case fan question


Aug 19, 2004
I'm trying to prepare my system for the installation of an X800pro video card sometime in the future, however, my PSU is not good enough, nor is my current cooling system.

To properly cool my system I need to install more case fans; however, as can be seen below my computer case is not large and I don't think that I'll have room for another case fan:

Do you have any suggestions for installing extra fans?

I was thinking about buying one of those fans that plug into a PCI port. Are they any good? and will they be good enough to properly cool my case after installing an X800pro and an Antec True 380W dual-fan power supply?

All help is appreciated.
the stock should be plenty, but you won't get as good temps as putting more in...but to answer ur looks like one could go in the front...and yeah, you could get a PCI fan card...i don't have one, so i can't say how they do, but i guess it couldn't hurt...the psu fans themselves should cool it enough...

hope that helps!

Thanks, but the front is where my power button is located (you can see the wires protruding from it). Would I still be able to fit a case fan there?

Also, would it be somehow possible for me to install a second CPU fan on my lower heatsink (noobish question, I know)?
GVX said:
Thanks, but the front is where my power button is located (you can see the wires protruding from it). Would I still be able to fit a case fan there?

Also, would it be somehow possible for me to install a second CPU fan on my lower heatsink (noobish question, I know)?

you could re-route the power switch jumper wire. Or mod a toggle switch onto another place on your case, so you can add a fan in the front, I would cut the case and put a full size fan hole there. Those little holes do not look like they would alow much airflow into the case if you put a fan behind.
What heatsink are you talking about ? the Northbrige below the Cpu heatsink?
If you are not overcloclocking that heatsink looks ok. If you are OCing or it feels hot then you touch it, ya might want to think about getting a Northbridge chipset HSF combo ( HeatSinkFan)
DR_K13 said:
What heatsink are you talking about ? the Northbrige below the Cpu heatsink?
If you are not overcloclocking that heatsink looks ok. If you are OCing or it feels hot then you touch it, ya might want to think about getting a Northbridge chipset HSF combo ( HeatSinkFan)
It must be the Northbridge (the smaller metal grating directly below my CPU).

I won't be doing any overclocking; not even the video card (I'm getting an X800pro because it's a nice cool card at stock speeds; thanks to Low K ).

Anyways, do you guys think that a dual fan Antec True380 might overheat my system, or will I be okay?

I'm currently running a 250W Hipro PSU which isn't very good (14A on the 12V rail).
Reroute your front wires and put a 80mm fan in the front. Buy an ATI Silencer for your vid card and get that new PSU and you'll be fine.
Sideroxylon said:
Reroute your front wires and put a 80mm fan in the front.
Thanks for the advice, but such a complex task is far beyond my current abilities.

However, I have thought of one possibility: modding my current side panel to allow the installation of 1 extra case fan.

As of right now my side panel has small air holes, but are not large enough, or numerous enough, to provide the airflow that an extra 80mm fan would require.

So here's what I'm proposing:

I will drill several holes in the side panel to create a circular vent (approx 80mm in diameter) and will then attach the additional case fan onto the inside of the sidepanel.

The holes will be created by drill bits of varying diameter (to help maintain artistic unity).

Now, I have no mounting complex on the inside of my side panel so I may have to use double-sided tape (will this work?).

One question that does arise from this proposal is how I would open my case without having to unplug the fan each time?

Here's where the fan would be situated inside my machine (with the panel on, of course):

I should have enough room to fit the fan below the HDD.

Also, just to confirm, I'm guessing that this additional case fan will be sucking air in? Right?

So plz ppl, is this setup feasible and will it provide sufficient airflow to allow the installation of either an Antec True380 or True330?

BTW, thanks again for the help guys, you've helped a ton (but don't give up on me just yet :D ).
You should mount the fan more in the middle so that it's blowing directly on the cpu and northbridge.
Sideroxylon said:
You should mount the fan more in the middle so that it's blowing directly on the cpu and northbridge.
true that, do you have a friend with a dremmel or a roto-zip>/?
you can get a "knibbler " at the computer store ( did I spell Knibbler right>? I use linux too much) it works well but might hurt your hand. Put a 80mm fan over your cpu. It will run WAY cooler.
If you put a fan below the hdd, it will be a waste of time. ( IMO ) :D
DR_K13 said:
Put a 80mm fan over your cpu. It will run WAY cooler.
If you put a fan below the hdd, it will be a waste of time. ( IMO ) :D
Okay, than I'll position the intake fan directly over the CPU.

Anything else I should keep in mind?
GVX said:
Okay, than I'll position the intake fan directly over the CPU.


I have a nice ghetto solution for the north bridge/ram... when I got my TT spark 7+ I ripped the stock p4 fan off the heatsink (it's plastic) and wedged it in between my video card and processor.... it's super lame but stays in pretty well and get some air on the north bridge, lower part of the ram and agp slot! (if agp slot matters at all lol)
I don't think you necessarily should position your side panel fan directly over the CPU. There are pros and cons to either method.

Where you had your fan drawn, although perhaps not ideal, is certainly not a waste. Currently you only have exhaust fans, but adding the 12cm fan in that lower front corner will supply your entire case with cool air. It will certainly help.

Putting the fan over your CPU certainly might help lower your CPU temp, but if its too close to your current CPU you will just create turbulent air. The fans may be a bit louder and less efficient. A lot of the incoming air will also just shoot straight out of your back exhaust fan, never having been used. Although it would still help your cause, it is not an ideal setup.

I personally would opt to put the fan where you suggested, or to the left of that, in addition to upgrading your current CPU fan. This will increase your CPU cooling and lower your overall case temperature.
RawsonDR said:
I don't think you necessarily should position your side panel fan directly over the CPU. There are pros and cons to either method.

Where you had your fan drawn, although perhaps not ideal, is certainly not a waste. Currently you only have exhaust fans, but adding the 12cm fan in that lower front corner will supply your entire case with cool air. It will certainly help.

Putting the fan over your CPU certainly might help lower your CPU temp, but if its too close to your current CPU you will just create turbulent air. The fans may be a bit louder and less efficient. A lot of the incoming air will also just shoot straight out of your back exhaust fan, never having been used. Although it would still help your cause, it is not an ideal setup.

I personally would opt to put the fan where you suggested, or to the left of that, in addition to upgrading your current CPU fan. This will increase your CPU cooling and lower your overall case temperature.
Hmmm. Okay, a 120mm is probably too big for my case (I would like to stick with 80mm if possible).

My CPU is my main concern as the PSU is directly over it, hence, it would be at the most risk of being damaged. Also, the components that will be at the bottom of my case, such as a stock X800pro, shouldn't be producing too much heat.

So would it work if I put the case fan just below the CPU (above the northbridge)? That way the airflow wouldn't be directly flowing at the CPU but will still get more air than it would with the fan being at the bottom of the case.
I just found a site that would seem to suggest that the side-panel fan should be an exhaust fan: click here

If this is true than placing the fan over the CPU probably won't cause any disturbences.
Actually I'd think that would be worse. Your CPU fan would fight with the exhaust fan for air, wouldn't it? Unless your CPU fan pulls away from the heatsink, but in the picture it looks like it's blowing against.

I said 12cm because I thought you implied that was what you were going to use. Your picture sketched the 12cm height in the bottom of your case, but I guess you were just giving a general measurement.

Either way, an 80mm is fine, and where you mentioned would be a good place for it. Any place will do well, really. It will be adding fresh air to your case which improves overall cooling. I do like the idea of putting it just above your video card and over your northbridge, though.

Good luck in whatever you choose.
Also, I noticed you seem overly concerned about your power supply adding heat to your system. In reality, adding a quality, higher power, power supply can only help. Your system will be using the same amount of power it was with the 250w power supply (with the exception of the upgraded video card). The point is, a power supply will only put out as much power as it's being asked for.

The dual fans will add good airflow through the PSU, and any heat generated in the power supply is immediately exhausted out. I.E. your CPU heat affects your PSU cooling, not the other way around. And your PSU cooling will be fine.
RawsonDR said:
Also, I noticed you seem overly concerned about your power supply adding heat to your system. In reality, adding a quality, higher power, power supply can only help. Your system will be using the same amount of power it was with the 250w power supply (with the exception of the upgraded video card). The point is, a power supply will only put out as much power as it's being asked for.

The dual fans will add good airflow through the PSU, and any heat generated in the power supply is immediately exhausted out. I.E. your CPU heat affects your PSU cooling, not the other way around. And your PSU cooling will be fine.
Okay, thanks.

I think what I'm going to do is just install the PSU and then monitor my case temp (with SANDRA); and if I find that the heat is getting out of control than I can contemplate adding that case fan later.

Thanks for the help.