Carmack hints at Quake reboot

Are you fucking kidding me? A Quake 1 game with a modern id engine!?!?!?

I liked Quake 2 out all all the Quake games for some odd reason. But it would be great to see a true sequel for the original Quake.
Did you even watch the interview? I'm going to go with no and if you did, you're most definitely baiting. :(

Until I see actual product, I could care less what ID states... can you name anything from ID that has been new in the last 5+ years?

Quake 4 was 2005 man Doom 3 was 2004.... Quake Wars ET was 2007...Quake Live is a rehash of Quake III Rage? We'll see how that turns out....
Yes, Q1 was my fav of the series by far!! Loved the mix between gritty tech and hellisy fantasy. +1 for NIN sounds/music, but yeah that might not happen...
Until I see actual product, I could care less what ID states... can you name anything from ID that has been new in the last 5+ years?

Quake 4 was 2005 man Doom 3 was 2004.... Quake Wars ET was 2007...Quake Live is a rehash of Quake III Rage? We'll see how that turns out....

It's been a pretty long drought, no question about it.

I agree with you: Don't believe it until you see it.
Until I see actual product, I could care less what ID states... can you name anything from ID that has been new in the last 5+ years?

Quake 4 was 2005 man Doom 3 was 2004.... Quake Wars ET was 2007...Quake Live is a rehash of Quake III Rage? We'll see how that turns out....

Making games takes time. This is particularly true for id software because beyond just making games like everyone else, they're coding how they make games. Mega-texture technology is a great example. This isn't something that was out there in video game limbo land that was ripe for the picking, it had to be created. And that takes time.

Again, I feel that people disregard id software because they don't understand that they're trying to do more than just create games, they're creating how people create games and deliver games to a particular audience. Quake Live is a prime example of this.
Yes, we are aware that it's more-or-less a rebuild of Quake III Arena. The difference between Q3A and QL is the key. The entire project was supposed to foster free or nearly free gaming because the in-game ads were supposed to pay the bills for the client. That's pretty damn nifty, and while others talked about it, id software did it. And granted it's not where it should've been, but it worked.

Anyways, I'll look forward to whatever id has to bring. If id did another "Cthulhu-ish Quake 1 " as Carmack put it, that would be money. It would be a step away from the techno saturation that we currently have.
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Quake 2/3 got me into PC fps games but honestly I couldnt care less about the Quake "storyline" or even a single player mode for that manner
Quake 2/3 got me into PC fps games but honestly I couldnt care less about the Quake "storyline" or even a single player mode for that manner

I agree, the multiplayer is all that matters with Quake, and I don't really see how they can make a multiplayer that's good on both PC and console.
I love Quake.



Until I see actual product, I could care less what ID states... can you name anything from ID that has been new in the last 5+ years?

Quake 4 was 2005 man Doom 3 was 2004.... Quake Wars ET was 2007...Quake Live is a rehash of Quake III Rage? We'll see how that turns out....

...and each one set the standards others have tried to follow.

Did Carmack say the game was in production?
Id had no part in Quake 4, Quake Wars or the recent Wolfenstein. The last game it had any part in was Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil, and the last game id developed by itself was Doom 3.

Did Carmack say the game was in production?

No, just that there is a lot of people in id who are very keen to reboot the original Quake and forget the whole Stroggos business and go back to the Chtulhu-esque setting.
Id had no part in Quake 4, Quake Wars or the recent Wolfenstein. The last game it had any part in was Doom 3: Resurrection of Evil, and the last game id developed by itself was Doom 3.

No, just that there is a lot of people in id who are very keen to reboot the original Quake and forget the whole Stroggos business and go back to the Chtulhu-esque setting.

Ah man i would kill for a Quake1 reboot. Screw the story too. First thing i want to see is three doors: Easy, Medium and Hard.
I actually liked the strogg. I wasn't that big of a fan of the quake 1 universe. The shambler was kinda cool ... I guess.
Hell effing YES! God I would love to see a Shambler with full tessalation and hi-res textures coming at me...So much could be done with this game. Creepy outdoor dark forest levels, indoor castles like the original. And I don't really care about the singleplayer story. All about the MP, and it needs to be moddable.

OT: Does anyone remember the name of epic fan-made machinima movie made with Quake1? It was something like 2 hours long and wasn't a video, it was actual demos that you loaded up into quake and watched the "film." At the time it was by far the longest and best made machinma around and was actually pretty good, wondering if it is still around in an easily watchable form.
I would love to play a true quake sequel. I played the shit out of quake 1, it was one of my all time favorite games. Hopefully they can put their heads together and make something happen. The cthuluish world was an awesome world to play in

I much preferred it to the cheap ass Borg ripoffs of the second game.
OT: Does anyone remember the name of epic fan-made machinima movie made with Quake1?

Maybe this one? I haven't watched it yet...

[ame=""]YouTube - ‪Seal of Nehahra - Part 1 of 34‬‏[/ame]
I'd almost like to see them re-do some of their older IP's before diving right back into Quake.

Was just thinking the other day that a new Hexen or Heritic game would be pretty sweet! I know that teritory has been tread to death by a bunch of fantasy-rpg type games, but nobody has ever done that genre with the level of intinsity and horror that those id games had.

Also, on a lighter note, Commander Keen was fun back in the day... why don't they do a Keen jumper-style game in Tech5?

Also... since Doom and Quake are so similar, why not just go ahead and combine them into the first Quake-Vs-Doom game. :p

Honestly, as much as I've loved every Quake game so far (I even liked 4 quite a bit), the idea of them doing yet another one now is getting zero excitement from me...
id is on a roll, hopefully Rage will deliver and then Doom 4 and then Quake reboot. Man the good old days of gaming are hopefully back.
Was just thinking the other day that a new Hexen or Heritic game would be pretty sweet! I know that teritory has been tread to death by a bunch of fantasy-rpg type games, but nobody has ever done that genre with the level of intinsity and horror that those id games had.

Neither Hexen nor Heretic are id games - they were both from Raven.

People are really having trouble telling the difference between what id makes, what is a former id property developed by someone else and what id just published without developing.
Neither Hexen nor Heretic are id games - they were both from Raven.

People are really having trouble telling the difference between what id makes, what is a former id property developed by someone else and what id just published without developing.

id had some creative input on a lot of Raven games, but it does seem like we have some faulty memories here. Though, if id decided to do reboots of either Heretic or Hexen, I wouldn't be opposed... since Raven seems dead anyway.
Seriously, all I'd want from a new Quake game is the multiplayer, screw the single player, just give me a REALLY good multiplayer experience and i'm in gaming heaven.

Who else agrees?
Seriously, all I'd want from a new Quake game is the multiplayer, screw the single player, just give me a REALLY good multiplayer experience and i'm in gaming heaven.

Who else agrees?

I'm kind of the opposite, since I cut my FPS teeth on Quake's singleplayer :). My father never let me play Doom when it came out..."too violent".
Seriously, all I'd want from a new Quake game is the multiplayer, screw the single player, just give me a REALLY good multiplayer experience and i'm in gaming heaven.

Who else agrees?

I dug Q1 single player, especially with mods. I'd be a bit dissapointed if it was only MP. I actually went to UT99 instead of Q3 because I found it more fun. Q1 was a major part of my MP training, even liked the MP better than Q2 for quite a few years.
Seriously, all I'd want from a new Quake game is the multiplayer, screw the single player, just give me a REALLY good multiplayer experience and i'm in gaming heaven.

Who else agrees?

agree. Give me strafe jumping, a rocket launcher, lightning gun, and maybe a railgun and its on.
Well, let me clarify a little. With all the "realistic FPS" games of late, I, for one, would welcome a return to the twitch based arena shooter where having the fastest reflexes was king and just because you got shot doesn't neccessarily mean you're dead thanks to the health packs and body armors, and the Quad Damage powerup I picked up :D

Really, FPS games need to return to those kind of roots, I think that FPS games have been stale lately because of the oversaturation of "modern FPS" games.

Sure some of them were good, bad, or great, but that misses the point, which is that twitch based arena shooters just haven't been around lately, and we need a rebirth of those on the PC platform.

I'll put it this way, if the new Quake's single player is good, or even adequate, I'd consider that a bonus, as long as the multiplayer is STELLAR and adheres to it's roots.
I'm kind of the opposite, since I cut my FPS teeth on Quake's singleplayer :).
This. Quake singleplaye was fun as hell

My father never let me play Doom when it came out..."too violent"..

My Mom got the Doom shareware disk when it was first released and had no problem letting me play it. I was only 7 at the time, but she was sure that virtual violence wouldn't turn me into a serial killer. What she doesn't know is that I'm just really good at hiding the bodies...
Well, let me clarify a little. With all the "realistic FPS" games of late, I, for one, would welcome a return to the twitch based arena shooter where having the fastest reflexes was king and just because you got shot doesn't neccessarily mean you're dead thanks to the health packs and body armors, and the Quad Damage powerup I picked up :D

Really, FPS games need to return to those kind of roots, I think that FPS games have been stale lately because of the oversaturation of "modern FPS" games.

Sure some of them were good, bad, or great, but that misses the point, which is that twitch based arena shooters just haven't been around lately, and we need a rebirth of those on the PC platform.

I'll put it this way, if the new Quake's single player is good, or even adequate, I'd consider that a bonus, as long as the multiplayer is STELLAR and adheres to it's roots.

Pretty much all twitch based shooters released in the past 5 years has failed miserably. Minus Quake Live which has been a huge success outside of the US.
Neither Hexen nor Heretic are id games - they were both from Raven.

People are really having trouble telling the difference between what id makes, what is a former id property developed by someone else and what id just published without developing.

Oops - yeah, I actually didn't know that 'till I looked up more info on them yesterday. Id seriously needs more IP franchises! lol - I'd still like to see a Heretic game in Tech5, whoever ends up making it.

Seriously, all I'd want from a new Quake game is the multiplayer, screw the single player, just give me a REALLY good multiplayer experience and i'm in gaming heaven.

Who else agrees?

I'd really like to see some more good SP campaigns with good storyline etc. Have to admit I've never actually made it all the way through Q1 - never could find a copy back when it was new, and by the time I had it, it just looked too old. I should really get it modded back up and play through it some time. Quake2 on the other hand is an all-time favorite of mine - I think it's second only to Half-Life1 for games I've played through the most times completely. I've probably played through the SP campaign at least a dozen times. I was never really big into quake multiplayer either - usually play Valve games or UT at lans. To a lot of people, they're never going improve on the multiplayer of Q3, and the fact that Quake-Wars hasn't had a better following probably means that another more modernized Quake MP game isn't going to do much better.
I love Quake.[IMG]

Damn those look great. I'd love to play that. what exactly is this?
I've played glquake, but this looks to good.
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Ha! The name of the screenshots should have been an indicator, but I am an idiot so...:eek:
DarkPlaces Mod eh?...I've got a quake cd around here somewhere, going to def check this out.
I liked Quake 2 out all all the Quake games for some odd reason. But it would be great to see a true sequel for the original Quake.

The music rocked. I think it's the only story-driven shooter i've ever played that had background music the whole game.