Case recommendations


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 9, 2004
I have some specific needs for a case replacement.
I need a case with the best front and rear air intake I can find. I cannot use a top or side intake or exhaust as this case fits into a desk. The best case I have found is the Antec 1200 I've been using for two years now. It has 3x120s in the front and 2x120s in the rear. It has provided adequate airflow. It has no front doors and the grille holes are very large. Excellent airflow. I'm not worried so much about noise, as I can mitigate noise with the desk door to the enclosure where the case sits in. I leave the door cracked when I'm not gaming and it stays pretty darn quiet/cool.
My current case is pretty much the perfect layout for fans, but it is not wide enough to fit the big, big air coolers in. Plus I just kinda want a new case, lol.
I recently built up another rig (for a different purpose) using a 550d. What a nice case, but not near enough airflow for this gaming rig.
Couple points:
*most cases now utilize top and side fans - neither does me any good (I need big front/rear)
*a single 120 in the back is not enough exhaust (my 1200 has two and is adequate)

A few cases I've looked at:
*FD XL - an absolute tank at 40lbs. Dont need/want the front door and the top/rear 180 doesn't work well, according to reviewers
*500r - mainly built for top exhaust, but having an optional 140 in the rear is nice. Not sure if a single 140 is enough as Corsairs rear fan holes don't allow for the best airflow (some of a 140 fan would be covered)

eh, i hate when people put their pcs inside of desks.
id recommend the antec lanboy air
its an open air chassis and you can move the fans just about anywhere you want.
plus you can add a lot of fans to the case if you need more cooling.