Car Painted With Heat Sensitive Paint

This is something I've always wanted to do since I was a kid and had a hotwheels set that changed colors. I would really want to see what a car would look like with some of the stuff that changes to a bunch of different colors instead like this thing. Would probably make people think they were tripping balls if they saw a car painted with that driving in the rain.
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With the right temperature you could find yourself driving a pink car.... and we don't want that, now. Do we?
Cool effect on the paint... but that has got to be one of the rice-iest looking high school tuner kid cars I've ever seen...

Illegal blacked out lights... check...

Gay painted interior trim... check...

Fugly gauge pods.. check

Lowered suspension w/ugly rims... check...

Poor car looks hideous
I feel like the color stays too long? This would be even better if the paint changed color as the water touched it and changed back to the original color very shortly after the water left the surface. That way you're constantly seeing the change. If it's raining, your car is going to end up coated fairly quick so it's just going to look like a normal paint job. That's what it looks like to me anyway.

I don't know if this makes sense to anyone. I tried.
I feel like the color stays too long? This would be even better if the paint changed color as the water touched it and changed back to the original color very shortly after the water left the surface.

I wished they would come up with a paint, that would do just that with dents and scratches! :D
I feel like the color stays too long? This would be even better if the paint changed color as the water touched it and changed back to the original color very shortly after the water left the surface. That way you're constantly seeing the change. If it's raining, your car is going to end up coated fairly quick so it's just going to look like a normal paint job.

It's heat sensitive paint. Turns out, pouring cold water on something removes a good bit of heat. It takes time for it to heat back up. Or do you just want the paint to disobey the laws of physics?
Reminds me of those toy cars I had when I was young. Nifty but again, there could be times where it just plain looks ugly, like when it's raining. The transition in winter might be interesting though.
What colour car do you say when you get your car insurance?
I wonder how long the paint lasts and retains it color changing properties. Especially if it's out in the sun all day.
I guess I'm in the minority here, because I think it looks like ass. If I met someone with a paintjob like that I'd make fun of him until he cried.
Cool effect on the paint... but that has got to be one of the rice-iest looking high school tuner kid cars I've ever seen...

Illegal blacked out lights... check...

Gay painted interior trim... check...

Fugly gauge pods.. check

Lowered suspension w/ugly rims... check...

Poor car looks hideous

The jealousy in strong in this post...Someone clearly didn't have a car and or just had mom and dad's old clunker. :rolleyes:
Cool effect yet when the temperature changes so will the color. If light duty heating elements were placed at various points on the inner body panels then they could change the color at will.
I was hoping for it to be doing laps and have the areas around the engine light up from the heat, but I guess that would be too much. I thought it was pretty lame looking...
Cool effect on the paint... but that has got to be one of the rice-iest looking high school tuner kid cars I've ever seen...

Illegal blacked out lights... check...

Gay painted interior trim... check...

Fugly gauge pods.. check

Lowered suspension w/ugly rims... check...

Poor car looks hideous

Clearly you arent familiar with the Skyline. the Gauge Pods are stock because these cars have rather high compression ratios and are boosted stock. Also the ride heigh looks stock to me as well, it doesnt look lowered. The illegal blacked out lights may apply in the states but its not illegal in all countries.

that being said the Skyline r33 gtr has broken records on tracks for production cars, its not a stupid little ricer its something every ricer wishes they could own
Its pretty kool but that car would be a bitch to make sure its clean and detailed if you went to any car shows lol
I wonder if the brake caliper has the same paint? Kinda looks like it does to me.

I know if I had the money, I'd want that on my car. Don't care what anyone says, that's just amazing. Also, lots of free car washes, cause you know people will be pouring water on it just to see it work.
Cool effect on the paint... but that has got to be one of the rice-iest looking high school tuner kid cars I've ever seen...

Illegal blacked out lights... check...

Gay painted interior trim... check...

Fugly gauge pods.. check

Lowered suspension w/ugly rims... check...

Poor car looks hideous

Did you just call a Nissan Skyline GT-R a "high school tuner kid car"? is such a tuner ar :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
but but its not an american car so it must be rice and slow :facepalm: although the painted interior is kinda gay the rest of the car looks fine. The car could have fully adjustable coilovers and still be low,not ever low car is cut springs.

Well the term "ricer" i believe was probably initially started as being derogatory for the country that cars originate in, "rice burner" more of a over arching term about the country as opposed to the vehicle itself
I guess I'm in the minority here, because I think it looks like ass. If I met someone with a paintjob like that I'd make fun of him until he cried.

same here, looks like ass and i agree with the comment about it being the rice-est thing ever. hate that shit.
Cool effect on the paint... but that has got to be one of the rice-iest looking high school tuner kid cars I've ever seen...

Illegal blacked out lights... check...

Gay painted interior trim... check...

Fugly gauge pods.. check

Lowered suspension w/ugly rims... check...

Poor car looks hideous

i thought the same thing, but I took it one step more in that I said, "What the fuck did they do that poor Skyline. NOOOEESSS!!!11"
Clearly you arent familiar with the Skyline. the Gauge Pods are stock because these cars have rather high compression ratios and are boosted stock. Also the ride heigh looks stock to me as well, it doesnt look lowered. The illegal blacked out lights may apply in the states but its not illegal in all countries.

that being said the Skyline r33 gtr has broken records on tracks for production cars, its not a stupid little ricer its something every ricer wishes they could own

Plus, look at the red car behind it... that's not a car you see in the US.
I would do this but with a reverse color effect. Starts out black and gets more color as it gets colder, so the car stands out at night differently and gains splashes of color from rain.
Guy does need to get some tire shine on the tires. They look like ass.
Clearly you arent familiar with the Skyline. the Gauge Pods are stock because these cars have rather high compression ratios and are boosted stock. Also the ride heigh looks stock to me as well, it doesnt look lowered. The illegal blacked out lights may apply in the states but its not illegal in all countries.

that being said the Skyline r33 gtr has broken records on tracks for production cars, its not a stupid little ricer its something every ricer wishes they could own

+1. And to add, those "ugly rims" are $4000 Volk Racing TE37 wheels.. or a damn good knock-off, which seems unlikely given that some 20-year old Skylines still fetch north of $50k.
Cool effect on the paint... but that has got to be one of the rice-iest looking high school tuner kid cars I've ever seen...

Illegal blacked out lights... check...

Gay painted interior trim... check...

Fugly gauge pods.. check

Lowered suspension w/ugly rims... check...

Poor car looks hideous

Either TROLLED or this guy knows nothing about badass cars. The paint job on the other hand while not a color I'd go with the effect is cool!
I guess I'm in the minority here, because I think it looks like ass. If I met someone with a paintjob like that I'd make fun of him until he cried.

Haha... we did this to a guy who had "Brembos" (not real Brembos, but "Brembos" plastic covers that you GLUE to your stock calipers so it looks like you have Brembos from 20 feet away).

We were relentless. Especially when I was road tuning his car and one of them fell off in the middle of a pull. He pulled over and got out to go pick it up so he could glue it back on!

This paint is nifty in principle, but terrible in application. Especially on that car. It looks awful.