'Capture the Babe' Mode Drawing Criticism

Whats the problem? Sometimes you just gotta shake a woman to get the marbles back in their place. ;)
I, for one, am not going to be playing this game until Duke has a stage where he does calculus and sits in a circle discussing his feelings.

You guys missed the point, look at the picture, if you saw this in Europe, you wouldn't see the checkerboard. As some previous member said about America going off to war. Don't you find it totally ludicrous that we can create a game of violence with blood and gore in detail and all that entails but have to checkerboard a nude female. Pardon the pun but don't you see something wrong with that picture.

Yeah, it's called "The US is a bunch of prudes".
What those war vets are often left with is a case of severe PTSD and memories they'll never be able to get rid of. Many women who are the victim of sexual harassment or worse end up in a similar situation. I speak as one of those latter, with a case of PTSD on-par with what war vets have to live with.

LOL, no. Pretty sure the war vets have it worse.
Yeah, it's called "The US is a bunch of prudes".

Nope, its called "The Holier Then Tho " attitude. Adjective: sanctimonious, self-righteously, or hypocritically pious, Exhibiting an attitude of superior virtue.
I'd say there's a big difference between killing others as part of a wider conflict, and reducing women to objects of mere lust. One is a tragedy, the other is demeaning behaviour which would get you arrested in real life. Speaking as a woman who has had to deal with over-enthusiastic men on too many occasions I'm offended that such a connection is even made.

It's a videogame. An extremely fictional videogame.

Get the fuck over it.
I don't think it's any more offensive than the violence in the game, both are a parody and fun, but you got to admit it is indeed sexist and just bad porn, not fun, if there is not a choice of male strippers as well. The game should also be enjoyable for women and gays, I suspect there are far more of these players than assumed by advertising agencies, the players market is far richer than the stereotypes they sell to their clients.

I'm pretty sure such criticisms from feminist groups will also be strong in Europe, but really, it seems to be a very bad marketing idea to include porn and thus limit the game to adult players, there must be millions of teenage players of Shoot'm Ups. Make it an add-on or a downloadable level or something, instead of including it in the core game.

It looks like they are counting on the hype for people who played the previous Doom-like versions, probably in their 40s now after such a long delay, and the only ones to even know the name 'Duke Nukem' so maybe the adult-only restriction will not matter for the targeted audience.

I played and enjoyed Doom 3 again recently, but I still yearn for something a little less stereotypical and boring, I will definitely not buy Duke Nukem if it's just in the same line as its predecessors and competitors.
I hate to post twice, but why isn't anyone complaining about Duke or any other male in any other game being objectified. I don't see Duke having a sensitive side or being glorified for his brains. All he is a walking mountain of muscle and ass kicking. I'm more than just a protector and a provider; I have a softer side.

I, for one, am not going to be playing this game until Duke has a stage where he does calculus and sits in a circle discussing his feelings.

Hahahahaha. Touche sir, touche. I like the cut of yer Gib.
Strippers, over the top machoismo, and ultraviolence are pretty much essentially for a Duke game, and I think the capture the babe mode fits the game's style perfectly.

The slap thing is just stupid though - whereas the rest of Duke's un-PCness is hilarious in an immature way, my reaction to that is more "Dude Not Funny". I'm hardline anti-censorship, but I'd be hard pressed to say that Gearbox didn't cross the line from " hilariously immature" to "insensitive" on this one.
^ This.

That pretty much represents the attitude of a lot of Americans lately-- criticize something so insignificant and ignore other more pressing issues in our society today: education cuts, social and medicare cuts, unemployment, and lack of medical care, etc.

Such blatant ignorance. It's like the equivalent of triple-teaming the small forward on a basketball team standing slighty beyond the three point line, who has an average of 0.050 to 0.100 shooting from there. Whereas the point guard and center who's gotten 25 to 30-plus points each so far that night are not being touched at all.

Idiocy. I think a large number of people in this country excels at it.

We never focus on the issues that matter most, and face them head on. But, instead focus on something that won't even affect our day-to-day lives both in the short and long term in this country.

Give it up. Issues such as violent video games and Duke Nukem have been going on for decades. Has it ever abated or died off? Hell no.

If they think a video game such as "Let's Learn to Count" or "Fluffy Bunny and Friends" is going to generate the same amount of revenue as something like Gears of War or Halo to a company, then they've got their priorites wrong by protesting against stuff like the blatant sexism and portrayal of women as objects in Duke Nukem. There are much more important issues to criticize than this. The computer and video game industry is built on making obscenes amount of money from these types of games. Trying to stop them is going against their business model.

I don't think is idiocy. I think that's too unrealistic.I think that complaining and bitching is a way to make money and gain power. And it just happens to be that can always complain and bitch with the smaller ones. :D
It's always easier to complain about sexism than it is to complain about War and real issues.
So Duke giving a girl a slap on the bottom draws national criticism,but the dozens of slasher flicks showing nubile teenagers getting butchered hardly get noticed. Talk about a double standard.
What is more offensive and oppressive that the babes portrayed in Duke Nukem? How about those who wish to silence freedom of speech of the private publisher, as well as halt the freedom of commerce of private individuals to choose to buy the game? That's pretty offensive to me, especially since only one side uses the threat of force to get their way.
What is more offensive and oppressive that the babes portrayed in Duke Nukem? How about those who wish to silence freedom of speech of the private publisher, as well as halt the freedom of commerce of private individuals to choose to buy the game? That's pretty offensive to me, especially since only one side uses the threat of force to get their way.

Spot on. :cool:
I think it's fine because the whole game is over the top, balls on fire crazy. No one would take it seriously as a statement on how to treat females.
You guys missed the point, look at the picture, if you saw this in Europe, you wouldn't see the checkerboard. As some previous member said about America going off to war. Don't you find it totally ludicrous that we can create a game of violence with blood and gore in detail and all that entails but have to checkerboard a nude female. Pardon the pun but don't you see something wrong with that picture.

This is a news page. You wouldn't see a picture of someone being hung by their intestines with their spleen hanging out either without that being checkered over. It's a cultural and legal standard as far as content is concerned, and frankly I don't give a flying spork about how they do things in Europe. This isn't Europe. If I wanted to live in Europe I'd move there. If you like how Europe does things better then go live in Europe. If you want to see full nudes look somewhere other than a news page. In the game the checkerboards won't be there. I really don't see what your problem is with this unless you're just one of these idiots that wants pornographic content everywhere all the time.
What I want to know is...can Duke still make in rain in the strip club?
Why not just add a secret hidden room, through a teleporter or something right on that same stage that brings you to Mr.Floppy Dick land then women have nothing to bitch about. No longer sexism as it includes both,

Then you will have to pander to the gender confused too, and have some trans-room.

I think that this game mode is going too far.
Killing and blood/gore is ok, but a stereo-typical macho male role not? Go figure.

Whats the problem? Sometimes you just gotta shake a woman to get the marbles back in their place. ;)


So Duke giving a girl a slap on the bottom draws national criticism,but the dozens of slasher flicks showing nubile teenagers getting butchered hardly get noticed. Talk about a double standard.

no NO. Nubile teenagers naked in the shower getting butchered.....get it right.
The rampant pig-headed sexism and lewd content is just one more of a plethora of reasons why I can't wait for this game to finally come out!!! :)
This is exactly what they wanted: free press. Duh? As for those with nothing better to do with their time than bitch and moan about a video game that objectifies virtual women... for fuck's sake, people. There's more to life than your petty sensibilities.

On a more significant note, I really hope stuff like this isn't the focus of the game. Granted, the franchise has become synonymous with the character of Duke--larger than life pimptastic megalomania, in short--but as Tycho talked about recently, there was much more to DN3D than mere attitude. It'd be a complete waste if all they built upon was the shock value and potential for offense.

If that's all DNF is, it should have stayed dead.
I'd say there's a big difference between killing others as part of a wider conflict, and reducing women to objects of mere lust. One is a tragedy, the other is demeaning behaviour which would get you arrested in real life. Speaking as a woman who has had to deal with over-enthusiastic men on too many occasions I'm offended that such a connection is even made.
So killing sprees won't get you arrested in real life now?? Where is my gun...

Methinks you are a little biased. ;)
This is a news page. You wouldn't see a picture of someone being hung by their intestines with their spleen hanging out either without that being checkered over. It's a cultural and legal standard as far as content is concerned, and frankly I don't give a flying spork about how they do things in Europe. This isn't Europe. If I wanted to live in Europe I'd move there. If you like how Europe does things better then go live in Europe. If you want to see full nudes look somewhere other than a news page. In the game the checkerboards won't be there. I really don't see what your problem is with this unless you're just one of these idiots that wants pornographic content everywhere all the time.
No, actually I'm all for the xxx domain, so my grand children don't have to accidentally hit on some porn while he was looking for info on the Beavers having to do with the scout movement.
Hmm, my line of thought.

A man wants to pay for something.
A woman doesn't mind taking money for it.
Another woman minds it, and will not do it.
A third woman cries foul.
So, my question is... did the third woman miss an opportunity?
This mode sounds interesting. Though I hope that the Australian OFCL doesn't ban this game once it comes out, Australia's rating system for games is so pathetic these days.
What too many people don't understand: Duke is just as ridiculous a stereotype as the women in the game. The important point of that sentence is the part that ends in "game," as in "not real or connected to reality."
No, actually I'm all for the xxx domain, so my grand children don't have to accidentally hit on some porn while he was looking for info on the Beavers having to do with the scout movement.

Oh, well that means you're not one of those idiots that wants porn everywhere then. That does leave me a bit confused as to your complaint about the naughty bits being pixeled out though. You realize they won't be pixeled out in the game, yes? That's only the news site doing this? :confused:
If you try and make A Duke Nukem game politically correct, it is no longer a Duke Nukem game.

Duke Nukem and perhaps even more so, the very similar Shadow Warrior, were games with ridiculously overblown stereotypes and satire in spades. It's what makes thos games what they are. That this new Duke game is more of the same is hardly surprising. What is going to be funny is uproar we will see over the inevitable nude patch. I smell an AO or Not Rated coming on this one.

"Shake It Baby", and I don't care if some woman or feminist group is offended. They never seem to give a shit when they offend me. And I find much of what they say, do, and their general pretentiousness, rather offensive.
If you try and make A Duke Nukem game politically correct, it is no longer a Duke Nukem game.

Duke Nukem and perhaps even more so, the very similar Shadow Warrior, were games with ridiculously overblown stereotypes and satire in spades. It's what makes thos games what they are. That this new Duke game is more of the same is hardly surprising. What is going to be funny is uproar we will see over the inevitable nude patch. I smell an AO or Not Rated coming on this one.

"Shake It Baby", and I don't care if some woman or feminist group is offended. They never seem to give a shit when they offend me. And I find much of what they say, do, and their general pretentiousness, rather offensive.

Well said.