Caucht between two memory modules/Noob Questions

Jun 16, 2005
Ok, I am uprading my current system and one of the upgrades is memory. My specs will be: Amd athlon 64 3500+ Venice, Biostar 6100-939 mobo, xfx 7800gtx. I am lookng for 2 gigs off at least pc 32000 memory. This brings me to my first question. How come people buy higher than pc3200 memory even if there mobo is rated for the pc 3200? Is it because the memory will be more stable or that you can somw how overclock ur mobo to take the higher speed memory. If it is the latter can someone point me in the direction to a memory overclocking guide. The two choices I am caught between are :

They are both the same price(w/ rebates) So which one do I pick. This memory is going to be in a overclocked rig so the memory must be stable with overclocks.
Eclipse, not to be rude, how do you backup the statement that mushkin. I am not trying to say your word is wothless i jsut want to know what makes it better. Seriously not trying to be rude. :)
i nver heard of g.skill. Will they hold up with my overclock on my Venice? I answered one of my n00b questions about can you overclock your memory so no one has to answer that. :p
I would go with the highest rated, lowest timing ram unless you're worried about money in which case I would just go with the crucial value. I'm having good luck with it as do most who buy it and it's dirt cheap! $200 for 2GB isn't bad. I was gonna suggest saving your money and getting a better vid card but then saw what you planned to get haha
I don't know much about that mobo but maybe save your $ and get a better mobo?? or get a second gtx later :D
Not to disagree, Eclipse, but I'd have to caution against Mushkin. The performance is great, but I'm sure we all remember how great their warranty is. :( :mad:

Of all of your choices above, I'd recommend the G.Skill, although if you want the absolute best RAM, check out OCZ's 4000EB. Newegg doesn't have it in stock right now, but I'm a huge fan of their EB line.
yeah.. i remember that. i wouldn't have stood for such abuse myself :rolleyes: :(
however, i'm gonna have to sorta not disagree too, and say that the EB ties with ballistix... and the latter can actually be found ;)
ok that EB ram is a bit too pricy. I am really thinking about the g.skill memory i am just worried because i never heard of it. Eclipse, you were saying something about Ballistix memory. How is that? If anyone has any other suggestions for memory that would be very helpful
snackcakeofd00m said:
Eclipse, you were saying something about Ballistix memory. How is that?
the same price as the EB sadly, but it oc's a bit better at the expense of timings.

however, stryker has a very valid point, with one exception, you can always use a memory divider when overclocking ;)
(cf)Eclipse said:
...with one exception, you can always use a memory divider when overclocking ;)
What am I missing here? What's the exception I'm forgetting about?
ok, i got a couple of questions. I dont understand memory dividers? I have read many guides on it and i really dont understand it. I know that if I increae my FSB the memory speed goes up as well. So by setting a memory divider doesnt it lock the memory at a certain other speed. How would that be beneficial. I thought that faster memory speed would be what i was going for, unless lower memory timings are better that faster memory speeds. Also I am still not sure what memory to get. I was thinking about g.skill but not many people have said they have used it. The OCZ and Ballistix memory look really nice and they look worth the extra money. So what do you think? Just because I said i might splurge doesnt mean I will. If that memory is really worth the extra money then I will get it but it has to be worth it. Money is tight for me.
basically.. the memory on an a64 runs off the cpu clock speed with a divider. the divider is set with the memory ratio you select in the bios and the cpu multi. i won't get into this now because the logic of how it works is more important that how to find it ;)

long and short of it, the lower you set that ratio, the higher you can get the base clock and the cpu before topping out the ram.

mavalpha said:
What am I missing here? What's the exception I'm forgetting about?
not sure what there is to miss ;)
I am ordering my parts this weekend, I reall need to have a memory selection. If I dont my dad will think I am flaky about what i want and he wont let em order(I have the money but i dont have a credit card so i have to use his). So this is what I am thinking. Tha Ballistix is nice but it is kind of expensive. The g.skill looks like a real good deal but it seems to be to good to be true(unless anyone can say they have used it with out any problems. If not then I may have to go with the Mushkin, It Is in my price range and it ahs everything I want. I may get the Ballistix if my Gram gives me some cash(she is coming to visit :) ). If not I may get the g.skill if somone tells me if it will be stable. If no one can I am just going to order the Mushkin Memory.