Carmack hints at Quake reboot


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 6, 2008
id Software co-founder and part-time rocket scientist John Carmack has revealed that id is seriously considering launching a reboot of the Quake franchise.

Speaking with Eurogamer, the veteran developer took pains to clarify that there are no concrete plans in place to bring Quake back, and that such a reboot is not yet in their development pipeline – but he also stressed that the series is close to their hearts, and that 'Factions' within id plot its return.


"We went from the Quake 2 and the Quake 4 Strogg universe. We are at least tossing around the possibilities of going back to the bizarre, mixed up Cthulhu-ish Quake 1 world and rebooting that direction. We think that would be a more interesting direction than doing more Strogg stuff after Quake 4. We certainly have strong factions internally that want to go do this. But we could do something pretty grand like that, that still tweaks the memory right in all of those ways, but is actually cohesive and plays with all of the strengths of the level we're at right now...

"People shouldn't worry that we're ever going to orphan or abandon Quake. We are huge fans of the game internally."

Source article here. Full interview here.

Another Quake game as a true follow-up to the original? Yes please!
Lets see how Rage turns out first. If Rage manages not to be a steaming pile of shit then perhaps they could do some justice to a remake. Too bad Trent Reznor won't do video game music anymore , that sound track was awesome.
Lets see how Rage turns out first. If Rage manages not to be a steaming pile of shit then perhaps they could do some justice to a remake. Too bad Trent Reznor won't do video game music anymore , that sound track was awesome.

What does Rage have anything to do with Quake?
What does Rage have anything to do with Quake?

I think what he was saying is that Rage will tell us where id is at right now in terms of how good their games are/could be. If Rage sucks, excitement for a Quake reboot from them would probably die off quite a bit.
Lets see how Rage turns out first. If Rage manages not to be a steaming pile of shit then perhaps they could do some justice to a remake. Too bad Trent Reznor won't do video game music anymore , that sound track was awesome.

I agree with this, and I would definitely welcome a well done Quake reboot that doesn't embarrass the franchise that many of us lost our FPS virginity on, especially the multiplayer component.

It's important that Rage do well because that will still have an effect on how consumers perceive the Quake reboot, some might not be interested if Rage turns out to be crap, no matter how good the new Quake reboot is.

Reboots are always an interesting thing, but I think there is a great reward in it for the gamer when a well done reboot is released, as it will usually pay the kind of fan service that gamers will love and it will also rekindle all those old memories spent playing these games back in distant days.
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I can't think of a better two games for id to work on in the next 15 years than Doom 4 and a gothic Quake sequel. Not exaggerating on the timing...
Don't expect it to be like q1-3 and to be more like 4. Especially the multiplayer. Consoles can't handle a twitch shooter with sticks, and consolers don't want it, and sadly we all know everything revolves around them.
They would have to make it more accessible, aka make it console friendly. I would expect to see long corridors, health regenerating after 5 seconds of not taking damage etc..

All in all, it wouldn't be that good.
Everything sucks and watch me say negative things while locks of my hair hang over my eyes. PC Gaming is dying, haven't you heard?

ANYWAY - on topic, I think it would be a good thing for them to do. Yes, Rage will be a factor for their future success but the topic here is specifically about their idea of redoing Quake. Quake had a very surreal feeling to it and it legitimately spooked me many times. Quake 2 and subsequently Quake ]I[, not so much.
Don't expect it to be like q1-3 and to be more like 4. Especially the multiplayer. Consoles can't handle a twitch shooter with sticks, and consolers don't want it, and sadly we all know everything revolves around them.

The article mentioned as being true to Q1's roots, and with the success of Quake Live I'd imagine the multiplayer could/should be similar to Classic Quake and to be honest Q4's Multi was actually pretty good post 1.4v patch.
The article mentioned as being true to Q1's roots, and with the success of Quake Live I'd imagine the multiplayer could/should be similar to Classic Quake and to be honest Q4's Multi was actually pretty good post 1.4v patch.

You would think so, but in an interview with carmack a few days ago he stated developing a game for pc only is a deathwish, and QL's multi simply can't work on consoles, and they don't want it either. So dont' expect it unless it's simply a high def reskin of QL. Never played Q4's multi so I can't comment on that.
The Original Quake was the game that drove me to purchase my first 3DFX card... :D

I'd LOVE to see a reboot of one of my all time favorites from the past!
Don't expect it to be like q1-3 and to be more like 4. Especially the multiplayer. Consoles can't handle a twitch shooter with sticks, and consolers don't want it, and sadly we all know everything revolves around them.

Q4 multiplayer wasn't bad per say, the weapon balance was solid IMO, the arsenal was fine, the movement had a nice new gimmick that people liked. It wasn't bad, just didn't have the right feel to it. It was still very much so Quake at its core except with a clunky physics feel and and a not so interesting setting.

It's not like it was completely awful. The SP was fun but the MP just didn't scratch quite where it needed to.
I would love to play a true quake sequel. I played the shit out of quake 1, it was one of my all time favorite games. Hopefully they can put their heads together and make something happen. The cthuluish world was an awesome world to play in
how do you reboot a game that has no story?

Troll post? Quake had a story...wasn't told especially well given its 1996-ness, but neither was the story to Doom and that got a remake in the form of Doom 3. The story can easily be expanded and developed upon.
Lets see how Rage turns out first. If Rage manages not to be a steaming pile of shit then perhaps they could do some justice to a remake. Too bad Trent Reznor won't do video game music anymore , that sound track was awesome.

From a recent interview, Carmack talked about how id is kicking off Doom 4 project by moving the core developers team over to Doom 4 while the rest finish off Rage. So there's still a long time to go for a Quake reboot, as their next project is Doom 4.

Even if Rage sucks donkey balls, its a new franchise and Doom 4 will probably be a better indication of what direction id is taking with these sequels to their existing popular franchise. Will they stick to its roots, or will they attempt something different, we'll see.
Not all that exciting. Doom 3 was disappointing and Quake 4 was mediocre at best. They had some fun games(early stuff) but they seem to be 10 years behind the curve and most of the people buying games now don't even know who they are.

Carmack has been talking a lot lately, but nobody really cares other then old fans and they are now connected to a company(Bethesda) that has released a lot of crap, and the stuff that was good was buggy as hell. Even the new Engine seems like it's 5 years too late. Add to that they are now console centric and I just don't see them lasting all that much longer after RAGE bombs.

They are releasing a game around the same time as Uncharted 3, Gears 3, BF3, MW3, Batman AC and a plethora of extremely popular games. I just see them having the slack to do what they want, how they want it. If no one buys Doom 4, who is going to buy a new Quake.
Not all that exciting. Doom 3 was disappointing and Quake 4 was mediocre at best. They had some fun games(early stuff) but they seem to be 10 years behind the curve and most of the people buying games now don't even know who they are.

Carmack has been talking a lot lately, but nobody really cares other then old fans and they are now connected to a company(Bethesda) that has released a lot of crap, and the stuff that was good was buggy as hell. Even the new Engine seems like it's 5 years too late. Add to that they are now console centric and I just don't see them lasting all that much longer after RAGE bombs.

They are releasing a game around the same time as Uncharted 3, Gears 3, BF3, MW3, Batman AC and a plethora of extremely popular games. I just see them having the slack to do what they want, how they want it. If no one buys Doom 4, who is going to buy a new Quake.

I really enjoyed D3, but that's besides the point. Quake 4 was not id software - just wanted to put that out there.
What's the over/under on Doom 4 and the next Quake coming out either before or after the next Half Life installment? LOL...yeah, think about it.
What's the over/under on Doom 4 and the next Quake coming out either before or after the next Half Life installment? LOL...yeah, think about it.

Hmm. Favor is Doom4 simple because it will be using a modified version of idtech5. :)
I really enjoyed D3, but that's besides the point. Quake 4 was not id software - just wanted to put that out there.

But that's one of my complaints about iD,farming out franchise titles to someone else. Quake 4 was disappointing,Wolfenstein was a complete mess. They should handle franchises that built their company themselves. A reboot of Quake is going to have to be more than another run 'n gun corridor shooter to capture my interest.
I would be shitting myself for a new Quake, especially if it's similar to Quake 1. I guess you could call me a fanboy.
They are releasing a game around the same time as Uncharted 3, Gears 3, BF3, MW3, Batman AC and a plethora of extremely popular games. I just see them having the slack to do what they want, how they want it. If no one buys Doom 4, who is going to buy a new Quake.

Regardless, I could pretty much guarantee Doom 4, and even Rage will sell pretty well.
Does id still make a lot of money from licensing game engines? Although I'm not sure just how revolutionary idtech5 will be compared to other engines. e.g. based on current demos, I'd day Frostbite 2 looks a lot better.
No thanks, not interested in more brown games. Next gen brown is still brown.

You're really going to write off a game based on what colour it is? A game that is at this point an idea and not even in development? That's equally as stupid as people who dismiss games because they have more than one colour to them. GG fella.
No thanks, not interested in more brown games. Next gen brown is still brown.

I know what you mean...I do wonder where the color has gone in a number of games but it will take a HELL of a lot more than the likes of this to prevent from buying Doom 4 and the next Quake on day one.

GG fella.

You a Sheamus fan by any chance? ;) If you don't know who that is then that answers my question. :)
You a Sheamus fan by any chance? ;) If you don't know who that is then that answers my question. :)

I don't mind him even though he is still quite green in the ring, but I wasn't really thinking of him when I said "fella".
ALL Quake games imo have been the best fps ever, but for the past five years it's been all about 4 with me. Has just the right balance imo. But 3 was played religiously before that, as were the others. It's just the best fps franchise in the world imo.
Oh Shit!
Call it:
Quake: Origins

and use the original sounds from Quake 1!
... or at least the jump sound
i seriously doubt that ID can pull of a quake 1 again....they are focusing on the WRONG platform for that....(they currently seem to like consoles)
I loved Quake 2 and Quake 3...loved them. Quake 4 was meh. Never played the original...but I would like to see a reboot.
I was never a fan of the Strogg-themed Quake games...just loved the original though with the dark/occult themes, the atmosphere, the monster design, the sound design and the music. Oh, and the fricking Nailguns.