Can't decide between pre-order on Fallout 3 for PC or 360?


Jun 9, 2003
Man, I am ready to play this game! The only problem is that I cannot decide between the 50" goodness with mindblowing surround sound on my 360 or my PC. What are your thoughts on this argument? Will there be anything you miss if you go with console vs PC?

I am assuming my rig can handle this game with max eye candy ( 3.6Ghz C2D, 4GB RAM, Overclocked 8800GTX ULTRA 768)

Interested to hear opinions so I can go ahead and pre-order this badboy already!
Pre-ordering is worthless. Gamestop and the likes always get in very limited copies, many times not even filling the orders. Just stop by BestBuy, CircuitCity, Fry's or somewhere when the game is released and pick it up. All those stores get in probably 3 times as much as a Gamestop.
I hate to say this but I dont think Fallout 3 is going to be a game that sell out everywhere on release day. Dont get me wrong, its going to be a great game (I hope) and I cant wait to play it but, I dont think it has the following that others (Halo3/GTA4/MGS4) had. Wait for the demos\rent it first at least.

side note: even if it is as popular as some of the others, I was still able to get a SE copy of those on release day without pre-ordering.
I'd get it for the PC because of mods, better graphics, and better controls. But I wouldn't pre-order it unless there is some great deal for pre-ordering.
PC controls and gfx will be better.

and agreed with the rest, do NOT pre order.

when was the last time a game was out of stock cuz you didnt pre order?
I'd get it for the PC because of mods, better graphics, and better controls. But I wouldn't pre-order it unless there is some great deal for pre-ordering.

What this guy said. The mods will be worth getting the PC version.
I'd get it for the PC because of mods, better graphics, and better controls. But I wouldn't pre-order it unless there is some great deal for pre-ordering.

well if you pre-order it (anywhere) you get a cd with 5 songs from the game. Old classic songs from the 40's/50's.
Man, I am ready to play this game! The only problem is that I cannot decide between the 50" goodness with mindblowing surround sound on my 360 or my PC. What are your thoughts on this argument? Will there be anything you miss if you go with console vs PC?

I am assuming my rig can handle this game with max eye candy ( 3.6Ghz C2D, 4GB RAM, Overclocked 8800GTX ULTRA 768)

Interested to hear opinions so I can go ahead and pre-order this badboy already!

no reason to preorder really

walk into walmart on release day and pick up a copy, sure it might be sold out at gamespot, but not at kmart, walmart, any kind of "mart".

as far as the pc version, sometimes they are $39.99 on release day, so again, no need to preorder it
FPS = no question, go for the PC version. Even without mods etc., unless you're *really* comfortable playing FPS without using a mouse to aim.
FPS = no question, go for the PC version. Even without mods etc., unless you're *really* comfortable playing FPS without using a mouse to aim.

Well it's not a true FPS, and with VATS mouse aiming is even less of an issue. But I agree the PC version will be the one to get, but mainly due to the mods.

I also agree with those who say don't pre-order. I haven't pre-ordered any of the big games this year and haven't had issues.
Hands down pc. I have both and the gfx on pc are always better. Plus I actually prefer gaming on my 24" lcd rather than my 46" 1080p HDTV. It so much crisper on a smaller screen which makes sense since they have (basicaly) the same amount of pixels but one has to stretch them over 46 inches.
Gamestop screwed me on a preorder.. it just disappeared along with my deposit. Needless to say, I don't shop at Gamestop anymore.
Well I want the super special edition, so I don't want to take any chances. I am still torn between the PC and 360 versions.

What kind of mods are we talking about here?
With all the gameplay overhauls and graphical enhancement mods for Oblivion I would say the PC version will have a lot more replay value on a long enough time line.

I think I remember reading that it is the basically the same engine, so the community should be able to ramp up high quality mods pretty quickly with some experience from Oblivion.

Agreed that preorders are a scam, but that's your call and secondary to the topic.
I don't get the notion that a pre-order is a rip off? I order form Amazon, they usually have the lowest price and will adjust if the price drops before release.

Guess, I will wait a bit and see what they say about mods etc. (360 Achievements are kind of hard to resist though)

Too bad its not cross platform.
Didn't Bethesda say they are not releasing Mod Tools at launch, rather maybe some point in time post launch.
No need to preorder, overall this game will sell a good amount but its nothing like what we had last year with some of the late year releases.
PC for the mods like others have said.

Preorder depends on you. If you don't want to drive to five stores in one day looking for the game preorder it. Sure the chances are with most games you will find it in stock so no reason to preorder. That is not always the case tho, I have five or six stores within a mile of me and have had to go further out the first week some games were released.
I'd wait for the reviews first. This game has a more than good chance of being doggie doos. Otherwise PC all the way.
Actually, I preordered a 360 and a PC Limited from Amazon when they had a really nice deal. I plan on opening and playing one and storing the other. Haven't decided which, though, but I am leaning to storing the 360 one.

I'm doing it more for profiteering reasons. I mean, look at Bioshock. Wasn't it $69.99 at launch. It is going for $100 to $100 on eBay already!

I don't think the Limiteds aren't going to as plentiful as say the Halo ones where they made more limited than normals at launch time. Plus, the whole fan scene for Fallout has existed for a long time and will carry on.