it out to be.
Where did you read it's fixable by firmware update? I haven't had time to read every single pose everywhere lol. First we have to see if Canon acknowledges this exists as a prob.
Canon won't acknowledge it at all until it is fixed. It's a processor issue from what I have read, and that is fixable by firmware. Some people say that 1.0.6 firmware doesn't have that problem, but some people say it does. So it's a funny thing. It's not fixed or even mentioned by Canon. I don't think they will say anything as they need to avoid the bad press with this camera, and with the 1D MkIII autofocus issue, they have to tread carefully.

Also I was a bit defensive because people tend to blow little things like this out of perportion and it annoys me. Like I said it's not something that most people will really notice. It's mostly seen at high ISO and at 100% crops, with high contrast light. It's not something that's immediately visable, and is very fixable in Post-processing.

Sorry if I came off strong.
Even though I got it yesterday, I just opened the box.

This thread sucks.

Just making me jealous.

I'm going to go tell my 40D that he has nothing to worry about.

Or does he?
Congratz dood. Love the image. So is it worth it?

Hell yeah. Man ISO6400 is awesome, even iso4000, 5000 is great. Video is kick ass. I would do it in a heartbeat again. No regrets at all.

As you can tell, I love this camera. While I love my original 5D, it's just that much better....
I love this camera. Best camera ever :)

I am digging video. Makes me realize that I need a fast wide angle....
35 1.4 or 24 1.4 is calling you. :D

Haven't opened mine up yet. :D I have incredible will power I know... LOL