Case Cleaning Solutions


Best Person
Jun 17, 2003
I know a computer case/monitor case can be cleaned by using WD-40 on a cloth to get rid of scuff marks and tape marks. We have a customer uneased by using WD-40 and we were wondering if there are any gimmicky not so [H]ard 'Computer Case Cleaners' out there that we could use with this guy.

Any help is appreciated.

and this guy is paying you how much to do this? if using some crappy gimmick from the shelf of k-mart makes him more comfortable, so be it!
Believe it or not... Freshly squeezed orange juice. Really it works... You can also try going to a craft store and trying to find an adhesive remover pen made by 3M. It has a citrus base and works wonders for me. It takes a bit of work but it does not leave the oily residue that wD-40 leaves... not to mention the SMELL!! maybe mix some fruit juices... lemon, orange, lime, grapefruit... dunno but It works with oranges... I like the pen because there is no sticky sugary cleanup.
At the bike shop we use windex w/o ammonia-D. Works great, smells good, and evaporates right off. I hate WD-40 with a passion, I mean it only took 40 times for them to get it right.
Goo-gone for tape marks? He'll get it back with that clean citrus scent too... heh.
Goo-gone leaves a horrid smell when physically using it and also doesn't work as good as some other products, I would avoid it like the plague myself.
whenever my dad and i are working in the garage with tar for the driveway, or oil for the car, we use this orange pumice to wash our hands. it is wonderful and i hope it isnt harmful to computer cases.
That pumice stuff is abrasive, which is why it works so well on your hands getting those stubborn stains out. I think I'd go with something more gentle on a case if I wanted to preserve its finish, but if it works for you, it works :)

And FWIW I like goo-gone... but I like citrus-scent anyway.
Belive it or not Zippo lighter fluid works wonders for removing adhesive residue from tape. althought there is the smell for about 15 minutes but it does go away pretty quick
The Snail said:
Belive it or not Zippo lighter fluid works wonders for removing adhesive residue from tape. althought there is the smell for about 15 minutes but it does go away pretty quick

I can just see some cheap ass PSU blowing up and shooting out sparks which would progress to sending the entire case up in a fire ball of glory when it came in contact with the parts that had been cleaned with that lighter fluid :D.
accually it all evaporates almost imediatly and then it has nothing to burn. but you could wipe it down after worlds with a wet rag.