Can't see links on front page

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Oct 26, 2005

I am unfortunately visually impaired and I'm trying to figure out how I can properly view the hardocp website. Lately there has been really really dark blue links on the black background. Is there a way I can change this display within my browser or is it just the font colors that were chosen for the site? Half the page today has the good ole easy to see yellow links but the rest of the page is all in dark blue links. Even with my glasses on I have to get within a few inches of my laptop. :(


What browser and version are you using? You should not be seeing blue links.
I am using Firefox version 3.6.20 basically, the first half of the screen is the usual yellow links but as you go down the page they are blue.

Here is a screen shot showing the middle of the page so you can see both the yellow and blue.

edit: I am using windows XP. This is my work laptop in which I always use since I like surfing [H] at the office. It seems to just have started happening a couple weeks ago.



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Yeah, we are aware of this and are trying to fix it, but the fact is that we still have no friggin clue as to why this is happening. :(
Can you try using portable Chrome or Opera or a newer version of Firefox?
Ah I see you guys are already on the blue link problem. I'm also using Firefox 3.6 at work. Fortunately I'll be fired in two months and I will be able to view the site at home :p
Guys look now the issues should be cleared up.

Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience
Fixed. If not for you, clear cache, clear cookies, start new thread. This one is closed.
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