Cats 4.8 with SOF2 problems


Nov 27, 2003
Just finished putting together the a64 setup that's in my sig. After reinstalling windows, the latest 4.8 cats, and sof2, I decided to give the new machine a test run. I run the game, like normal, with 2xaa and 8xaf @ 1200x1024, and ran into problems with the game intermittently crashing. However, it doesn't crash all the way. Only for about 4 secs, and runs fine for about 5mins and the cycle continues. So I decide to to turn off aa and af, and drop the res to 1024X something, and same problem happens. So I drop the res down some more to 800x600, and, holy fuck, same problem.

Initially, I installed the drivers from omega, which is pretty much the same as the cats but with oc'ing features and stuff, so I uninstalled that and installed the drivers from ati. Same friggin problem occurred.

Luckily, I had an older version of cats 3.1 saved on my back up hdd and installed that. Now, I have no more intermittent crashes. The game plays perfectly again at the resolutions and iq settings that I preferred.

Just wondering if anybody else is running into, or has run into the same type of problem that I'm having with ati's latest drivers. Btw, I had ut2k4 demo installed and that ran fine with ati's latest drivers.

any response would be helpfule, and thanks in advance

I'd stick with the 4.7's or better yet the 4.6's or earlier for SoF2. I installed the 4.8's and liked the boosts I got in todays games and benches, but older games like SoF2 acted funny. Some stuttering and weird pauses. Rolling back to the 4.7's, smooth as butta.
hey three d marks, do you think you can hook me up with 4.6 or .7??? Do you think you can ftp it for me?? I can give you the user/pass for my host.