Card reader


[H]F Junkie
Nov 1, 2000
Need some advice....

I'm going to put a multimedia card reader in my system, however, a lot of the ones I've looked at have some annoying flaws/don't work right/poor quality/etc. Money isn't an issue.

I'm looking for:
1.) works good (even just a brand name would help immensely)
2.) SDHC (micro if possible) & MS Pro Duo
3.) HD audio jacks

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
I recently used the Silverstone FP35B in a friend's build, and it works great. It reads SDHC fine, use an adapter for micro... not sure if it fits your other criteria.
Thanks for the lead. I'll check that out. As for the Vantec note, I used to use some of their stuff back in the day but it seems some things have gone downhill. I had actually x'd them off anyway.

Heh... I've been using a Vantec for several years now... works fine, but has no SDHC.