Can't find UV 120mm x 25mm fan (LED)


Oct 17, 2004
Looking for UV fan.

Now im not looking for just any UV reactive fan. I am looking for a UV LED fan. True UV, not purple or blue or something close. Green or clear would be best color for the fan itself.

I currently have a Blue LED 120x25mm in my case. Came stock. But im doing the inside partially UV, and its messing with my UV color!

Ive checked a few of the sites I order stuff from. Coolerguys, xoxide, FrozenCPU, Newegg.

Couldn't find them anywhere. I had them bookmarked on my old computer 2 weeks ago. But the PSU blew up and my HD did Seppuku at the same time. So I lost my bookmarks, and cant find the UV LED fan anywhere on any sites I can remember by memmory.

Anybody know where? :)