Can't find a good case


Limp Gawd
Jun 22, 2004
I'm looking for a new case that fits these criteria.

1) Black
2) Windowed
3) 2 120mm fans (One fromt and 1 back)
4) min. of 3 5.25" bays and 2 3.5" bays (external)
5) No ugly outside lights.

Anyone know of any good cases? Closest thing I could find was the Super Lanboy, but that's silver and extremely ugly looking.
Dude this is a modding forum. You expect us buy a case already modded? Although there is a sea of generic black cases, chances are you'd be better off modding one to fit your needs.
Not too many cases I know come stock with 120mm intake and exhaust fans. You can take a look at the lian-li v1000 which I believe has 120mm fans, or the coolermaster stacker.

your best bet may be to buy a simple windowed aluminum case and do the rest yourself. the window, too, if you're feeling ambitious. ;)
like the other guy said: Thermtake_Tsunami
it uses 120mm Fans
Thanks for the replys. As for the comment about it being already modded, you can't mod a standard case to take 120mm fans in the back because most aren't wide enough. That's why I needed one already set up for 2 120mm fans. Also, I'm just too damn lazy to cut my own window. Not that I couldn't do it, I'm just lazy.
MasterOfPupets said:
Not that I couldn't do it, I'm just lazy.
So lazy that you couldn't even take the time to spell "puppets" right when you registered. Nice.
Actually, if you go to register just about anywhere, if you spell puppets right, it's already taken. hence, The mis-spelling. It's funny how I use this same name on many different forums, and people are still dumb enough to think that I don't realize I spelled puppets wrong.
TT case is a wavemaster ripoff. :(

Mod your oen you will feel like you accomplished something.
Well, the nice thing is that the TT uses the 120mm fans I need, and cost less than the wavemaster. As for modding my own, how am I supposed to mod a 120mm fan into a case where there is only 100mm of space before you hit the board's rear panel? I ask for specific things for a reason, and what I want to do will take some modding.
if you get the LIAN LI PC 65B can fit one 120mm exhaust fan on top but youd have to cut ur own holes
Dr Carta said:
lian li / coolermaster those are good brands. builds custom cases.
wheres the fun in that?

buy a case that you cant do anything to.

AWW im gunna have bad dreams now.

about the case.... the 120mm fan in the front wont do anybetter than 2 80mm fans because the fan is being blocked by the drive bays. but your best guess is the 2 case posted above the antec and the coolmaster one.
Actually, it's so that I can easily set up a dual-radiated Water-cooling rig. One 120mm rad in both front and back.
You sound like you should get a old-syle coolermaster, lian li, or silverstone. Personally, I think the greatest case ever made is the Coolermaster ATC-101b, which was designed by the old design team. However, anothe case just as good and that offers almost all of the features you are talking about is the silverstone nimiz. It has a 120mm front intake, no outside lights (VERY classy case), black, you can get a window panel for $35, 6 5.25 bays which means you can convert 2 to external 3.5 bays and still have 4 left. It is probably the ultimate case available right now. Another case for you to consider is the coolermaster black widow. That case has the finest paint job ever on any case, is windowed, great airflow (althouhg no 120mm), great features, no gaudy lights. Its easily one of the best midtowers ever produced. its kinda hard finding it now though, but if you do, you should snag it.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, you're not gonna find a case like you're talking about for under $150....more likely you'll spend $200+.
On this topic, I know it is a longshot (probably the longest of them all), but anyone know where I can get a Coolermaster ATC-101b in the UK? :/
I wish :/ does not currently ship internationally. Presently we only deliver within the United States and Puerto Rico.
Haven't seen it for sale yet, but should come out soon: Chenbro Gaming Bomb II

comes in silver or black, has 120mm intake and exhuast, so-so looking, and don't know price.

official press release:

If you google "Chenbro Gaming Bomb II" you can find better and bigger photos, I just didn't want to link directly since most of the photos were posted in other forums.
computerpro3 said:
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, you're not gonna find a case like you're talking about for under $150....more likely you'll spend $200+.

The Tsunami is only $129 at Directron or a little more at a couple other places. Not a bad deal really. I know it's a Coolermaster ripoff, but it looks like a good case. I was actually thinking of getting one for myself. It looks pretty well thoughtout and looks like it has reasonably good cooling. The only thing I don't like about it is it doesn't have a removable mobo tray, which I have in my Lian Li PC65B and it has spoiled me... :D
Nuked Jello said:
Haven't seen it for sale yet, but should come out soon: Chenbro Gaming Bomb II

comes in silver or black, has 120mm intake and exhuast, so-so looking, and don't know price.

official press release:

If you google "Chenbro Gaming Bomb II" you can find better and bigger photos, I just didn't want to link directly since most of the photos were posted in other forums.

That's a pretty sweet lookin case!
I honestly think I'm gonna go with the tsunami. It may be a rip-off, but I love the looks. It's only a pre-order though. only bad thing.
Why dont u make ur own case? Thats what alienware did....All u need is a lot of plastic and glue, maybe soem tape.... ask Qtip, he could proly make one... for 6 grand... :D
nah. Acrylic is just too much to show. I'll probably place my preorder monday for the tsunami.

And I really like the Gaming Bomb 2, but I can find no information on when it will be available or the price. Otherwise, I'd consider it more.
MasterOfPupets said:
I honestly think I'm gonna go with the tsunami. It may be a rip-off, but I love the looks. It's only a pre-order though. only bad thing.

A little more $$ here but it's in stock now... :D

BTW, if you get the case, PLEASE provide feedback so I know whether to get one myself. ;)
wtburnette said:
A little more $$ here but it's in stock now... :D

BTW, if you get the case, PLEASE provide feedback so I know whether to get one myself. ;)

Aside from the ripoff design and the fact that it has one of those TERRIBLE drive bay cover doors, that actually is a sweet case. Esp with the inclusion of 120mm intake and exhaust fans, the window, and the side 90mm intake. Throw a 92mm blowhole onto that and you're set.

Why, oh why, do they make drive bay cover doors?
That's easy, not everyone has matching color peripherals. Buy a black case and move over your white/beige drives with no problem. Just close the door and it's all good... :D
wtburnette said:
That's easy, not everyone has matching color peripherals. Buy a black case and move over your white/beige drives with no problem. Just close the door and it's all good... :D

I guess it's all a matter of taste, but I have a black case with white drives and it doesn't bother me at all. Besides, Lian-Li sells bezels for them if it did eventually get on my nerves.

I think the thing that bothers me about the doors is that you need extra space to open the damn thing and I could just see a cd drive ejecting into the door :rolleyes: