can't connect to work server


Mar 28, 2002
From my FAHlog.txt...

[14:31:20] + Attempting to get work packet
[14:31:20] - Connecting to assignment server
[14:31:21] - Successful: assigned to (
[14:31:21] + News From Folding@Home: Welcome to Folding@Home
[14:31:21] Loaded queue successfully.
[14:31:21] - Couldn't send HTTP request to server
[14:31:21] (Got status 503)
[14:31:21] + Could not connect to Work Server
[14:31:21] - Error: Attempt #18 to get work failed, and no other work to do.
Waiting before retry.

My AMD64 3000 machine has been idle for half a day now since it turned in its last WU. Anybody else seeing this? Is there anything at my end that might cause this?

Looks like the server is up, but the load is almost 93%... so it's probably just being pounded with requests.... Nothing wrong on your end, just an nearly overloaded server :D

Welcome to the Team!!

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Thanks for answering :)
and for the link to the server status page

no problem.... that's what we're here for... If you have any other questions, feel free to ask... If you beg the Moose enough, you might just get a reach through ;)

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
If you beg the Moose enough, you might just get a reach through ;)

Ya know, it's statements like this that make people be unafraid of the reach through! Moose would be real disappointed. ;)

Welcome to the team!

Beg for a reach through? Are you mad? Sheesh, kids these days.

Just give it time, it'll get a WU pretty soon. It's probably a good thing the Stanford servers are busy, shows they're getting tons of work done.

Glad to have you aboard! I'd type more but I've got to borg something.
yeah, i'm trying to send a 600-pointer home, and it won't go! and i can't get a new WU, been trying for ~12 hours...

A little off topic however a curios question. I noticed in that chart that it lists the CPU load and most are around 1 to 2 %. Not that they need to be folding on the servers but with the servers drawing so little CPU cycles why not?

I'd guess they use more CPU than that at some times, and it's more critical for them to generate new WUs for 10 jillion clients than to finish one.

Is servers still down? I got 2 computers with WUs in the Que. Both of them some how got another WU and are still crunching, but every so often on the console it says they try to upload que WU and fail....

One of them is trying to connect to but keeps failing, not sure what the other one is trying to connect to (it's at a differant location at the moment). This one failed dead line cause it couldn't upload :(

Could I try moving the WUs to a differant computer? Both of them have a good net connection (they are able to access standford's web site in IE)
143 looks like it's down right now... I thought the latest client automatically switched servers if it couldn't connect to the originating server?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

OSUguy98 said:
143 looks like it's down right now... I thought the latest client automatically switched servers if it couldn't connect to the originating server?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

There was supposed to be a server or two that would accept results back from other servers if the original servers were down. I have seen this work maybe once or twice since it was supposed to be implemented. I have seen it not work many more times. It was supposed to stop WU's from being turned in late due to servers being down but doesn't seem to work all that well. I lost a WU because of this one time. I did my damndest to get it to send back using the -send all and everything since I figured a server would finally pick it up but it never did until it was too late.

Supposedly the only downfall of this was supposed to be that you would get credit for the WU a little late sometimes. I think they need to work on the system a bit more. At least it's been a while since they have had problems like this at least that I have noticed.
