Cathode with coloured plastic wrap?


Limp Gawd
Oct 9, 2004
I remember reading a little article on Cold Cathode lights, and I just wanted to know what you guys think of this.

In the article, the person couldn't get the perfect colour he desired, so instead of buying coloured Cold cathode lights, he purchased white ones. And to get the colour he wanted, all he did was wrap coloured plastic film around the tubing. Would this work? Would the Cathode lights melt the film onto the tubing?

I'm very interested in this, because I would be happy knowing that I'm not stuck with that one colour through the life of the cathode.

I've never done it with white, personally, so I'm not sure how it would work out. I'd imagine that you'd have to use a shitload of plastic wrap to get a decent color that doesn't look washed out. If you do this with colored cathodes and wrap them with the same color, it makes it have a truer color.
well i hve some "red" cathodes, but they are really pink. A few layers of red cellophane wrap (decorative seran wrap for food) and I had more red than pink, but still not the deep red I was looking for. But it's good enough, I guess.
So should I just go with a coloured cathode rather than a white cathode?
I'm not too great at making choices...
The cathode will go into a Lian Li PC 65, silver version. I like the blue after taking a look at SDK's old case, but I'm not sure how white would look in it.

Also, what size should I get? I hear that if I got the 12inch cathode, i'll only be able to fit it on to one of the vertical sides. I want to get the two intake fans to glow...
Well, get white and you could go with any color you wanted to from there, using a wrap of your choice. If you want red lights, I'd recommend a tube of LEDs like these, because they will be red and not pink.

Any other colored cathode though, I guess blues are blues and greens are greens, etc...
I found the arcticle! You get read it here.

Guess I'll just go with the white. I guess the coloured wrap didn't melt onto the cathode tube or else the guy in the article would have said something... :rolleyes:
I'm sure you could do it with no problem, but I'm not sure I'd want to. Doubt the plastic would melt.
So how many people are expecting me to reply to this thread? Award yourself 1 point for answering yes.

Red cathodes are completely doable with some modifications. Taillight tape has been done, but I think it looks like ass.

I prefer MY method. I do vinyl appliques, signs, and car/truck lettering, so I have access to rolls and rolls of ANY color vonyl I want. Needless to say, a layer of red vinyl wrapped around the tube makes a VERY red color.

I'd post the pics I took of the before and after, but someone will post saying they're orange. My camera gives them the orange tinge, but in real life, they are as red as red can get.