Catalyst 4.11 are out.

this seems to be a fairly minor upgrade, so I think I'll stick with the Omega Beta 4.10 drivers...the most interesting part of this release is the news that...."the CATALYST 4.12 is slated to be posted as a beta in the next few days, and will be our best offering for an exciting and upcoming new game." (translation= best drivers to use for HALF LIFE 2) :D
skritch said:
Does it include a fix for the 256MB bug?

Yes. This was released as a hot-fix 2 months ago.(beta 4.11) These drivers work fine. Don't know if I really want to install todays release if they are the same as the hot fix ones. :confused:
polonyc2 said:
the most interesting part of this release is the news that...."the CATALYST 4.12 is slated to be posted as a beta in the next few days, and will be our best offering for an exciting and upcoming new game." (translation= best drivers to use for HALF LIFE 2) :D

this is good news, but where did you get this info i can't find it on atis site.
SnowBeast said:
Yes. This was released as a hot-fix 2 months ago.(beta 4.11) These drivers work fine. Don't know if I really want to install todays release if they are the same as the hot fix ones. :confused:

Is it safe to assume the Punkbuster fix still isn't in the 4.11s, then? (I can't find a list of changes for the 4.11s anywhere).
HOLY CRAP, I was getting a 4550 or below on 3DMark 05' with every driver I've tryed... I popped these in anxiously without a real driver clean and I got a 5842 on my first try, now that's more like it... now for the OCing...
4.12b is the Half-life2 "approved" driver. :) :cool:

CATALYST 4.12 is slated to be posted as a beta in the next few days, and will be our best offering for an exciting and upcoming new game
Foxcow said:
What was the 256mb problem? I have a 256mb card so Im interested.

4.9 and 4.10 only used 128MB of the 256MB cards, hampering performance. or so I'm led to understand...I just got my X800 XT-PE today, so I'm VERY happy 4.12 beta was released today (256MB fix, Punkbuster fix, performance boost)